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  As another puff of smoke transported the evil sorceress and her sidekick parrot to their next location, the two observed their new surroundings.    
   “Oh jeez, another Forest?” Iago moaned. “Does the writer of this fanfiction know variety at all?!?”  
   “Patience Iago.” Jafar eased her bird's complaints. “It is only the order of the commission after all. You'll get a different kind of location soon enough.”  
  Just then, the two were met with the most unusual thing either had ever seen as an Anthropomorphic dog walked up to them.    
   “Oh er, pardon me Miss.” spoke the animal person.    
   “Can I...help you?” asked Jafar, still bedazzled by the dog.      
   “Have you seen my friends Sora or Donald anywhere? We were fighting some Heartless a moment ago then gosh, I lost track of them!”  
  As Jafar and Iago stood them changing emotions from disbelief to slight annoyance for a good while, Jafar soon responded by holding up her staff and zapping the Goof in front of them, the explosion sending him flying high into the air.    
   “YAAAAAAAA-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOOEY!!!!” The dog hollerred as he faded from sight.    
   “Well, good thing we're not doing that in this fanfiction.” Iago breathed a sigh of relief. “I get confused following all those spin offs alone!”  
   “Yes, not to hate on it of course but the writer's gaming backlog is bad enough.” Jafar began walking through the forest. “Wouldnt do it any justice.”    
  As their forth wall jokes drew to a close, Jafar suddenly stopped walking as they both hear a sound.    
   “....Singing?” The sorceress listened carefully.   



Please  keep in mind that this is a Work in Progress so there's likely to be  spelling and grammar mistakes that will be corrected in the future.

Like what you've read and have maybe an idea/suggestion for the story? Leave a comment below and I'll read and consider it. ;)


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