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Be sure to see the massive upload of the mostly completed HootHoots Scene that was posted yesterday.

Onto the Monthly Update. This month was...eventful, to say the least.


Its been mostly survival mode as far as goings on have been concerned, what with a certain hefty repair bill to pay and other things that had to be paid. It all started to look up by the last week of the month though so let's go over the subjects.


Yes, I did spend a lot of time on the Serena HootHoots scene and I apologize if that got a little boring seeing the same artwork with alterations but I hope you found it worth it in the end. Now with it mostly out of the way (Bar the bonus sequence and a possible Gif version I'll do on and off while working on other stuff) I'm looking forward to my next Own Project as well as resuming the art commissions. There's quite a few ideas I have though some of them are quite bigger then just a simple 1 character pic (Multiple characters, Alts, Comic, etc.), perhaps if I work on them all on and off at the same time to keep things fresh and interesting or even poll you guys on what you'd want to see the most, we'll see.

Fanfics...have been tricky to work on as my writing day would always have something come up to eat my time or typing factory refusing to start. That said, I did get some typing done this week in-fact, some good work as well. Hopefully my next story won't be too far in the future.


Ah yes, the main cause of my tight budgeting this month. I took the TV into the repair shop (Not an easy thing to do if you have no car, but finding a TV Box + using taxis worked better then I thought.

Days later, I get the call saying they opened up the TV to find the exact probably. The total costing being £150! O_O; Now I know, I should of brought a new TV instead. However, there was noway I would have the exact funds for a new TV of the same technicals and I was going crazy from the lack of a TV as background sound and my console gaming. It wasnt till just last week that I got the funds for the repair and paid it off. Sure enough, they fixed it a day later and I went to pick it up. Thankfully working perfectly and I'm catching up on lost gaming and what little TV I actively watch (Blu Rays mostly. XD). Anyway, problem solved. Should it break again, I will no doubt replace it instead. Either a new similar one or if I get lucky, an excuse to upgrade to 4K. XD


With the TV out of the picture, it did provide some catch up time with my 3DS (Hyrule Warriors mostly, but some Pokemon Blue and Yellow too as Gold and Silver are coming next month.). Of course with the TV out of action, I wasnt going to let that stop me from getting Sonic Mania at launch and Splatoon 2 a bit later. Probably not wise since I was getting the cash for the TV but screw it, I was so looking forward to Mania and was getting annoyed with a certain Splatoon 2 spoiler. Needless to as both were great, especially Mania. Just now reexperiencing them both on the TV after beating them in handheld mode. XD


And now we get to the main downer of the month. Its something I've kept mostly private but since I got over it, I might as well explain while I was feeling down 2 weeks ago.

Basically, I broke up with someone. Someone I had been "a thing" with for the past near 3 years. It was not a messy situation, but I could not help but fell down and brokenhearted from it. That said, after thinking about it a lot to myself and even chatting to a few close friends, I surprisingly got over it quite quickly. I guess I am a very strong minded person, was even back to my jokey self in days. I do think of her still and would jump to the chance if she ever wanted to try again, but thats not going to happen anytime soon and I'm just going to focus both on me and this Patreon going forward, not jump into anymore relationships for the foreseeable future and I'm fine with that. Like I said, it hurt hard, but I got over it quickly. Moving on.


Seems even the luck gods were taking it easy on me after that heartache. I decided I would finally go see Spider Man Homecoming and what do I see among the local listings? Not only the movie Your Name, a film I really wish I saw last year, but the last showing for it! Naturally, I told Spidy to screw off and booked my ticket right away. XD

I knew it was meant to be good....but I had no idea it would be my new favorite movie off all time! Not only beautiful in animation using today's animation, not only moving and touching, I felt REALLY connected to this movie in a lot of ways, and I'm not just talking about the TG element. Its hard to explain, but old feelings from other relationships returned while watching certain scenes and it hit me so hard that I was in tears of joy by the end (I do cry to some movies, just asking Inside Out or even WallE. XD). I'm a firm believer that seeing films at certain periods of your life can effect how you feel about a movie, game or TV Show and this was one of those moments. I NEEDED this film after everything that happened prior and it helped even further to help me get over that heartache the week before.

So yes, it is number 1 in my fav movies of all time for those personal reasons. Sorry Nausicaa, you're still a beautiful movie but you can't connect to me as much as this movie did. If anywhere's still showing the film near to you, SEE IT RIGHT AWAY! I can't recommend the movie enough of its own merits! Better yet, the DVD/Blu Ray's just 2 months away. It worth its asking price. ;)

Well then, what a month huh. Let's walk towards a better September and a brighter future shall we? ;)


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