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Lot of Classic Uploads this week hasnt there been?

We begin this tale last Tuesday where my mom discovers a bed bug in her room. Given how overreacting she can be, she insisted her and my dad inspect my room, despite;

A) I've not seen a bed bug since about December in my room after the final treatment in the house killed them all.
B) My grandmother has a bed bug problem lately and my mom's has been helping her out a lot lately to sort it.
C) I told her a million times I keep checking regularly and vacuum the room once a week.

But my word was not good enough, which meant moving a lot of stuff out of my room just so my parents could see for their own eyes. What a shock, no bugs anywhere in my room. So everything was moved back in (Which wore me out big time) to which then my mom insisted on a new mattress.

Thursday comes and the new mattress. Simple old one out and new one in right?

Nope. Now she wants the whole bed to go. @_@

News to me. Granted, I did buy a bed frame back in May but never got round to constructing it. So the whole of Thursday was getting the old bed and mattress out, moving stuff again to ensure said bed can get out, then of course constructing new bed and putting new mattress on it, which I had just finished.

Apologies again that its been more of a Classic Upload week but this is why I work on content during the night, but if I get too exhausted from this stuff (Even getting a earful from the brat because I couldnt order stuff for him online. Some considerate nephew he is.). I will try for something newer tomorrow, but with me moving stuff back in, we'll have to see how it goes. Failing that, this week is probably going to be Classic Upload week and then Monday will be a fresh new week full of newer goodies to marvel at.

Still, that new bed's going to get a good test drive tonight, lol. XD *Falls onto the bed*  


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