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“I sure hope that dumb duck has grown stronger after what I paid for him!”

Misty, the Cerulean Gym Leader and lover to all Water Pokemon, had arrived in back in Goldenrod City after taking the Train from Saffron City to arrive in the Johto region in no time at all. The reason for her visit being to pick up a Pokemon from the Daycare Centre, a Pokemon that never really excelled in battle or anything really, her unreliable Psyduck. She knew the duck Pokemon could not help itself due to its constant headaches, which funny enough were also the source of its true power when at a heighten level, and that raising its own levels would probably not help much, but anything that get her duckie closer to becoming an awesome Golduck, not just for her party strength as a whole but mostly to cure it of the headaches forever. Despite being mean to this one Pokemon, Misty did have pity for it. Having a headache all your life can't be a way to live.  

After a short walk out of the city, Misty saw the Daycare in sight. She took one last look at the city behind her after the sun was starting to set.  

“Hmm, maybe I'll go visit Whitney at her uncle's ranch before I head home.” Misty remembered one of her fellow Gym Leaders. “She did promise me a tour of the place and even some “Special” Moomoo Milk she was saving just for me. Heck, can't hurt. I mean its not like when Brock told Ash he should check out that pervy restaurant that opened in Kalos with his Kalos friends, what was it called again? Hoot something?”

The Water trainer bushed off those thoughts of other adventures that could happen in another universe (Or indeed website, hehheh. ;) ) as she arrived at the door of the Daycare and entered. As she walked to the reception, she noticed something slightly off.

“Oh er hi.” Misty spoke. “I came here last week and left my Psyduck to get stronger, I believe it was the elderly lady I spoke to?”

“Ahh yes, she's....taken ill.” spoke a young woman with short pinkish red hair. “I'm covering for her.”

“Oh dear, I hope she's okay.” Misty felt concerned for the nice lady that served her last time. “Anyway, I came to pick up my Psyduck, my name's Misty.”

“Ah yes, I have you listed down here.” The woman looked down at a list. “Here you go.”

The woman opened a Pokeball to let out a yellow Pokemon. Despite being the same colour, it certainly wasn’t Misty's Psyduck.

“Wait, that's not my Psy...”

“Now Hypno, Hypnosis.” the woman ordered the Pokemon as it swung its pendulum back and forth.

“Hyp...no....” Misty muttered before her eyelids started to get heavy as she got trapped into a forced trace. All thought freezing in her mind and instead a desire to wait to be told what to do like the most obedient Pokemon. The Gym Leader could not even react fast enough from the Hypnosis attack.

“Target acquired.” the woman took off her white coat to show a familiar black uniform with a red R on the top. As she walked towards Misty now standing to attention wait a command, the Rocket Grunt put her on black hat back on her head to complete her reveal as a member of Team. “From this moment on, nothing in your life prior to this moment matters, you will not think about your time as Misty, the Cerulean Gym Leader.”

“I.....won't think......about myself.....as Misty.” the Gym Leader spoke in a monotone voice.  

“Now this next part is most important, so listen well.” The Grunt continued. “You live to serve Team Rocket!”

“I...live...to....serve...” Misty carried on, almost showing some resistance.  

“Hmm, you seem to have some fight in that head of yours.” the redhead grinned. “No matter, you're under my power enough to mold into a perfect member of Team Rocket. Come with me.”

The grunt gently guided Misty to the back-room of the Daycare. As Misty walked to her fate into the next room, there was only a normal wooden chair in the center of the room and a table with a few accessories laid out for the next task at hand.  

“Alright, lets start by disrobing these clothes. You are no longer allow to wear them or other clothes unless ordered.”

“Yes Mistress.” Misty replied with zero emotion as the Grunt began to undress her, starting by undoing the suspenders, then pulling down her Jean shorts, revealing Misty's while Psyduck panties.”

“How cute.” the redhead giggled at the underwear before lifting off Misty's yellow top. “It was tough selling that Pokemon of yours but sure enough, some Psyduck fanboy took it off our hands for something. Not as hard as taking this Daycare over, the promise of a free retirement cruise around the world was more then enough temptation to sign the place over to us without knowing it would fall to Team Rocket's hands! As a Recruiter, its easy to recruit new suckers that come in here to join Team Rocket, whether they want to or not!”

“Rocket....Recruiter...” the Gym Leader still look dazed as her bra was being taken off, then her cute choice of panties pulled down her legs.  

“Yes, that's what I am.” the Grunt told her as she took off Misty's trainers and place all the dis-guarded clothes into a bag for disposal later on. “Even since our leader's operations in the Unova region failed, membership has been at an all time low. Not that joining an organization bent on world domination is for everyone but even for those that do, our rep has been hit hard. We're old news and not a threat in most people's eyes. I heard heard rumour of some members spending years targeting one trainer for I think a Pikachu, but blow all our money and get defeated like on a weekly or even daily basis! Which is why we're now force to take more...drastic measures in terms of recruitment as you'll soon discover! Now let's get a look at you.”

The Rocket Recruiter got up and took a look at the standing naked Misty. Any other captor would of took their time to admire their hypnotized captive but the Grunt was quick in her judgement.  

“Hmm, it's not bad but you're a bit...lacking in what the Team Rocket image is and what our leader considers a perfect image, probably down to all that swimming you do.” The Rocket Grunt picked up a ray-gun from the table labelled “Enhancer”. “Lucky for you, our R&D has ways around that!”

Once back in front of Misty, the Grunt fired the ray-gun onto Misty's chest, glowing her pink light on the Gym Leader's bust.

“Ooooo.” Misty moaned, feeling a warm tingling feeling in her chest. Within seconds, her bust started to expand in size. Once a B Cup, she was now jumping up a couple of sized, going from apple to large grapefruit sized breasts before stopping at a 34D.  

“Much better.” grinned the Grunt once more. “Those are for more than just show and pleasing our leader. You will also be needing a large cleavage to hide things in when we send you out to steal stuff!”    

Next, the Grunt turned her attention towards Misty's behind.

“Now that's ass is pretty good, all round and peach.” complemented the Rocket Member. “However, those hips could do with some widening!”

Changing a setting on the ray-gun, the Grunt fired the light again, this time moving it around Misty's hips. Sure enough, they began to widen in size as well as increase her butt size a little too. Once complete, Misty's hips and butt were almost the size of a large beach ball.  

“Even better!” The Grunt looked at her handy work. “Now, you won't be hiding a lot in that butt of yours, quite the opposite really. When we send you on missions to lure in a target say at a bar or millionaire's party, you'll be expected to use those features of yours to get the attention of male, and some female, targets, whether you steal from them or take him or her to the bedroom full of other Grunts!”

“Lure...target...” Misty could not even focus or even noticed her enhancements, despite feeling nice. As a submissive, she had not been ordered to admire herself.

“From the neck down, you almost look like a twin sister!” the Grunt winked. “Let's go all the way, please sit in the chair.”

“Yes Mistress.” Misty finally made a movement by walking towards the chair. Her enhanced features now bounced and jiggled with her walk as she sat down. The Grunt walked behind Misty holding a few items from the table. The Grunt proceeded with taking off Misty's ponytail band, freeing her long orange hair.  

“I'm afraid long hair will not be allowed.” explained the Grunt as she revealed the item in her hand to be a pair of red scissors, matching comb, and hairbrush. “Sound needs a haircut!”

The Grunt began by snipping off the long back hair, making it drop to the floor. With it cut off, Misty now had shorter hair like just like when it was done in a ponytail only minus the ponytail. The Grunt turned her next target on the forehead, combing the hair then making snips to make her forehead hair more straight a tidy, even removing Misty's front quiff. The rest of the hair was bushed, snipped and styled to look like an exact replica of the Grunt's own neat and wavy hair in all but colour.  

“There, you're almost just like me!” the Grunt smiled. “Perhaps if you rank up to a Recruiter, you'll be taught these hairdresser skills as well! Just just a few more touches!”

Returning to the table, the Grunt put her hairdresser tools down and reached for a new item, a spray can labelled “Rocket Rose Red”. Once back to Misty, she started to spray the can's contents onto Misty's hair. With enough spray, her hair started to change colour from ginger to a bright pinkish red colour tone.  

“This stuff won't come off.” the Grunt sprayed along. “Its a permanent hair-dye that goes all the way down to the roots. Luckily it does not effect your surrounding skin, just the hair.”

After Misty had turned into a brighter redhead like her captor, the Grunt wiped away wet spots on the surround skin near her hair and checked she did not miss any spots. Once complete, the Grunt started to walk back to the table till remembering something made her stop.

“Oops, almost forgot!” the Grunt giggled as she turned around and sprayed the can in a much lower region. “After all, should you grow a bush downstairs it should match your new natural colour after all! Stand up for me.”

“Yes Mistress.” the Gym Leader obeyed. Just the Grunt foretold, Misty now looked exactly like the Grunt. From body frame to hair colour. It would be very hard to tell that she used to be the Cerulean Gym Leader.

“Perfect, almost my exact twin!” The Grunt picked out a few new items from the table. “Almost...put these on.”  

Handing Misty something in her hands, the changed Gym Leader and saw what looked like contract lenses. She did as ordered and put them on her eyes. After a few blinks, something else had been changed to Misty.

“Now we match in eye colour!” the Grunt smiled again. “These not only hide your true eye colour and match my colour, they will protect your eyes from any attempt to hypnotize or un-hypnotize you from your trance! You will put new once in every morning with the supply Team Rocket gives you.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Now to dress you up!” the Grunt knelled down and slide a new pair of underwear up Misty's legs, a white thong with the familiar red Team Rocket R on the front. Standing up, the Grunt put on her main uniform, the matching black Rocket top and skirt which barely hid her behind or front even. “You won't be wearing a bra unless the mission calls for it.”

Socks and boots were placed onto Misty's feet before the Grunt moved onto the gloves.  

“Over time, those special gloves will alter your prints so even the cops can't tell who you are!” The Grunt continued. “And with the special food and drink Team Rocket will be feeding you, over time even your blood and spit won't be a match to any computer record! Your daily face cream all also slowly alter your face as well so it's one hundred percent like mine....and all the other grunts! R&D is so incredible when it's not wasting time making all those silly mechas for some members!”

For the next time, a belt was fastened around Misty's waist before two Pokeballs were place in the Pokeball slots.

“You were start as a low level Grunt.” the captor explained. “As such, you are only allow a low level Zubat and Koffing as your starters. You are not allowed any other Pokemon unless assigned ones from HQ as you rank up. No capturing either, only steal Pokemon for the organization. These are your only Pokemon, you had no others before. Any kindness you had for Pokemon is now throughout the window. They are merely tools for fighting and stealing, kindness is time-wasting. You understand?”

“Zubat...Koffing....only Pokemon....kindness not accepted......only fight and....steal.....” the dazed Misty slowly muttered.  

“Very good, only more thing and...” the Grunt put a strange metal collar around Misty's neck locking it in and with a matching black hat on her head. “Beep boop, done! Say something.”

“Yes Mistress.” Misty responded, only her voice had changed. It now sounded exactly like the Grunt's voice.

“Perfect.” the Grunt grinned. “That collar changes your voice to match all the Grunts, the final piece of your identity gone! The collar won't come off without a key from a superior Member. Over time, it will alter your vocal cords so that once assigned to have the collar taken off, you'll sound like the other Grunts without it! There are some other features as well, but you'll find those out soon enough once you're ready to set out on missions!”

The Grunt then moved back to the table one last time, taking all the items off it, then moving and clicking it in place as the table turned into a tall mirror.  

“Take a look at yourself!” the Grunt commanded her captive. Misty looked at her reflection and saw a stranger looking back at her, one that mimics her movements and breathing. As much as her eyes scanned the reflection, she could not find a trace of the water type Gym Leader Misty. Tidy and wavy bright pinkish red hair, those brown eyes, a large bust that sported a big red R in the middle of her black uniform, an hourglass figure with bottom heavy hips and an ass that begs to beg groped, smacked and perfect for twerking. Complete with the black gloves, boots, belt that held her own two underpowered Pokemon, and hat, nothing about the reflection had Misty trails, as did the real Misty standing before the mirror.  

“What do you think?” asked the Grunt.

“I.....” Misty struggled with a response, her eyes still looking half asleep and her mind was as well. “It....looks nothing.....like me.....you turned.....me into....”   

The metal collar started to vibrate and lights lit up. Misty felt a small shock and like something like a brain wave moved over her mind like an ocean wave against the beach.  

“You're only hypnotized for now.” the Grunt explained. “But as time goes on, the collar will keep sending those brainwaves into your head. Slowly whatever memories are left in your subconscious will fade away over time and any resistance or question inside that head of yours will be detected by the collar to numb your mind and remove any negative thoughts or worries you had about being a Grunt. You're only dosey and sleepy for now but once your mind is fully conditioned, you'll be given a personality like me and the other higher ranking Grunts, one that would give their live for our leader, one whose kind heart is now a dark black shell of itself flooded with such evil thoughts for world domination. Now for the final bit, salute to your reflection and repeat after me!”

Misty put her left hand against her head in a salute as she was told as she looked into her reflection's eyes.

“You are a loyal Team Rocket Grunt!”

“I am a loyal Team Rocket Grunt!”

“You are no longer Misty, your assigned name is K.R.G-10!”

“I am....no longer Misty, my assigned name is K.R.G-10!”

“You will address me and other higher Grunts as Superiors, or my assigned name of K.Recruitor-05!”

“I will address you and other higher Grunts as Superiors, or your assigned name K.Recruitor-05!”

“You live to serve Team Rocket, it is your only goal in life!”

“I live to serve Team Rocket, it is my only goal in life!”

“You will steal Pokemon and money for Team Rocket!”

“I will....steal Pokemon and money for Team Rocket!”

“You will obey your superiors without question. Failure to do so will be met with severe consequences!”  

“I will obey my superiors without question. Failure to do so will be met with severe consequences!”

“You adore our leader, the Great Giovanni!”

“I adore our leader, the Great Giovanni!”

“You will worship him like a God! He create you and all of us Grunts in his perfect vision!”

“I will worship him like a God! He create me and all of us Grunts in his perfect vision!”

“Giovanni is everything! You are disposable! If it means giving your life so that he lives, you will do so without question!”

“Giovanni is everything! I am disposable! If it means giving my life so that he lives, I will do so without question!”

As the last piece of mind instructions was given to the former Misty, the Grunt known as K.Recruitor-05 started to salute also, as well start to blush red like Misty.

“ALL HAIL GIOVANNI!” Spoke K.Recruitor-05.

“ALL HAIL GIOVANNI!” K.R.G-10 repeated.

Some time later after K.Recruitor-05 tidied up the place and ensured no evidence of Misty was left by vacuuming her excess hair and taking the bag of her old clothes to be burnt and destroyed at Rocket HQ, the twin Rocket Grunts exited the Daycare, locking up the door for the day.  

“Where do we go now, K.Recruitor-005?” asked the still dozy K.R.G-10.  

“That brings me back to when I was recruited, have no personality and in a constant daze like I was half asleep, and no character what so ever, Given time, you'll earn those things and be just like me. To answer your question, we will be heading back to the Secret HQ in Celedon City for the night. Come morning, you will be told of your duties as a low rank Rocket Grunt and maybe assigned your first mission if you pass some tests! Then the rest of your life shall truly begin!”

“Thank K.Re....Superior!” K.R.G-10 nodded.

“That's the spirit!” smiled K.Recruitor-05. “You'll be self-conditioned in no time! Now lets head to my company car, I'm parked nearby.”

“Yes Superior”  

As K.Recruitor-05 lead the way forward to her car, K.R.G-10 followed along. She suddenly stopped for a moment as she saw a Pokemon egg roll by to her feet. Her dazed eyes starred at the egg for a few seconds, with the emotionless transformed girl considering her next action. The old her would ensure this egg was in a safe place like a Pokemon Centre over anything else. The new her kicked the egg hard like it was a soccer ball, causing it to flying into the nearby river with a crack on his usually tough shell. As she watched the egg wash away in the dark night waters, all she could say before running forward to catch up with her superior was;

“.............Team Rocket only cares for rare and valuable Pokemon, not the weak ones.”

To Be Continued



Can't wait to see more about this


Thank you. I have a small part of part 2 written already which can be seen as an early preview as a $2 reward. ;)


whats the name for part 2?


Rocket Corruption At The Speed of Light There's a Fanfic Preview of what I've currently written for $2 donators (Since I dunno when I'll have it completed). ;)


I didnt find it