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  Deep within a warehouse in Domino City Pair, a girl sits within the darkness, hands tied behind her back and held hostage by a group known as the Ghouls. She knew that they were after her friend, Yugi Mutou and his Millennium Puzzle, as he played a part in an ancient Egyptian destiny involving magic and monsters that could spell the end of the world in the wrong hands. As much as Tea Gardner supported Yugi and the Pharaoh that shared his body, she never dreamed that evil forces would target her and Yugi's other friends. The Ghouls came out of nowhere, knocking both her and Joey out cold. Tea woke up tied in the warehouse she was in now, no one had come in yet to taunt her or spill their evil plans in front of her, or what exactly they were going to do with her. She had no idea what they were doing to Joey, only the sounds of her struggling echoed within the room.    
  After some time had passed, the door to the room finally opened. Tea saw two Ghouls with the biggest grins on their faces, with another girl bound just like Tea.  
   “Throw her with the other one.” one Ghoul ordered. The other Ghoul pushed the girl inside, causing her to land on her side on the concrete floor. The Ghouls then closed and looked the steel door shut, leaving Tea alone with the weeping, yet familiar girl in front of her.  
   “...Serenity?” Tea asked the girl. She recognized her from the photo Joey always showed her.  
   “...Y-You know me?” Serenity asked back.  
   “Yes, I'm Tea Gardner. I'm friends with your brother, Joey.”  
   “Tea? Ah I know you. My big brother's always telling me about his friends.”  
  As much as Serenity wanted to cheer up, she still had tears in her eyes.  
   “What happened? Weren’t you in the hospital?”  
   “I was, and I was cleared to leave with my bandages still around my eyes. Tristan was going to take me to see my brother duel, but then those guys in cloaks snuck up on us. They...they knocked Tristan out cold and took me away. I don't know....what they did to him.”  
  Serenity's tears flowed ever more.  
   “And then when we got here.....those bastards ripped off my bandages...”  
  Looking down, Serenity sobbed and weeped. She could not believe how cruel these strange people were to her. She pleaded with them to leave her bandages on, but they made fun of her lack of sight, ripping them off with one tug.    
   “What do they ever want us for?”  
   “For Yugi.”  
   “Yugi? Joey's best friend?”  
   “Yes. They're after his Puzzle, and now we're bait to lure him in. I'm sorry, but they caught your bother too...”  
   “Joey's here? Where is he?”  
   “I dunno, they knocked us both out and I woke up in here without him.”  
   “Why?!? All those over a silly card game?”  
  Just then, a hissing noise, like leaking gas echoed through the room. For both girls, the air became thin and was making them feel drowsy.    
   “What......is...” Tea spoke, but it became so hard to stay awake for her that she collapsed on the ground unconscious.  
   “TEA!” Serenity reacted, before shutting her own eyes and losing consciousness. The two captives laid sleep, exposed to whatever sick ideas the Ghouls would have.  
  Tea started to wake sometime later. Her head was spinning and she felt so cold and uncomfortable. So soon as she remembered her predicament, she tried to speak.  
   “Mrrrrph? Mrrrrrrrrph?”  
  Unfortunite for Tea, a red ball gag was strapped around her head and placed in her mouth, making speech impossible for her. Trying to move, she found her wrists strapped to her ankles, making her head face the ground and her ass in the air, fully on display, and a pole attacked to both ankle straps keeping her legs wide open. Now she knew she was freezing, she was naked! Completely naked apart from the straps, ball gag and a black collar around her neck. Her eyes widened from both shock and embarrassment, humiliated as she was fully exposed. She felt like she was a piece of furniture, a sexy toy or nude statue that anyone could use to fuck her, and anyone could with her pussy in full view and in reach to put anything they want into her. Struggle as she could, Tea was not going anywhere for a long time.       
   “Look who's awake.” spoke a voice. A figure waked out of the shadows of the room towards Tea, revealing himself as one of the Ghouls from earlier. “I trust you had a pleasant sleep?”  
   “Mrrrrph mrrrrphh mrrrrrph!”  
   “Guess not, not that it matters. Seems we only needed your friend Joey for our plans. Master Marik has allowed us to do what ever we want with you, you and your friend.”  
  The Ghouls placed his hands on Tea's ass, causing her to moan through her gag.  
   “Oh the fun we're going to have with you two, where shall I start? Maybe I should fuck that dripping wet pussy of yours....”  
   “...Or maybe fuck that ass of yours? Or perhaps I'll get off spanking that sweet booty of yours!”  
  Without much warning, the Ghoul spanked Tea's ass, swatting it with one almighty slap.    



Please  keep in mind that this is a Work in Progress so there's likely to be  spelling and grammar mistakes that will be corrected in the future.

Like what you've read and have maybe an idea/suggestion for the story? Leave a comment below and I'll read and consider it. ;) 


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