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Honestly...can't say this month's been all that eventual. Which is funny as August ending on such a low from my break up. As I mentioned I got over it quickly and really I'm in a much better place then I was when it happened. Been able to focus on myself and my Patreon. Over then a nasty cold I caught, not much has happened on the personal side.   


 So lets get on with the creative stuff shall we? Having started serval projects at once has somewhat freshened the daily updates a bit. Granted, I might of worked on the Ponysuit Commission a bit too long, but that was mostly done to finiishing my current Ranma's Declaration of Motherhood commission, which so long as the project leader is fine with is done, and the fact it was close to completion. Now the daily updates should look a little different instead of being the same one work just about every day.   

 For the upcoming works, I'll be continuing the Alola Trio pic as well as the Haigure 2.0. My current commission pile as far as the art is concerned included the TG Princesses Pic (Just 2 to go finally) and a large bunch involving Finister Foul's Superheroines which is something I wanna talk about.

Finister has been having some family problems recently, notably his father having balder and thus having to take a break from his own works for awhile, so along with the next part of his commission, I want to do a special extra artwork for him, as I am a fan of his and do talk to him through time to time. I'm going to make this a surprise for him but lets just say it'll involve a bit of Hypno and some bondage. ;) Hope that's okay with everyone.


As we saw last week, a surprise Fanfiction came out (Rocket Recruitment at the Speed of Light), one that I wrote in just one night, an accomplishment by my standards. XD This was basically thanks to an artwork by KobiTFs that really inspired me and gave me a real creative rush. As I speak, its on his Patreon only but its halfway coloured so hopefully he'll be sharing it soon. ;) But in short, I'm hoping to use this burst of creative energy and inspiration to help turbo boost the Fanfic commission pile, even if I have to devote a night like the one I did the latest fanfic in just 1 night once a week. Honestly with the commissions starting to feel like a chore more then something I enjoy, this was really something I needed, which in the long run should my more of my own works too.   


 Now lately as I previously mentioned, there have been some nights I've been unable to upload anything and thus having to do Double Updates the very next day. I already mentioned this is one to a certain someone turning off the Internet Router at night because they think I just screw around at night when I need the night for creating new works and have explained that repeatively but they either forget or as usual, pay no attention to me. To fix this, I've ordered an Internet Dongle so that during those nights when its switched off, I can connect to 4G Internet on my Laptop just for some very limited activities like checking on a few things and ensuring the Patreon is updated that day. Might mean the odd top up here and there, but to ensure you the donators get new updates every day, it'll be worth it. And on nights I think Internet will distract me, I can have more control over using it or not and work non-stop just like the fanfic last week. ;)


 Boy, you kept me busy havbent you Nintendo? XD 3 weeks of new releases like Metroid Samus Returns, which was a great return to form, Pokemon Gold and Silver rereleases which I'm so happy to return to OG Gen 2 after all this time without the worry of the battery running out after 6 years, and the SNES Mini which like a lot of people, I was able to get one. Was concerned Game would screw it up somehow but they pulled through and got it to me on release day. Being a SEGA kid back in the 16-bit days, I missed out on a LOT of SNES games and even now through things like Virtual Console I can't save I've completed a lot of em either, so these 21 should tick a fair few all my list of “unbeaten” games. ;)
 Made a return to Wind Waker HD this month after Nintendo announced Miiverse was shutting down so I'm trying to get as many of those Figurines through the camera as fast as I can before I have to do it the hard way. XD Nearly there actually, just a few blank spots and a few more Triforce pieces to go and I'll be thinking of beating the normal quest, with the intention of carrying on into Hero mode for full completion at last (If you're currently playing the game, be sure to share rare photos through Miiverse, most notable the first 2 bosses. XD).   
 Looks like thats about it to report, sorry if it wasnt an exciting read. ^^; Onto the month of Halloween now! ;)   


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