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On an ordinary Friday afternoon, a school nurse was in her office, signing paperwork. So far, there were no incidents during the day for the nurse to attend to, so with any luck it would be a quiet day to welcome in the weekend. That was until her intercom buzzed.

“Nurse Yukari.” spoke the person on the intercom. “We have a student that got into a fight at lunch time. It's your regular.”

“Oh, not again!” sighed the nurse, as you knew full well who the student was. “Send her in.”

The door soon opened to reveal Nurse Yukari's regular patient, Sakura Kasugano. The young Street Fighter looked in a rough state, having brushes on her arms and legs as well as a dripping cut from her lip.

“Let me guess, you got into another fight?” Yukari sighed again. 

“But it was only friendly competition!” explained the fighter. “The guy wanted to see if he could go toe to toe with a real fighter!”

“THAT'S not the point. You do not fight in school. Do you want to get expelled?” 

“Well no, but I just could not resist...”

“Let's just sort you out.”

Yukari took out a damp cloth to clean Sakura's cut, wiping the blood off her lip. 

“Honestly Sakura, if you keep treating your body this way, what good man will marry you when you're older?”

“Marry? I'm not really thinking about marriage or settling down Miss. I wanna travel the world some more, fight more challengers and see my Ryu san!”

“And do you think this Ryu would marry you when you're older?”

“I dunno, maybe. If not, I'll just have to keep doing what I love for the rest of my days.”  

After finishing attending to Sakura's lip, Yukari walked towards the door, locking it shut.

“Oh Sakura, it just pains me when I see a girl throw her life away for something so reckless...”

“Erm Miss, why did you just lock the door?”

“I'll need to look at your bruises. No point having people waking in and seeing you in the buff now is there?”

“In the what now?” Sakura raised her eyebrow. 

“Doctor's orders, or rather the nurse's. Please left up your shirt.”

Sakura did as ordered as the nurse walked back to her and place her stethoscope just above Sakura's tank top and left breast.  

“So, why are you checking my heartbeat?” asked a confused Sakura. 

“Oh false of habit. Don't get to do this enough as a school nurse.”

The nurse listen to the student fighter's heart carefully. She then took the stethoscope way. 

“Hmm, quite a fast beat you got there. You get that a lot when you're fighting?”

“All the time Miss! I get so excited when I fight!”


Next to the nurse's agenda was the sides of Sakura's chest. 

“Hmm, I can see a lot of bruising. I'm gonna have to look some more. Please take your shirt and top off.”

Not at all worried about her showing her body off and trusting the nurse, Sakura took off the clothing, revealing her respectable cup size and muscular arms and chest. 

“Just as I thought, you have A LOT of bruising.”

“I'm quite used to it Miss.”

“That's not good for your body Sakura. You'll ruin your body when you get much older if you keep this up. I'll have to look even more, please remove the rest of your uniform and clothes, and lay on the bed.”

It was then Sakura began to feel uneasy for a moment, but chose to ignore that feeling, it being her school nurse. She began by undoing her skirt, then sliding her feet out of her shoes and socks. She sat on the black nurse's bed, before the nurse said:

“All of your clothes please.”

Sakura sighed, got off the table, then pulled down her red bloomers before finishing with the white robe on her forehead, leaving her completely naked. Sitting back at the table, she laid down as instructed, covering up her most private part out of embarrassment. The nurse stood before her, looking at the naked body with examining eyes.    

“Please could you remove your hands from down there Sakura.”

“Do I have to? Do you really have to look down there?”

“Do you have to question your school nurse? I have just the thing for students that do not listen.”

Yukari took something out from under the table, a pair of cuffs. Grabbing one hand, she cuffed Sakura's wrist from above her head, then repeated with the other arm, leaving her completed exposed. 

“What kind of examination is this?!?” asked Sakura, feeling trapped.

“Still talking back to me? Lucky I have something for that too.”

Out from her pocket, the nurse took out a red ballgag, making Sakura widen her eyes in shock.

“What are you...MRPPH!.” Sakura was interrupted as the gag was shoved into her mouth then strapped on the back of her head. The nurse continued to look at Sakura.

“Oh Sakura. Why do you have to waste such a beautiful body by letting it get battered and beaten. 

Yukari pinched Sakura's nipples, pulling them up and causing Sakura to moan through her gag.

“Such nice nipples...”

She then began to move Sakura's breasts in a circular motion. 

“...and such great breasts, even with such a muscular body you have.”


For the nurse's next move, she teased Sakura's nipples once again, this time with her tongue, circling and sucking each one like she wanted a milk sample. Leaving the erect nipples alone afterward, her tongue's next target was the rather wet pussy of Sakura's. The bound Street Fighter moaned more so, experiencing pleasure she had never felt before as the nurse's tongue licked her vagina lips, opening and inner walls, feeling every sensation and movement throughout her body. Building up, Sakura could not hold in her pleasure for long, and so she came in Yukari's mouth, her orgasm juices spraying all over the nurse's face and open mouth. 

Shortly after cleaning herself and Sakura up, Yukari ungaged  Sakura, who gasped for air, puffing from her first lesbian experience.  

“Puff puff, why...?” Sakura asked.

“Do you think all I do is treat ill students Sakura? Sometimes, us Nurses have gotta have a bit of fun now and then.”

Yukari began uncuffing Sakura.

“Plus I also wanted to show you want you'd be missing if you continued down your reckless path. No one will every love you like that if you destroy your body Sakura, not even this “Ryu” you talk about.”

Sakura slowly got dressed, half thinking about Yukari's words. Was she right in a way? Would her body become such a wreak from fighting all the time that no boy would touch her? She loved Street Fighting, no doubt about it, but now she was seriously having a doubt about what kind of life she would lead continuing down this path.

“Oh, and you keep our little “experience” to ourselves okay?” Yukari winked. “You don't want me spreading nasty rumors about you that could damage your reputation forever now would you?”

“I guess not....”

“And here, take this.”

Yukari took out a squeezable tube from her pocket and gave it to Sakura, who thought it was toothpaste at first until she read the label.

“B-Gel?” Sakura asked.

“It will heal those bruises for you pretty quickly. However, I would only use it IF, and this is a big IF, you want the bruises to stop for good. You understand?”

“Not really...”

“Well, spread a bit on one of your arms at first then I think you'll understand. If you chose to use it, just rub it all over your body, even unbruised parts, and I mean every part.”

“Okay, well thanks.”

“You keep out of trouble you.”

“I'll try...”

After Sakura left the Nurse's Office, it was just like any other Friday afternoon for her. Her usual lessons, usual subjects, they all went off without a hitch. However, Yukari's words of advise ran through Sakura's head the whole afternoon, it was almost hard for her to focus on her studies. As the bell finally rang, Sakura made her way home. She did not walk with any of her friend nor got into any fights. She just wanted some alone time with her thoughts. Opening her bedroom door, she swag her school bag on top of her bed, and just fell front first onto the bed.

“Good grief.” she sighed “I've never been this confused before. I'm getting tired of being beat up so often and getting all these bruises and cut all over me. Yukari's right, who'd want this beat up body?”

As her eyes looked upward to her bag, she saw the tube of gel poking out of her bag. She grabbed the tube and got up from the bed.

“Well, let's see if this stuff actually works then.”

She figured it was a good time as nobody else was in the house. Afterall, Yukari told her to apply it all over her body. With that in mind, she began to undress out of her uniform. Her clothing scattered all over the floor, including her trademark headband, Sakura stood completely nude, starring at her reflection in her tall mirror. She gazed at all the black and red marks over her, almost like large spots. She already look quite a reck. She began to squeeze a bit of gel out the tube onto her right hand, and began to rub and stroke the green gel up and down her left arm, not missing a spot. Soon as she stopped, she noticed the cuts were closing up and the bruises were vanishing almost instantly. As she smiled, her arm began to feel tingly, and then Sakura noticed her muscles in her arm were shrinking, like they were deflating, and her arm thin to the point where she thought her arm would snap if someone tried to grab it. The girl's eyes widen as she looked her right hand, which had shrunken a bit, but also her fingernails grew in length, long enough to apply nail varnish on. As the transformation in her arm and hand ceased, she looked at both arms and hand in comparison. 

“What the hell is this?” Sakura breathed deeply. Feeling her new arm, it felt like the smoothed thing she ever stroked, and it felt so good doing so. “I-I-Is this what Yukari meant? If I want the bruises to stop for GOOD?”

Looking back at the mirror, Sakura did not know what to think. Was she afraid? If so, why was her heart racing with excitement? The same excitement she got from her first fight? Was it because this was a way out from her fighting life? Would her strength and muscles go away and then she would be just a normal girl? Continue fighting or be a normal girl, the choice was in her hand. 

“Well, I guess I could give it a go. If I don't like it, I could always go on a strict training program to get back my muscles and strength. I mean, what's the worst that  can happen?”

Her mind made up, Sakura squeezed out more gel and applied it to her other arm and hand.    



Please  keep in mind that this is a Work in Progress so there's likely to be  spelling and grammar mistakes that will be corrected in the future.

Like what you've read and have maybe an idea/suggestion for the story? Leave a comment below and I'll read and consider it. ;) 


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