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   “.....K.R.G-10 Awake.” spoke the pink haired as she was awaken in her ears.    
  Once her mind started to boot up, the girl took small earphones out of her ears that retracted into her collar. Her nights required the earphones be inserted in her heads as subliminal Team Rocket propergander would loop on repeat to keep her conditioning at bay. It was what her supiriors orders and it was something she had to compy with. She never questioned orders given to her as she felt it was want she wanted....at least, she sure it was.    
  Sitting up in synq with other girls that looked exactly like her, the girl known as K.R.G-10 was in her own bed in a room lined with beds each with a pink haired girl. Same face, same colours, same bust, one would think they were all clones, but the truth was they all had former other lives.    
  K.R.G-10 in this case was the Cerulean Gym Leader Misty. She lived with her sisters running the Pokemon Gym and had fond memories traveling with her friends Ash and Brock. That was until one day when she went to Goldenrod City to pick up her Psyduck from the local Daycare where a Team Rocket Recruiter hypnotized her and then transformed her appearance and mind into that of a  Team Rocket Grunt. Her body molded into the perfect image as imagined by the Team Rocket Leader and made unidenifyable to anyone, while her mind was made loyal and obedient as far as hypnosis would allow. The metal collar not only changed her voice to match the other grunts but sent brainwaves to her mind whenever it detected resistance in her head. The longterm plan was to fully brainwash her mind so that not even her subconcious would ever recall who she was. As she was, Misty's expression always looked dazed and half asleep but over time she would act more human, at least human by a normal Grunt's evil standards.    
  As Misty (Which for now we shall call her) got out of bed naked as did the other Grunts that were converted like her, they all lined up single file and walked out of the sleeping quarters.    
  A short time later, Misty was in the showers with the other girls washing her body. Every morning routine was the same at the Celedon Rocket HQ, get up, shower and wash every inch of her body, receive uniform in the next room, breakfast, then receiving today's mission or orders. It had been two month since Misty was converted. She was placed within the group of new recruits where she would stay until she started to act more human through the slow brainwashing and less robotic. This process usually only lasted a month, however Misty was taking longer with no signs of progress beyond her dazed half asleep state. Misty had no idea why she was still in this group of Grunts, but she never worried too much as she had not been instructed to.    
   “Ahhh yes!” smiled the girl next to her, K-R-G-27 was her name. “I love these big boobies! Feels so good to grope and squeeze! Can't wait to get a nice cock in-between these big boobs!”  
  As the girl enjoyed fondling her chest, something about Misty caught her eye.    
   “Geez, who fired the gardener?” K-R-G-27 looked down at Misty's lower area. “You never shaved down there since you got here?”  
   “No.” Misty replied. “I have not been ordered to shave my vagina.”  
   “Jeez, you're STILL in your early stage?” K-R-G-27 sighed. “You've been here what, two months and still in derp mode? Not once have you ever considered that pink jungle you've got there to please any Grunt partner you might hook up with?”  
   “No, again I have not been ordered to...”  
   “Oh whatever, like I care.” the girl waked off.  
  That was the last of the second group of girls brought in since Misty arrived. Misty knew without a doubt that she would be no doubt moved in with the normal Rocket Grunts, the ones that volunteered to join Team Rocket, and getaccess to other things like promotions, being allowed to mingle with the male grunts, better Pokemon and even in some cases, transport like strange Meowth Balloons and even Mechas. As Misty continued to wash, she then looked down at her body. While it was part of the recruitment process that she would shave down there on a regular basis, it was something the Recruiter that changed her forgot to mention. As such, Misty never shaved down there as she was not told to. In her old life, it was something she regularlly did so that not hair would poke out of her swimsuits and bikinis being the water fanatic and swimmer that she used to be. Now, the changed girl grew a big pink bush of pubic hair that covered her vagina. Previously she did not even think about it as it was not part of her orders or routine but as the other grunt pointed it out, she was started to question herself.  
   “S-Shave....partner....” she mubled as her hands moved up to her chest, seemingly about to grope them when the speakers in the shower started to play a tune signalling that shower time was over as the water from her shower ceased.    


Please keep in mind that this is a Work in Progress so there's likely to be spelling and grammar mistakes that will be corrected in the future.

Like what you've read and have maybe an idea/suggestion for the story? Leave a comment below and I'll read and consider it. ;)



I will like to see her become more deep into a member of rocket, evermore fight her former friends . Make her process more faster will be a good idea.


Yeah, I will say that part 1 was more the physical transformation, part 2 will be more the mental transformation. ;)


I am looking forward to see that complete ;)


Please keep doing this


Ahh you found it, I was just looking for it myself to link it to you. And yes, I will continue making this. I'll try and do a bit more of it over Xmas. ;)


84 years have passed :(


In due time. ;) I did hit the first Fanfic Accelerator for the next HootHoots chapter so once that's done, I'll do some more to this one (Though we are pretty close to the next Accelerator for Got Milk.). ;)