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   “No no no.” moaned the leader of the Sailor Guardians. “This can't be happening.”

The long blond pigtailed girl fell onto her bed in worry as she looked at her communicator once again. It had been a day since her friends and few comrades lost themselves to the twin Youma. All four were missing from school today, including her friend Naru while Umino was in the hospital. While one being unwell for a day would not be strange, all of them being missing from school was a big concern to her through all of the school day. After the bell rang for the day, Usagi tried contacting all her friends with her communicator but with no answer. When she visited each of their homes, no answer even from their parents or guardians, let alone her friends. Visiting Umino in the hospital gave no further clues. Only that her friend Naru was acting so strange, as well as the sounds of multiple cat meows outside but Usagi's concern for her friends was top of her mind to really investigate. She returned to her own home to ask Luna for help. Hugging her pillow tight, the leader was full of worry and had no idea what do to.    
   “I'm all alone.” Usagi started to get teary eyed. “I know I started out as Sailor Moon on my own for awhile but how I can take out whoever's taking out all my friends? Thats got to be one powerful monster.”  
  Soon enough, Luna returned home through Usagi's window jumping onto the girl's bed.  
   “Any luck Luna?”  
   “I could not find Artemis anywhere.” The cat reported. “We have a meet up point should any of the guardians goes missing but no matter how long I waited and tried contacting him, he's vanished without a trace.”  
   “So we're no closer to knowing where everyone is!” Usagi's tears grew bigger. “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, HOW CAN I BEAT A MONSTER THAT POWERFUL ALONE?!?”  
   “Calm down Usagi!” the mentor cat plead. “You're still the leader of the guardians! Even alone, you have to step up and save your comrades! They would certainly do the same for you!”  
   “B-But that's monster will be super scary....”  
   “Awww.” Usagi sighed. “I guess there's no other way. What shall we do?”  
   “Change into Sailor Moon and go look for them!” explained Luna. “Even if we're up all night, we must find and save them!”  
   “Okay.” Usagi wiped her tears and stood before she spoke those enchanted words that would change her into the guardian of love and justice.  
  That evening as Sailor Moon was one of her hardest. She searched the streets in secret high and low for any further clues but came up empty. Meet ups, the arcade, the park, the mall, you name it. While normally Usagi would slack off at the near mention of her favorite things, today she was completely out of character. Her motions filled with worry and her motivation overflowing with determination to find her friends. After exhausting those hotspots, Usagi turned to the usual places where a Youma would attack as the sun started to set and night time cover her tracks better. Rooftops, car parks, even the local airport all came up empty. There was just one place left remaining, the creepy abandoned warehouse she always avoided due to her crybaby nature.    
   “This is really the only place left isn't it?” Usagi looked at the decaying building.    
   “If there's a chance the other Guardians are in there, we have to at least check.” Luna instructed.    
  “Then I guess we have to go in.” The brave leader marched towards the doorless opening. As Luna watched Sailor Moon enter the building, the cat muttered to herself;

“Usagi Chan, if ony you were this brave and determined all the time...”

As Luna ran to catch up to Usagi, both entered the darkness of the warehouse. Once inside, only the moonlight from the near nonexistated damed roof lit the inside with a light blue shade. The place had seen better days, with parts of the roof scattered among the empty warehouse and grafiti painted among the walls with such words and references Usagi's young child like mind was not that acustomed to. This place was the stuff of her nightmares for all her life since it shutdown before even her birth. From monsters in her younger days to the type of nasty gangs she would not want to be around in her teens and in the case throughout her life, the fear of ghosts, the idea of an abandoned place like this even in daylight gave her the creeps. Even though there were butterflies in her stomach, that all did not seem to matter at this moment. If conquoring her fears was what it meant to save her friends, so be it.

“AMI CHAN! REI CHAN! MAKOTO CHAN! MINAKO CHAN!” She yelled in hope of a response, but the only voices her heard were her own echos. As much as she repeated her cries, no one replied. Usagi looked at her reflection in a puddle on the floor in disappointment. “They're gone arnt they? I searched high and low for my friends, but it still was not enough. Am I really that bad of a leader?”

“Not quite.” spoke a voice. “You were quite close in your search.

From among the darkness, two figures appeared to make themselves known. Though they were familiar to Sailor Moon and Luna, it was not the people they were looking for.

“That's impossible!” spoke Luna in surprise. “You're...”

“Those Youma from before!” Usagi finished.

“At least you remember us!” Pollax grinned. “Took you long enough to find us, bet you looked everywhere for your presious friends!”

“What have you done with my friends!” Usagi demanded to know.

“Like I said, you did find them eventually.” Castor answered as the Twin Youmas' pet dogs emerged from the darkness to be by their mistresses. “But I think you'll be met with a dilema you can't possibly resolve!”

Looking behind the Youma were four sets of glowing eyes looking directly at Usagi. As her heart beat so hard from sheer scaredness, Usagi could not believe what she saw as the owners of those eyes walked into the moonlight to reveal themselves.


Please  keep in mind that this is a Work in Progress so there's likely to be  spelling and grammar mistakes that will be corrected in the future.

Like what you've read and have maybe an idea/suggestion for the story? Leave a comment below and I'll read and consider it. ;)


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