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Be sure to check the previous posts for a biggie day of content (The usual comic Saturday Update, HootHoots logo and updated Serena Scene with said logo).

Better buckle up, this month was eventual to say the least.


As you make recall, I was ill the end of last month and said I would visit the doctor. He was a little unsure what exactly it was I had, even after looking in my mouth and seeing nothing looking out of the ordinary but he gave me a nasal spray. While not the most pleasant of things to take, it did seem effective. However once I was sure it was gone, I stopped taking it and sure enough, the mucus came back recently, so back to the twice a day sprays. @_@Still, it hasnt been as bad as before so something must be working.


As if things couldnt get more annoying, my TV suddenly broke. One night the picture when all fuzzy, then black. Now it only outputs sound and no picture. While I don't watch an awful lot of TV, I'm just used to the sounds as background sound as I work or browse online even if its just the BBC News. Its just too quiet in my room this whole month that is kind of errie. lol. Therefore what shows I do watch have been watched on catch up TV (Which I try not to do on the laptop so not to distract from artwork and writing) and my gaming has been limited to Handheld only. Good for my 3DS, but I've been missing my home consoles very badly. T.T Yeah the Switch and Wii U have handheld modes.....but I wanna experience certain modes on my TV. T.T

So why has it taken so long to repair? Money difficulties. When it happened, I only had the funds left for necessities for the month. Even when I get paid this month, I'm only barely going to have enough to get a repair guy to fix it (Assuming the fault is not a major one, otherwise I'm screwed). Its a 2012 model and I've been advised its worth getting it fixed and "shouldnt" be more then £70-90 but argh, that and bills are really gonna bite me in the ass. Hell, I've even had to miss out on Splatoon 2, which I was REALLY looking forward to. Thanks other bills. T.T

And no, unless the the Patreon tripled anytime soon, buying a new TV's not gonna be an option.


Turns out my Laptop wasnt being slow at all, Firefox was. New browser time!

I did try Chrome and while itb was really good, there was something I really could not get used to. The lack of a bookmarks bar on the left. Yeah you can install one but it doesnt stay there. You have to hover your mouse over to make it appear and its just not the same.

So ultimately went with Cyberfox.

Its basically Firefox only better supported for today's browsing. Working a lot better then Firefox. Not quite Chrome levels but good enough. I'll probably jump ship to Chrome once I get a new laptop one day, but for now this will do.


So yeah, only just finished that logo didnt I? ^^; Yeah, projects have been sort of worked on/not worked on and moved onto other projects like the HootHoots scene, and that's mostly been down to real life stuff getting in the way, but the plan going forward is to get that darn banner down once and for all, then once that's done I'll be returning to the Anabel Ponysuit commission while working on the Serena HootHoots scene Alts at the same time.

As it seems, real life stuff getting in the way does get in my way a lot. I've been thinking about rearranging my daily schdule of what I do by namely working on Content during the day more like a job and for longer hours, then relax in the evening with gaming, DVD Viewing, etc. Days when stuff gets in the way, it'll be content creating at night like I usually do. I will try and enforce this the best I can but as always, real life stuff is the big factor. -_-;

.....huh. Guess I didnt have as much to say as I thought. lol. Well anyway, here's hoping things look up real life wise and it gets as exciting as the upcoming content coming up. ;)


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