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“Ash no!” Serena moaned. “Let's not go in there!”

“I kind of have to Serena.” Ash replied. “Brock won't get off my back unless I check this place out.”

On the way to the next Kalos gym on his journey to become a Pokemon Master, Ash and his trio of friends are taking a quick stop at a restaurant that Ash's old traveling buddy Brock had told him to go and check out many times via email and video photo calls. While Clement and Bonnie had no real objections, Serena on the other hand was really against going in there trying to convince Ash not to go, but failing. As the four entered the establishment, they scanned the place with their eyes as they waited to be shown to a table. The place looked like any other clean and well looked after restaurant.

“Well this place doesn't look so bad.” Ash spoke.

“Yeah, it looks quite nice and the food seems yummy enough.” Bonnie added.

“Exactly, it does not seem as bad as you were making it out Serena.” said Clement.

“The food and building have nothing to do with it...” Serena sighed as the female waiter arrived.

“Welcome to HootHoots!” The waitress cheerfully welcomed the group. “Can I like, show you to a table?”

“Oh boy...” Serena sighed once more as they were escorted to a table and sat down.

“My name's Britney and I'll be your waitress today!” the Waitress continued as she handed out the menus. “When you're ready to order, just like, shout out my name and I'll totally come back and take you cutie's order!"

As Britney left, Serena and Clement looked again at their surroundings, noticing all the other waiters serving customers and seemingly flirting with them. They all wore the same unique uniform, a very short white tank top with the restaurant logo “HootHoots” with the eyes of two HootHoots representing the o's printed on and short bright neon orange runner shorts, the clothing short enough to reveal deep cleavage from the waitress' rather large breasts while the shorts shaping a perfectly large round behind and well as a black thong sticking out for the world to see.

“Oooh now I see....” Clement looked at Serena looking a little embarrassed.

“Yeah, this is what I meant.” Serena looked annoyed. “I really can't stand these sort of girls at all, let alone put them all into one restaurant. This place is really degrading.”

“What? I did not see anything wrong with that waitress.” Ash looked clueless. “She seemed friendly...”

“Yeah, they're only like that Ash because that's how they make their living, appealing to your wallet by flirting with you and use their bodies for sex appeal!”

“She was...pretending to be nice?” Ash sounded confused.

“Pika.....” Pikachu sighed.

“Oh Ash, you really are dense sometimes....” Serena also sighed.

“So erm, why exactly did Brock tell you to give this place a go Ash?” asked Clement.

“It was something about the service and he went on about how there are always “hot babes” working at these places or something. He always tries to ask every girl he meets out for some reason...”

“He does?” Clement spoke amazed. “That must get pretty annoying after awhile. I can't imagine what that...”

“EXCUSE ME MISS!” Bonnie, who was out of her seat and across the other side of the room which the group of friends had not noticed before, had gotten down on one knee in front of one of the waitresses. “WOULD YOU LOOK AFTER MY BROTHER...”

“NO BONNIE!!!” Clement panicked in embarrassment as he ran out of his seat towards his sister. While Clement was busy clearing his sister's mess, Ash looked at the menu.

“Oh boy, this all looks great!” Ash drooled. “Think I'll order the triple burger deluxe with fries, what about you Serena?”

“Oh I don't care.” Serena leaned her head against her hand. “I'll just order a drink so we can get outta here quicker.”

Once Clement returned carrying his sister back, the friends called over Britney and made their order. After a short time, the waitress returned with their order.

“Here you are sweeties!” Britney handed them their food.

“Wow, this all looks great!” Ash smiled at his meal. “Thank you Britney!”

“Like, my pleasure!”

As the group ate their meal, Britney stayed at the table talking to Ash. Serena meanwhile looked at the two with dagger eyes , especially the waitress flirting with Ash.

“That's a really cutie you got there!” Britney stroked Pikachu's head. “So you like, a Pokemon trainer or something?”

“Yeah, I'm traveling the Kalos region to get eight gym badges to enter the Kalos league.” Ash answered.

“Wow, so how many badges do you have now?”

“I already have two.” Ash showed off his gym badges.

“Wow, that's the most amount of badges I've seen all day!”“


“Yeah, you'll totally be winning that league in no time!”

“Wow, you really think so?”

“I know so handsome!”

“Excuse me, some of us are trying to eat in peace.” Serena spoke annoyed, set off by the handsome remark.

“But you like, only drinking a soda from a glass!” Britney pointed out, only annoying Serena some more.

“Either way, could you just leave us please?”

“Aww okay. If you need me, just holla my name!”Britney skipped away like a schoolgirl to serve other customers.

“That was rude...” Ash told Serena.

“Look, can we just finish up and leave?” Serena asked. “I feel like my IQ is dropping every second I'm still in this awful place!”

“Awww, I wanted desert!” Bonnie moaned, as did her Pokemon Dedenne.

Another short time later, the group of friends had finished their meal. As Serena was looking forward to leaving at last sipping the last of her drink, Ash called over Brintney once more to foot them the bill.

“Aww, you guys sure you don't wanna order desert?” Britney put on a fake look of disappointment.

“Thank, but we best be going now.” Ash explained. “We have a long journey ahead of us to the next town. So how much does that come too?”

“That'll be three hundred and fifty dollars!” Britney answered, resulting in Serena spitting out the drink in her mouth all over Clement's face.


“Yes, but Ash there ordered one of the premium items on the menu.” Britney explained. “It's the second most expensive only to our Slowpoketails!”

“That's gross...” Bonnie looked blue at the thought of eating a Slowpoke's tail.

“Ash, why did you order such an expensive thing?!?” Serena asked.

“Oh, I must of misread the menu. I thought it said three dollars and fifty cents...” Ash looked at the menu again. “Yeah, I didn't think it would cost that much...”

“Well it was listed next to the Slowpoketail for a reason Ash.” Clement cleaned his glasses and face.

“Well I'm sorry but there's no way we can pay that.” Serena told Britney. “We don't make that kind of money.”

“I see, well I'll just get the manager.” the blonde haired waitress said before calling over the manager.


Another woman came over to the table wearing the same uniform as the waitresses and sporting twin black pigtails.

“What seems to be the problem Britney sweetie?” Tina asked in the same giddy and cheerful talk as Britney.

“These cuties ordered the Triple Burger Deluxe and made a woopsie on the price.” Britney explained.

“On dear, I'm sorry you made a mistake on the price.” Tina apologized.

“I'm sorry for making the mistake.” Ash also apologized. “I hope it's much of a problem.”

“Well it kinda is see.” Tina explained. “The meat is a rare premium, we'll be out of profit if we just let you go without paying.”

“But we have no money even close to that amount!” Serena pointed out.

“Well....I suppose you can repay the full amount by working the rest of the day here at the restaurant.” Tina purposed.

“You mean like all of us washing the dishes?” asked Clement.

“Not all of you. See, one of our policies is we only employ women over sixteen, so...”

At that point, Ash, Clement, and Bonnie looked at their eighteen year old friend and the only matching candidate.

“W-What? You want me working here to pay the bill?!?” Serena looked stunned. “But I'm not in the wrong here, YOU made the mistake Ash!”

“Yeah and I would pay it off Serena, but you heard Tina, only women are employed here.” said Ash, secretly glad no one brought up his “Ash maid” antic.

“Surly there must be some other way!” Serena pleaded.

“There is, I can like, call Officer Jenny and you can all spend the next week sharing a prison cell!” Tina told the group the harsh alternative, leaving a cold shiver in all the friends' spines.

A short time later after agreeing to work, Ash, Clement and Bonnie were standing in the doorway about to leave and wishing their friend Serena the best of luck.

“Okay, so we'll come back an hour before closing time to pick you up then.” Clement told Serena.

“Eleven pm?” Bonnie looking at the opening and closing times at the door window. “Wow, that's the latest I'll ever stay up!”

“Yeah...” Serena sighed, knowing it was still only one o clock.

“Don't worry Serena.” Ash tried to cheer up his friend. “I'm sure it won't be THAT bad working here. It's only for a day and it'll be over before you know it! Besides, everyone seems friendly enough.”

“Oh you mean those cheerful bimbos?” Serena muttered to herself.

“Huh?” Ash wondered what she just said.

“Nothing. Anyway I'll see you guys later.”

“Okay, you take care.” Ash waved goodbye as he, Clement and Bonnie left the restaurant. Once gone from sight, Serena turned around and walked over Tina.

“Okay, I'm ready.” Serena told her temporary manager. “What do you want me to do exactly?”

“Well let's take you out back, get you suited and booty-ed as I'd like to say, watch a quickie training video, and we can get you started serve the customers!”

“What? Can't I just wash the dishes or work out back or something?” Serena asked, thinking she would not be degrading herself as one of the HootHoot Girls.

“Sorry, but we have state of the art dish washing machine to clean all the plates and cutlery, professional chiefs that cook all our food, and the cleaning staff don't come till after hours, so the only work we have for you is serving the customers.” Tina explained.

“Aww fine...” Serena spoke disappointed. It was pointless to argue about it, she was working to avoid prison time after all so being choosy was not an option.

“Cool, follow me out back then.”

As Tina walked towards the door leading to the back area of the restaurant, Serena followed her, dreading what she was about to do. After following Tina for a short while down a corridor, Tina arrived to a door with a pink “Staff Only, Do Not Like, Enter Here!” warning sign on it, unlocked the door and the duo entered the room. What Serena saw inside however was beyond what she was expecting.

“What is this?” Serena asked.

The room looked like some sort of metal laboratory with strange alien like contraptions around the room. As the door slammed behind them, Serena turned round to see more HootHoot Girls, including Britney, blocking the only way out.

“Okay girls.” Tina ordered. “Strip her!”

Two HootHoot Girls grabbed Serena's arms while Britney and the remaining girl began pulling and tugging at her clothes. “What are you doing?!?” Serena panicked and struggled but the girls were stronger then they looked, keeping a firm grip on her arms while Britney ripping open her black top. The other girl yanked off her red skirt then pulled down her Fennekin panties while then pulling off her tights then shoes off. Once her hat fell to the floor, the rest of her top ripped off and then her bra got yanked off, Serena was completely naked and was now being carried by her arms and legs to one of the strange contraptions.


“No one can hear you while there's music being placed in the dining area.” Tina pointed out as Serena was force into a walk in glass tube attached to the wall. Once inside, her arms were locked next to her head against the wall with steel clamps, keeping her back force against the wall.

“LET ME OUT! WHAT KIND OF...MRRPH! ” Serena yelled before a rubber gag attached to a large plastic hose was wrapped around her mouth before the glass door to the tube container was closed.

“Good work Britney, you're like super good at this spotting good potential new employment!” Tina congratulated her worker.  “She has a fine ass body to boot!”

“Thank you!” Britney smiled. “The ones that always hate what we do are always good people to put through the employment process! It's sooooooo easy to switch out the menus with the menus with the pricey items they ordered!”

“MRRPPHH MRRRPPHH!” Serena moaned through her gag as soon as she heard that it was all a trap.

“Wanna do the honers?” Tina asked, handing Britney a remote.

“Like, always!” Britney pressed a pink button on the remote.

“Mrrph?” Serena could feel the hose on her gag vibrating. She looked upwards to where the hose was connected to see what was chasing it. A pink substance ran down the hose towards Serena's forced open mouth.


The pink fizzy liquid entered Serena's mouth, tasting bitter on her tongue. As much as she wanted to hold it back and not give the girls any satisfaction, the force of the hose caused Serena to drink the strange liquid down her throat, slowly in large gulps like drinking from a large soda bottle so she could still breath through her nose. As she continued drinking it by force, Serena felt a strange tingly feeling in her chest, behind and her lips. The three areas started the feel more heavy, which caused Serena to think she was inflating in size. After a forced five minute drink, the feed had finally ended as Serena gulped down the last mouth full, feeling a little light headed after the whole ordeal. Britney then walked up to the bounded naked girl, opening the glass tube door, then proceeding to ungag and uncuff her bonds. Gasping for air, Serena slowly stepped out of the tube as her mind was taking longer then usual to catch up to speed with things.

“My, you look soooo perfect!” Britney smiled.

“Totally agree!” Tina also smiled.

“Wha...” Serena wondered what they were on about as her mind woke up. She looked at her body expecting a large belly full of the stuff she drank but instead found she had indeed inflated, but not in the way she thought.

“My breasts!” Serena spoke shocked as she grabbed her enlarged melon sized boobs, the touch alone shaking her core as they were now more sensitive. Lookeing down her back, another pair on her body had now grown in size.

“My butt!” Serena looked down at her ass, now even rounder and peachier then before and the size of two small beach balls, even jiggling as she breathed like her breasts were, causing Serena to try and cover her larger pairs the best she could with her hands and arms. A lick of her lips also confirmed one last pair had grown.

“My lips!” Serena could feel they had grown to the size of two fingers pressed together. Forcing then down together now felt over more plush then before.“

W-What have you done to me?!?” Serena cried, disgraced that the girls had degraded her body to their level.

“Well if ya working for us, you gotta look da part!” a girl pointed out.

“Yeah, we can't just be hiring any flat bore that walks in here!” another girl spoke.

“We put a little bit of that stuff in every girl's drink to give em a little boost every visit they make so that'll make em wanna work for us, but when we like, find someone with full potential we give em the full dosage!”

“Flat?!?” Serena felt insulted, feeling her body was already well developed for her age of eighteen. “You've ruined me!”

“Hardly! I bet that boy will pay more attention to ya now!” Britney teased.

“Ash..isn't...” Serena blushed the moment the HootHoot Girl mentioned Ash.

“Enough chitchat.” Tina ordered. “Put her into the recruitment chair.”

“Recruitment chair?” Serena asked as she was grabbed again by the arms by the two girls and dragged towards a large metal chair. As she was forced to sit into the chair, goosebumps shivered throughout Serena's naked flesh as the cold metal pressed against her skin. Her wrists again were locked in by metal clamps onto the arms of the chair, once again making escaping impossible. Looking forwards as she struggled against her bonds, Serena saw a large HDTV in front of her.

“What are you doing now?”

“Well like, every new employee has to watch the training video!” Tina explained as she picked up a remote. “Trust me, once you're finished watching, you'll be eager to work with us and know exactly how to please the customers!”

“No! I don't want to!” Serena protested. “Let me go already!

”Ignoring Serena, Tina clicked the red on button on the remote to switch on the TV, while Britney pulled down a metal helmet attached with many various wires and connections and placed it onto Serena's head. An intro of girls working in a HootHoots restaurant played before the graphic title “HootHoots Training Video!” appeared. Tina and the other girls then began to leave the room.

“See you in an hour sweetie!” Tina winked as she closed the door behind.

“Come back here!” Serena yelled. “Don't leave me like this!”

Left all alone, Serena looked at the TV screen, now showing a sole HootHoot girl sitting at a desk in a office.

“Welcome to HootHoots honey!” the girl welcomed Serena. “And congratulations! You are now part of the HootHoots family!”

“Yeah right...” Serena ignored the video, struggling to see if she could get free still.

“As you may of realized, escape is hopeless, so like, sit back as for the next hour we'll teach you the ins and outs of working at your local HootHoots, what not to do and what to totally do, and all the boring things too like good hygiene and blah blah blah.” the video continued. “So sit back and relax, get ready to absorb all we are about to teach you, and let you mind just slip away into the training...”

As just the training part of the video began, the helmet's lights began to blink and began whatever fiendish purpose it was designed to do. At that same moment, Serena felt her eyes locked onto the TV screen and her head starting to feel strange.

“Wait...why am I...watching this...” Serena asked, feeling herself get very dizzy. “...my head...feels....funny...”

As the hour passed, the video continued teaching Serena how to work at HootHoots. There were parts like greeting customers and taking orders but the majority of the video was how to please the customers. Getting to know them, how to talk to them, what questions to ask and topics to avoid, how to move her body, and the many entertainment activities the girls get up to on special occasions like dancing, pole dancing, popping out of a birthday cake, and many other things Serena would normally consider degrading to her gender. However, she now sat there, ceasing her struggling, and paying full attention to the video, recording the information into her mind as it was the only thing it seemed capable of doing at that moment. It was like she could feel things vanishing from her mind. Not memories, but things she knew like cooking respires, what Pokemon she owned, and what two plus two equalled strangely enough. Her mouth even opened for the last ten minutes to let out a string of her drool downwards towards her enlarged chest.

“And that concludes this training video!” the girl on the video began to wrap up. “By now, your mind is full of nothing but the vast HootHoots knowledge we have shared with you and you feel like a totally different person!”

“Yes...” Serena nodded with a derp smile and her eyes now soulless like they were entranced. “ To...tally....”

“That's awesome! Have a great time working with us at HootHoots! We now own you...forever!”

As the screen blinked off, the door opened again as Tina and Britney re-entered the room.

“There's our newest employee!” Tina undid the straps keeping Serena bound, while Britney took off the helmet. “How are you feeling?”

“Like........totally awesome!” Serena giggled as she stood up, letting her chest and behind bounce at the same time.

“Interesting.” Britney looked at the helmet. “She had some smarts inside that head of her! That's the highest IQ reading in awhile!”

“Yeah, but I think she's gonna love have an identical sixty five IQ to all of us, isn’t that right?” Tina asked.

“You betcha!” Serena giggled again. “Smarts are like, for geeks!”

“Glad you feel that way sweetie.” Tina patted Serena's behind. “Come, let's get you inside your new uniform and put you to work right away!”

“Yay, I can't wait!” Serena smiled as the three exited the room.

Once Serena got dressed in the same coloured uniform as the rest of the HootHoot Girls, she went straight to work serving customers. All day long, she would go table to table asking for orders and flirting with the customers, making sure she fronted her body near enough in the guys' faces, all the while talking like a valley girl with not a smart thought in her now dumbed down mind, and throughout she no longer cared. As far as she was concerned, working at HootHoots was her life and she loved doing it.

It was now close to eleven pm and Ash and his friends had returned to pick up their friend.

“Do you think she's alight?” Clement asked.

“Oh I'm sure it wasn’t too bad.” Ash sounded relax, still not figured out what the fuss was about Serena hating the place. “I bet she actually found it more enjoyable then she thought...”

“Welcome to HootHoots!” Serena suddenly showed up in front of them. “Can I like, show you to a table?”

“Serena!” Clement looked stunned as did Ash and Bonnie by Serena's appearance. He three had never seen her this way before.

“Wow, I mean...”“You seem different.” Ash looked puzzled at his friend, knowing something was off about her appearance, but not being able to pinpoint what was different.

“You certainly have gotten...bigger.” Bonnie poked her finger at one of the large orbs on Serena's chest that blocked the little girl's view of Serena's face, making Serena giggle a little.

“Oh yeah, you're like my friends or something.” Serena's now slower mind finally clicked.

“Well of course we are.” Ash spoke. “We've been travelling together for quite awhile now.”

“We have haven’t we?” Serena responded. “Ya know, I'm kinda liking it here actually. Might actually stay here forever!”

“What seriously?” Clement asked in shock. “You could not stand this place this morning.”

“Yeah, but I loves it heres!” the busty girl replied. “Working today made me work out that this is where I wanna be the rest of my life! So yeah, I think I'll do that!"

“Serena....something's wrong.” Ash spoke in concern. “You're acting very different from this morning and you even look a little different. What's wrong, are they keeping you here by their will? Is this another Team Rocket scheme?”

“Nah nah, nothing like that....Ashlee isn't it?” Serena's mind went blank of the boy's name, yet she found something a little handsome about him. “It's like....it's like...”

Before either one of the trio could even react, three other HootHoot girls snuck behind them and each placed a damp cloth over the trio's mouths. Ash, Clement and Bonnie struggled and muffled through their captor's gags before slowing down, falling into a deep daze, and then each falling to the floor in a deep sleep.

“Thank you girls!” Serena thanked her co-workers. “You're totally awesome!”

“Well, we can't have these cuties asking questions and either take you away or try and shut down our operations!” Tina walked towards the group. “Why don't you take the rest of the night off Serena honey? You've done awesome on your first day!”

“What about...them?” Serena pointed to her former friends.

“Don't worry, we'll take care of them tonight so that by morning, you'll never have to worry about them again!” Tina answer.

“Sweet! You're the best Tina!” Serena skipped away as a metal ladder descended from the ceiling to the floor. Serena climbed up to the hidden second floor to the sleeping quarters of the HootHoot Girls.

“It's a good thing we closed an hour early or people would ask questions.” Britney said while she put the sleeping Bonnie over her shoulder.

“It may cost us our best customers of the night, but I'll be damned if these cuties take away our most awesome new girl and risk our operation.” Tina grabbed Clement by the arms and began dragging him. “Come, we'll take these three to the back.”

“Totally!” the two other HootHoot Girls replied cheerfully as they each grabbed one of Ash's legs and followed Tina and Britney while dragging the promising Pokemon Master in training along.

A short while later, Tina and Britney were waiting in the back as the other two HootHoot Girls walked towards them.

“Did you sort the little genius out?” Tina asked.

“Totally.” one of the girls replied. “We put him in the brainwash chamber. He'll be done by morning.”

“Sweet, we could use another mechanic around here.” Britney smiled.

“And the little girl?” Tina asked again.

“Placed in the Suspension Capsule.” the same girl explained.

“Good, she has promise to be a HootHoot Girl, but her adorable tiny body is way too young. About a decade or so in sleep while her body grows will do the trick.”

“Not to mention the training program running slowly in a loop inside her head and well as small amounts of sweet pink stuff feeding her so her body gets a little boost as she grows!” Britney giggled.

“That just leaves us with...him.”

The four looked at the same glass tube that changed Serena's body before, only now Ash was now bound inside, and just as naked as Serena was, with even the hose gag attached to his mouth while still unconscious.

“Erm, why is he in the tube?” the other HootHoot Girl asked. “Isn’t that like, for gals?”

“It's kinda strange.” Tina explained as she walked toward Ash. “He registered as a perfect candidate.”

“But that's totally impossible!” The first HootHoot Girl's eyes looked in shock.

“I know, I double checked and everything, but the computer says he's perfect for training.”

“Will the pink stuff even work?” Britney asked. “That stuff's like only for girls!”

“Worth a shot.” Tina pushed the button on the remote to activate the hose. “Worse case scenario, we can sell him off to the circus next time they're in town!”

As the mysterious pink liquid ran down the hose, the forceful impact of the liquid into the trainer's mouth won Ash up. Before he could even register what in Kalos was going on, his basic instincts reacted to the strange liquid by swallowing it. By the time his eyes caught sight of the HootHoot Girls and his bound predicament, it was already too late as his mouth was stuck in a swallow in big glops rhythm while breathing through his nose.

“MMRRRPPHHH MRRRPPPPPHHH!!!” He moaned as the eighteen year old's body started to feel and react in a strange manner. With every big glop he could feel himself not quite filling up, but sort of thinning away as his arms and legs began to shrink. A smooth stomach and navel formed just as the rest of his skin began to soften to an almost silky shine. As Ash's fingernails grew in length, now he began to fill like he was filling up. His backside began to inflate like a balloon and shape like it was a giant peach made of human skin. An unusual sensation happened in Ash's chest, almost like the same feeling of his force drink running down into his tummy. As his nipples stood to attention by force, Ash looked down to his horror as two round shaped grew on top of his chest, growing bigger and bigger until they were the same size as Serena's...girl things as what Ash referred them to. After the shock of the new weight that was hanging off his chest, another pain shook his body as Ash's scruffy black hair felt like it was being pulled, hair by hair. It was in-fact growing in length and straightening out from the black scruffiness he was okay with, the the smooth longer locks that almost reached his peachy butt, then lightened from its raven colour to a much more golden yellow blonde colour. The most painful transformation followed next as he could feel his...man things as his referred to them shrinking and changing shape almost like someone grabbed his balls and squeezed very hard. His manhood no more, it now resembled that of a woman's, the changing continuing upward his new formed love hole, almost as if Mario was busy amending his “pumping” work so to speak, adding a womb at no extra charge. The liquid finally stopped as the hose flew off Ash's mouth and her newly enlarged lips as she puffed for air from exhaustion. The two HootHoot Girls entered the tube and released Ash from her bounds. The former boy struggled to stay balanced walking on her new girl legs for the first time, as the two girls helped her out. Tina and Britney smiled in victory as their test was successful.

“Success!” Tina yelled all giddy. “The stuff can turn guys into gals!”

“W-What have you done to me?” Ash sobbed in her new feminine voice as she looked down at her changed body. “H-How can I live like this? How can I face my mom and everyone I know...”

“I wouldn’t worry about that Ash sweety.” Britney looked at Ash with a pleasant smile. “Although I think we're gonna have to call ya Ashley from now on, right?”

“Totally.” Tina agreed. “Let's get you recruited.”

Too weak to fight back, Ashley had no choice but to be dragged towards the very same chair and recruitment process that her friend Serena undertook.

The next day was just like the day before. The HootHoot Girls came down from the sleeping quarters from above the restaurant to get ready for another busy day serving customers. Only difference being was they had a new recruit among them.

“Yay, I soooo cannot wait to be chatting up customers again!” Serena skipped, eagerly awaiting opening time.

“Serena honey, your top.” Tina appeared, pointing at Serena's chest as her orange top did not cover her now prized Lillipups.

“Doooh, silly me!” Serena pulled down her top with a smile.

“No worry, remember if that happens, you only pull your top down when a customer points it out.” Tina reminded her new recruit.

“Okay dokay!”

“B.T.W, you have a friend who's dying to work with you.” Tina presented her newest recruit. “She cannot wait to serve customers with you!”

Ashley appear from out the face in full HootHoots uniform just like the others, and a pink bow on her head just for giggles. No objections or worries were expressed on her face, only a happy smile with empty entranced eyes.

“...Ash?” Serena looked overjoyed to see the boy she loved before she loved her new job now doing the very job she loves as well. “Is that you?”

“She's Ashley now honey.” Tina pointed out. “And she is as eager to work for us as you are!”

“Yeah!” Ashley agreed. “I like am soooooooo super excited to be working here!”

“Awesome!” Serena skipped down to hug her colleague and best friend, both set of breasts squishing together. “Let's work super hard for our first full day Ashley!”

“You said it girlfriend!” Ashley smiled, referring to Serena the way Serena had always wanted Ash to refer to her for the longest time, even though it was nothing like the way she had envisioned it, stuck to degrade herself like a horny bimbo with Ashley serving and chatting up customers. Not that either of them complained, they felt like they were in heaven, as that was what they were now programmed to feel.

As nine o clock finally stuck, the restaurant door finally opened. Without a moment's notice, both Serena and Ashley rushed over to greet the very first customer of the day, engraving a routine that'll seem normal to them for the rest of their lives...together.


The End?



“No one can hear you while there's music being played in the dining area,” Tina pointed out as Serena was force into a walk in glass tube attached to the wall.


was forced into a walk in glass tube attached to the wall.


keeping her back forced against the wall.


"Wanna do the honors?” Tina asked, handing Britney a remote.


Looking down her back, another pair on her body had now grown in size.