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Today, we've reached the $130 Goal on Patreon!

First off to all the Donators, I cannot thank you enough for your  generosity through the donations! This goal was something I had hoped I would get to as it would make a big difference in my life. While we are still quite a long way from the goal of turning this Content Creating into a Full Time Career, this is a big step forward for both me and everyone that enjoys and supports my works! ;)

Second, the Anabel + Greta Show is now fully uploaded on Patreon! This includes every past issue and all the Inked and Sketched variations (For $2 donators). Starting next Saturday along with the continued Cleanser uploads, I'll make a start uploading som other comics I've not yet uploaded on Patreon, like whatever's left of the "What If" series and the sole "Life of TG Me" issue, I'll have a looksie to see whats already uploads and what is not. ;)

Which brings me to the thing, reaching the $130 goal reward was meant to be uploading the rest of The Anabel + Greta Show in one go like the massive Fanfic upload I did earlier this year. Seems what happened was the $130 goal was smashed on the day the last issue was going to be uploaded! XD So what this called for is a brand new Reward.

The Return of The Anabel + Greta Show!

Yes, for reaching this goal, I shall start work on episode 22 at long last after nearly 3 years. As I do this, it will also start the process of making new issues much quicker and easier to do as well, so that you won't be waiting years for the next issue (With any luck. XD). Episode 22 will also be an extra large one to celebrate its return, look better then ever, maybe a new title card again, and will also answer a certain Alola question too.... ;)

A thing to note, it will not take focus away from other art projects but rather join the current pile of art projects I'm currently working on. Some on some daily updates, you'll see updates on current projects, other days progress on the new Anabel+Greta Show, along with the usual Classic Upload Wednesday and Saturday Classic Comic Days. ;)

Final thing to announce is I'll be considering adding more goals similar to the $130 reward where once reached, work will be accelerated on a lingering project like say, certain Fanfics I've needed to continue but have been unable to due to that Fanfic Commission pile. I'll go into more detail about that in the future and even poll you guys on that decision. ;)

But once again, thank you all once again! I hope you'll enjoy the new Anabel+Greta Show, the current projects, and the future stuff YOU helped happen! :)


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