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Deep down in a secret underground Team Rocket Base in Kanto,

Butch and Cassidy were awaiting a package from headquaters. It

was a replacement for the special Pokemon suit that they had

previously lost to their rivels, Jesse and James.

"I mean how could you lose the suit to those losers Butch?"

Cassidy yelled angerly. "Do you know what it's like to tell the boss

we screwed up? It's a miricle he didn't demote us, or worse fire

our asses!"

"Hey, I said I'm sorry! I let my eyes off the box for one

second and those three idiots swipe it like ninjas and make off

with the suit!"

"Well then, DON'T make the same mistake again. I got us off

the hook once, but I doubt I can do it again."

"Don't worry, the Delibird Delivery Service never fails! As well

as selling goods, they deliver anything with no questions asked,

it's got 99.9% feedback on ebay for a reason!"

Just then, the base lift came down with a Delibird holding a full

sack and carrying a clipboard.

"Ah sweet, it arrived!" said a delighted Butch, who signed his

name on the clipboard for the delivery. The Delibird left after

Butch walked over to the table with the package.

"Hmm, it's a little heavier then last time..."

Once placed on the table, Butch teared the tape to open the box.

The contents inside changed his face from delight to absolute

horror. Cassidy came to take a look.

"Wha-WHAT?!? Screamed Cassidy as she saw the contents

of the box. It contained Gym Equipment.

"It can't be! A mix up on the package labels!" cryed Butch.

"Then where the hell is the suit?!?" Cassidy Yelled once


Meanwhile, further away in the Kanto region, Frontier Brain Greta

had recieved her package from the Delibird Delivery Service.

"At last, it arrived!" said an excited Greta, signing the

clipboard while looking forward to the future workouts with her

new gym equipment. "This is gonna be awesome!"

The Delibird gave Greta her package and swiftly flew off to its next

destination before a slightly confused Greta could ask him


"Say, this box feels lighter then Gym Equipment..." thought


Greta got indoors to her Dojo to examine the contents of the box.

Upon opening the box, her eyes were met by the dark black eyes

of a hood, resembling a Pokemon head. There was also a full

body suit inside the box.

"Hey, this is not what I ordered!" angered Greta. "Man, I've

been waiting weeks for that package to arrive!"

Greta signed as she walked over to the dojo telephone.

"I guess I'll just have to ring and complain."

As she carried the box over to the phone, a manual fell out of the

box. The front cover pictured a girl being suited up into a Milotic

suit with the wonder "Turn Anyone into a Pokemon Sex Slave! By

the TR Company" (The secret name for the Team Rocket factory.

Not quite secret huh?). It somewhat caught Greta's eye as she

picked it up and gave it a read. After she finished it, she put the

book down and gave the suit another look.

"Now why would anyone want to..."

Greta thought about it for a second and remember that a certain

lover of hers was staying over and that the suit restembled her

favorite Pokemon.

"You know, it might just add something to our roleplay


Sleeping peacefully on Greta's bed just taking a nap was the

beatiful Frontier Brain, Anabel. It was a lengthy trek to get to

Greta's so falling asleep was easy for her. Because of her psychic

abilities, she could deeply fall into a dream without being waked

by most things. Multible times, Greta would undress and lick her

whole body while she was alsleep and still wouldn`t wake. Anabel

didnt mind this as it made her dreams even sweeter, especially

with the odd orgasm she would achieve from it. Funny enough,

Anabel was dreaming she was her favorite Pokemon ilaying in a

field with other Pokemon running around. Greta snuck into her

room where her lover was sleeping.

"Hehheh, sleep well my angel."

Placing the box next to Anabel, Greta got onto top of Anabel and

began to undo her shirt. Anabel smiled as her body know it was

Greta up to her sexy shenanigans. Upon opening the suit,

Anabel's hidden bust bounced as the shirt was removed. After

removing her socks, Greta slid Anabel's pants off, leaving her in

just her pink bra and panties. Anabel knew Greta loved her in pink

underwear as she thought she looked cute in pink.

"Oooooh, I'd just be satisfied enough with just looking at this,

but if anyone was watching they'd want me to continue!"

Greta continued undressing Anabel as she unhooked her bra. As

it came off, Aabel's naked breasts bounced again from the relief of

being free. Her nipples were already errect. As the panties slid off,

Greta stood back to get a good look at her lover's wonderful

naked body and her already wet pussy.

"Right, onto the suit..."

Greta took the suit out. It was completely made of latex and it

covered the whole body. Of course there were holes for breathing

and for well, other needs.

"Wow, it even comes with a cute tail!" smiled Greta holding it


The hands and feet were empadded with paws, making it

impossible for the person inside to take it off themselves. The suit

was also suited to force the user on all fours, making standing

near impossible also.

Greta strached the neck opening up enough to start putting in

onto Anabel. It was a tricky process, but Greta was quite strong

from the workouts she normally does. She slid Anabel's feet into

the paws once the legs were frimly in. She got up to Anabel's

upper chest before catching a breather.

"Ha, this is nothing!"

Greta then continued by putting Anabel's arms into the sleeves.

Soon enough, the whole suit was on Anabel, bar the hood.

Everything apart from her head was covered, there were no

openings or whatever to give the game away.

"Ah yes, the chip."

Greta stuck the chip onto Anabel's throat. This made anything

Anabel say translate into Pokemon talk. Before Greta could

complete the transformation, Anabel softly whispered "Greta...".

Howver, due to the chip's effects, it came out as:


Upon hearing that, Anabel knew something was wrong and began

to wake. She found it hard to move as she was strangely making

rubber sounds.

"Espeon? Espeon?!?!? She panicked as her speech was

acting funny. She saw Greta with a cocky smerk.

"Ah, you're awake! I guess you're wondering what's going on.

Well, just do some thing for me first and I'll expain everything."

Greta took out an contrainer. She pressed down on a button and a

small piece of what looked like Pokemon food came out.

"Eat this, and it will make you feel better."

Anabel trusted Greta and had no reason to doubt what she was

doing, so she ate the food given to her.

"Good, now we can complete your transformation before the

food's effect take effect."

Greta pulled the hood over Anabel's head. It slid tightly on

ensuring it did not come off without assistance. Everything

became dark for Anabel, it was like she was wearing sunshades.

Greta helped Anabel on all fours and took out a pocket mirror from

her pocket to show Anabel what she had become.

"Starting today, you're going to be known as Anabel the



Anabel could not believe it. Her head now resembled an Espeon's

with the dark eyes and the long eyes. Her body was now

completely purple-ish pink. Her hands and feet were now paws

and she now had a springy tail. She rubbed her paws all over her

body trying to get it off, but with no luck. There were no opening or

anything to get it off. The suit was so tight on her body, it felt like it

was her actual skim.

"3, 2, 1..."

Just then, Anabel began to feel hot. Her nipples began to errect

again to the point they were viable. She felt so sensitive as her

punted and gasped. Her pussy was on fire from the sensation and

began very wet with excitement. Greta watched as Anabel panted

like a bitch in heat, thinking of nothing but the sensation going on

throughout her body. Greta began finger fucking her, which

repeating the speech in the manual in order to fully complete the


“You are a pokemon. You are a special pokemon. You are a

mating pokemon.

You’ve never been anything but a mating pokemon. Your only

purpose is to breed with

other pokemon as often as you can. You are an Espeon. You eat

like a Espeon, you

sleep like a Espeon, and you act like a Espeon. You can’t fight.

You don’t fight. You

don’t like to fight. You’re not a fighting pokemon, you’re a mating

pokemon. All you can

do is mate. All you can think about is mating. You don’t like

pokeballs. You don’t go in a

pokeball. You can’t go in a pokeball. You love your owner. You

obey your owner. You

always obey your owner. You want to obey your owner. You do

whatever your owner

tells you to do. You always do whatever your owner tells you to


You’re horny. You’re always horny. You’re constantly horny. The

only time you don’t

feel horny is after you’ve had sex. You want to have sex. You

need to have sex. You

can’t think about anything but having sex. You want to climax. You

need to climax.

Climaxing makes you feel good. When you climax, you don’t feel

horny for a while.

It’s good to be horny. It’s good to mate. It’s good to obey. Having

sex feels good.

Climaxing feels good. Obeying feels good.

After you climax, you will fall asleep. When you wake up, these

commands will be all

that matters to you. They will be all that you think about. And I will

be your new owner.”

And with that, the commands and continuing two fingers fucking

her in the pussy cause pleasure throughout Anabel's, I mean

Espeon's, body.


climaxed, fainting from the very powerful orgasum. As Espeon laid

on the bed, Greta licked her wet fingers of the pussy juice that

dripped from them, making sure she did not miss a single drop.

"Rest now my pet." Greta petted the now sleeping Espeon.

Later that day, Greta needed some groceries from the store, but

what unsure about leaving Espeon on her own, as she was

worried about what she might do, plus her eyes told Greta she

didn't want to be left alone. Therefore, she noticed the suit box

had a collar and leed, so she straped the collar around Espeon's

neck and then attached the leed to the collar. Espeon was so

excited to go for walkies with her mistress, even though was

wasn't fully aware of what she was doing. She would be naked, if

it weren't for the suit which pretty much exposed her figure,

nipples and pussy anyway, on all fours and acting like a

Pokemon! If anyone knew she was Anabel, one of the top trainers

in Kanto, her reputation would be ruined. Greta and Espeon

walked around town, with some townsfolk eyeing them, mostly

Espeon. Anyone that asked questions about her new Pokemon,

Greta would explain that she was taking care of the Pokemon,

which was formarly a Team Rocket experiement abandoned and

left alone in the world. No one asked where Anabel was, since

she lived in a different part of Kanto and the only person in town

that knew that she was staying over was Greta. As for as Greta

was concerned, this was another one of their roleplays. The two

arrived at the local store. Greta tied Espeon's leed to a bench

since Pokemon not in Pokeballs weren't allowed in the store.

"I'll be right back, so you just stay right there."

Greta entered the store, leaving Espeon on her own, waiting for

her mistress to return. Espeon washed her whiskers while she

waited, when she was met by a stray Jolteon. Espeon grew

excited at the sight of the Pokemon. The two Pokemon checked

each other out before Jolteon sniffed Espeon's ass and Espeon

did likewise with Jolteon. Not that Espeon needed to since as a

mating Pokemon, she knew she wanted to be fucked by Jolteon

the moment she layed eyes on it. Infact, the thought of it made her

pussy warm up and drip with juices. Jolteon could see this too,

which made its member grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until

it was fully erect. Espeon then wagged her ass in the air, longing

for a fucking. Human and Pokemon mating were not

recommended considering how large the male Pokemon's

penises can get, but Espeon did not know that. As far as she

know, she was a Pokemon and that all this was normal to her.

"Espeon!" she cried, not be able to wait any longer.

The Jolteon jumped onto of her, and his penis slid in. The size of it

sent shock waves though Espeon's body as she had never

accepted anything bigger then Greta's strap on dildo before.

Pushing back and forth, the Pokemon began to fuck. Espeon

panted with her mouth as opened as it could be, with spit dripping

off of her mouth. Jolteon's were known for their speed, so the

speed of which this one was thrusting was incredible. Thankfually,

the material of the suit was strong enough not to be damaged by

Jolteon's spikes or hurt Espeon in any way, who didn't seem to

care about passersby as she was too entranced in the sexual

extersy to notice. With each thrust, Jolteon got faster and faster

until eventually, both Pokemon came, Jolteon shooting its cum

right up Espeon's pussy and womb while Espeon squirted a mix of

her and Jolteon's jucies out of her pussy. Espeon's head laid on

the ground, exhausted from the sanitation, not noticing a horrified

Greta looking in sheer shock.


Jolteon got off Espeon and ran away, with its cock stil erect and

dripping in cum.

"Oh my Arceus, I never ment for this to go this far! What

have I done?!?"

Greta ran to Espeon to see if she was okay. To her surprise,

Espeon gave her hand a little lick.

"...I think it would be better to keep you indoors."

Upon returning home, Greta noticed Espeon was thristy, so she

got a bottle of milk out of the fridge and poured it into a bowl.

Once put down on the floor, Espeon drank the milk like a house

pet, using her tounge

to gulp the milk into her mouth. Greta was watching in her sat,

getting turned on by her lover engulfed by the fantasy, watching

her from her backside with her ass and pussy in the air. Once

Espeon had drunk every last drop, she moved towards her

mistress. Espeon noticed Greta has gotten a bit of milk on her

fingers. She licked the milk of her mistress's fingers, almost

erotically like they were sweet lollypops.

"Hmm, you really liked that milk didn'y you?"


Just then a lightbulb lit inside Greta's mind. She took out the other

bottles of milk in the fridge and told Espeon;

"Slowly follow me upstairs to my room."


Greta went on ahead up the stairs while Espeon slowly followed. It

wasn`t easy for Espeon to climb the stairs in the suit or on all

fours, but she eventually got to the top. This gave Greta more time

to get ready for what she had planned. Once Espeon entered

Greta's room, her nipples started to errect again at the sight of her

mistress of the bed naked holding a milk bottle.

"Yoohoo..." she teased.

Espeon jumped onto the bed and moved on top of Greta. With

Espeon on top, Greta proceeded to open the bottle of milk and

poured the milk all over her breasts.

"Well, drink up!"

Espeon began licking the milk all over Greta's breasts in an erotic

fashion. While licking them, she would also suck on her nipples

almost as if she was being breast fed. The wild sensations made

Greta got wild. Never had Anabel been this wild with her before.

She panted as Espeon licked every single area of Greta's breasts

until they were no longer wet with milk, but wet from Espeon's spit.

"Here comes more!"

The next bottle was not poured on Greta's breasts but on her

pussy. Espeon moved down as her tongue was now ready for a

mix of milk and pussy jucies. She crazily licked Greta's pussy with

passion. In and out her tongue went into Greta's pussy, licking

every part of Greta's vagina walls. Greta was breathless as she

was being pleasured like she never had been before. Okay,

Anabel sex was always a good thing, but she was never this wild

before! Her pussy was on fire as she began to cum, once she did,

Espeon went from licking to sucking those pussy jucies like she

was sucking a peach. Greta came again from the sucking

sensations. She panted and panted as she was exhausted from

the experience.

"Man...that was AWESOME!"

Greta reached over for something. She sprayed whipped cream

all over her body, and not just her breasts and pussy.

"Now for round 2!!!"

Hours and hours of lesbian sex involving dairy products such as

milk, cream and even chocolate, a clean up of the bed sheets and

bed of the said things and pussy jucies, and a shower shared for

both mistress and Pokemon later, it was bedtime for Greta.

Espeon was still feeling horny, considering she was mostly doing

the pleasuring for her mistress.


"Sorry Espeon, I'm too tired. Anyway, it will teach you a

lesson for fucking with that stray Jolteon!"

Greta turned off the light and snuck into bed. While Greta had

fallen asleep, Espeon was still horny for sex. Then, she

remembered that her mistress kept her Pokeballs on her dresser.

She walked up to the dresser where the Pokeballs were. She

sniffed each one in the hope of finding the Pokemon she was

looking for. Eventually, she found what she was looking for, and

tapped it with her paw to let the Pokemon out.

"Umbreon!" cryed Greta's favorite Pokemon.

Umbreon looked at Espeon and instently began to grow hard.

Hell, he was convinced she was a real Espeon and a very hot

looking one too. He had never seen an Espeon with a human

anatomy before and fell in love. There was no need to sniff

Espeon's ass as she already had her ass in the air, with her pussy

as hot as hell and dripping with her jucies. Umbreon jumped on

top of Espeon immediately with his huge cock making a direct hit

into Espeon's pussy. While Jolteon had been big, Umbreon was

even bigger, which made Espeon mouth open wider then she had

ever opened it, causing her to drool like a waterfall. While

Umbreon wasn't as fast a Jolteon, the thrusts Espeon felt inside

her were just incredible. Umbreon's cock moving up and down her

vagina walls made her so hot, so wet, so druged in sexual

pleasure. Soon enough, both Pokemon came, but Umbreon kept

on going! There was nothing Espeon could do as Umbreon was to

heavy to lift off. Normally an Espeon would use its psychic ability

to lift a Pokemon off, but Espeon did not have such abilities.

Therefore, she had to endure the sex until Umbreon was finished,

but little did she knew that Umbreon have enough stamina to gone

on for hours and hours due to their Moonlight attack, hence why

Human on Pokemon sex was not recommended. A Pokemon

could probably endure such thing but a human? It would be a

miricle. The rings on Umbreon glew in the moonlight as the both

fucked into the night

The early hours in the morning, and Umbreon was still at it,

though he was slowing down at this point. Espeon's was face

down on the floor, with an expression of pure happiness from the

hours of pleasure. The floor around them was a wet and sticky,

Espeon's stomach felt like it had streached and expanded from all

the Umbreon cum inside her (Thankfually, humans could not get

pregnant from Pokemon sex.), her vagina had never felt so alive

or hot. Inside the suit, she was soacking wet from all the sweat, its

amazing she was still alive after all she took. With one final

cumming, Umbreon pulled its cock out of Espeon. Espeon's pussy

came as all the cum inside of her shot out of her like a garden

hose. Both Pokemon laid tired from the night of sex. However,

Espeon moved herself slightly so that her face was in front of

Umbreon's cock. She had obviously not had enough as she began

sucking on the cock. Umbreon himself could not believe it himself.

She kept sucking and sucking untill she got a sip of cum to drink.

"What the Darkrai?!? said Greta as she awoke to the

absolute mess in her room with the 2 Pokemon sleeping, though

Umbreon's cock was still in Espeon's mouth, sucking while she

slept. Greta returned Umbreon to his Pokeball and then tended to



"Esp..." she replied softly.

"Damn it, this only ment to be one of our sexual fantasies, I

never ment to to go this far!" Greta cried.

Greta got the box which the suit came out of. It said in the

instructions that there was a piece of Poke food in the box that

turned any human made into a Pokemon turn back to normal.

However, the food was well hidden inside the box, the instructions

were breif and written in small text in the manual and only one per

suit was supplied. It was seen as only for incase of an emergency

and only supplied to Team Rocket members, so there was no

room for any screw up. Greta found the food in a secret

compartment inside the box. Unlike the other Poke Food, it was

white almost like white chocolate. Greta returned to Espeon, who

was slowly masturbating in her tired state. It was hard to do so

wearing the pawed gloves, but Espeon was so deeply sexed up,

she did not care.

"Could you please eat this food?" asked Espeon.

"Esp..." she softly replied.

Greta put the food into Espeon's mouth. Espeon stopped playing

with herself and fell asleep. Greta knew that as soon as she'd

wake up in a few hours, she would be back to normal. However,

she would remember everything that happened which was the

only downside. After getting Anabel out of the suit, Greta picked

her up and placed her on her bed. After cleaning her bedroom

floor, Greta waited downstairs to prepare herself for an outraged

Anabel to awake.

As you can imagine, Anabel outbusted at Greta for humiliating her

in such a way and having sex with Pokemon. Secretly though, it

had aroused her, but she would never tell Greta that Pokemon

sex turned her on that's for sure. To make it up, Greta had to

endure 2 weeks of BDSM with her as the slave and Anabel as the

mistress. She made her do things in public like walk on a leash

naked, ponygirl riding and anything as humiliating in public.

Despite this, Anabel did not feel satisfied with such a revenge, if

you could call it that.

2 weeks had passed since Anabel was back to normal. Greta had

since thrown out the Espeon suit and thought she had saw the

last of it. So she thought. Butch and Cassidy were await the arrival

for a replacement Pokemon suit from Team Rocket HQ.

Thankfually, the Boss wasn't too angry with them as it was they're

fault (but he was still angry with them to say the least). Needless

to say, the Delibird Delivery Service was nomore after the little

visit they got from some Team Rocket thugs and their baseball


"Now are you sure we'll even recieve the package this time?"

said Cassidy with a harsh tone.

"Ah sure, the Mail-Houndoom not only have 100% feedback

on ebay, but they look well cool delivering the mail! There's no

way they can fail!"

Suddenly, a Houndoom arrived with a package on its back and a

clipboard in its mouth.

"Here we are!" excited Butch who signed for the package

and and took the package off of the Houndoom who soon left

which the clipboard in mouth.

"Ah, this feels like the correct weight!" said Butch as he put

the box on the table and proceeded to open the package. Inside

was not the suit but a large book entitled "Ways To Get Revenge

On Your Lover Sexually." and a note that read:

"Hi, just borrowing this suit! Sure you won't mind, AGAIN!

Haha! Signed J xxx

"...no. NOT AGAIN!" Said Butch scared.

"Buuuuuuuuutch!" shouted Cassidy.

"Cassidy, no!"

Cassiby opened a box from under the table and pulled a suit out.

"I warned you, but you still fucked up! I think a month or 2 in

the Wigglytuff suit will teach you a lesson!"


Meanwhile, Anabel had recieved her package she had ordered

while staying at Greta's. She signed for it and brought it indoors.

Greta was out, so she opened the package and was horrified by

the sight of another Pokemon suit.

"What the..." said Anabel, reliving flashbacks of that day and

night she was totally fucked by Pokemon and humiliated. She was

angry, for a few seconds, when a lightbulb lit up in her head.

Later that night, Anabel and Greta were having a special night.

Both girls were dressed in black dresses and were having a

special candle light dinner Greta had prepared as a way of an

apologie. After the girls had finished the main course, Anabel got

out the whine.

"I'm so glad you've forgiven me over that deal with the

Pokemon suit. I had never ment for it to go that far."

"I understand Greta and I forgive you."

"Well, here's to making up and son!" Greta raised her glass.

Greta took a sip of the whine when she banged her head on the

table and was unconscious from the drugged drink.

"Of course, you may have to under go a certain

"transformation" as a way of making it up to me!" Anabel sipped

her non-drugged drink.

Greta awoke feeling strange. Her body was making rubbery

sounds as she moved around on her back. She was she was

wearing a black suit, with gold rings on her arms and legs, and

paw gloves on her hands and feet. She panicked as she tried to

get it off, but the paws made it so she couldn't as the suit was

fitted so tightly on.

"UMBREON!" She cried.

"Ah, I see the Chip works perfectly!" said Anabel smiling who

was sitting next to Greta. "Figured you'd have to go through I did

to be fully forgiven, so I say 1 or 2 days as Greta the Umbreon

should do it!"

"UMBR-" Before Greta could say anymore, Anabel slipped a

piece of Poke Food into Greta's mouth.

"Too late" said Anabel as she pulled the mask over Greta's

head. She had previously soaked Greta's hair with a bottle of

water as it was quite puffed and hard to slip a mask on. As soon

as Greta started panted like a bitch, Anabel fingered her and said

the special words.

“You are a pokemon. You are a special pokemon. You are a

mating pokemon.

You’ve never been anything but a mating pokemon. Your only

purpose is to breed with

other pokemon as often as you can. You are an Umbreon. You

eat like a Umbreon, you

sleep like a Umbreon, and you act like a Umbreon. You can’t fight.

You don’t fight. You

don’t like to fight. You’re not a fighting pokemon, you’re a mating

pokemon. All you can

do is mate. All you can think about is mating. You don’t like

pokeballs. You don’t go in a

pokeball. You can’t go in a pokeball. You love your owner. You

obey your owner. You

always obey your owner. You want to obey your owner. You do

whatever your owner

tells you to do. You always do whatever your owner tells you to


You’re horny. You’re always horny. You’re constantly horny. The

only time you don’t

feel horny is after you’ve had sex. You want to have sex. You

need to have sex. You

can’t think about anything but having sex. You want to climax. You

need to climax.

Climaxing makes you feel good. When you climax, you don’t feel

horny for a while.

It’s good to be horny. It’s good to mate. It’s good to obey. Having

sex feels good.

Climaxing feels good. Obeying feels good.

After you climax, you will fall asleep. When you wake up, these

commands will be all

that matters to you. They will be all that you think about. And I will

be your new owner.”

Greta came to those words like a pussy to a fucking. She had now

become Greta the Umbreon.

"Right, onto business."

Anabel wasted no time and got out her Pokeball. She let out her

Espeon who saw the panting Umbreon. Just like Greta's

Umbreon, it was love at first sight. Espeon had hardened in

seconds and jumped on top of Umbreon, with his cock hitting a

"critical hit". And just like Umbreon, Espeon have a special ability

which gives them tons of stamina called Morning Sun, only it

required sun light instead of moonlight, so Anabel made sure that

Espeon was out of its Pokeball most of the day, absorbing that

lovely sunlight. Espeon started thrusting back and forth into

Umbreon's pussy, giving Umbreon such pleasure she'd never felt

before. So enough, both Pokemon came to the pleasure.

"Hehheh, revenge is so sweet." smiled Anabel. "Time I got

some milk bottle ou..."

Before Anabel could finish her sentence, someone snuck up

behind her and placed a cloth over her mouth. The cloth was

socked in a cemical which Anabel had no choice but to breath in.

Doing so made Anabel drowsy and eventually, she feel into a

deep sleep.

Anabel awoke feeling dizzy and strange, yet somewhat familar.

Her body made rubber sounds whenever she moved it and she

was on all fours. It was then Anabel suddely relised what

happened to her. She opened her eyes to see her hans and feet,

sorry paws were tied to the bed forcing her on all fours and her

ass in the air. From what she could see of her body, as her vision

was darkened, she was wearing a familar purple suit.

"ESPEON!" She cried.

"Ah, glad to see you're awake!" said the mysterious figure to

her left. She looked and saw that woman from Team Rocket she

had previously encountered. Something like Jessie was her name

she recalled.

"So bet you were wondering who sent those suits to you and

your lover huh? I guess you've already guess who by now. You

see, I needed an Espeon and Umbreon to further complete my

"collection" and I could think of no one better then the top 2

Frontier Brains with the said Pokemon. I had heard you both were

an item, so watching you both make Pokemon of yourselves was

fun to watch, and sexy!"

Jessie held up something in her hand, the white piece of Poke


"See this?"

Jessie ate the Poke Food. Anabel squealed as that was her only

way of turning Greta back to normal.

"Thankfually, it has no effect on normal humans, but I'd

imagine it served some importance to you. Oh Umbreon!"

Umbreon (Greta) came into the room. Anabel noticed she was

wearing something on her pussy, the black dildo she and Greta

always played with together/

"That's a neat trick I recently discovered. You place a dildo

on the Pokemon and they'll think they are a male Pokemon until

you take it off!"

Umbreon jumped onto the bed and sniffed Anabel's pussy. As far

as she was concerned, Anabel was an Espeon, and a rather hot

looking one at that. Jumping on top of Anabel, Umbreon started

pumping her "cock" into Anabel. Not that Anabel would normally

mind, she was being watched by Jessie as the 2 were fucking like

2 Pokemon. It was so embarrassing and humiliation, she was

somewhat secretly turned on. Jessie notice Anabel's pussy was

already heating up and wet.

"Yeah, bet you love being fucked like a Pokemon don'tcha?

Fucking like 2 dirty stray Pokemon huh? Admit it, you're getting off

from it ain't ya?"

Jessie continued tormenting Anabel verbally as Umbreon

continued to pump its cock into Anabel until she came to a big


"Umbreon, return."

Umbreon got off of Anabel. Jessie then proceeded to taking the

dildo off of Umbreon, making her female again.

"Now, lay next to Ana, I mean Espeon and hag your ass in

the air the same way as her!"

Umbreon did as instructed, lying next to Anabel in the same way

as her. Jessie then held two Pokeballs up. The Pokeballs had 2

seals attached that made the Pokemon inside obay who ever

places the seals on them.

"Bet you know what happens next right?"

Jessie opened the Pokeballs behind the 2 Pokemon and out came

Anabel's Espeon on top of Umbreon and Greta's Umbreon on top

of Anabel, both with their cocks inside of the female "Pokemon.

"Now with the click of my fingers, both your Pokemon will be

fucking your brains out till morning." said Jessie as she opened

the curtains for the moonlight to glow on the Pokemon. "So you

have a choice, eat the Poke Food I am able to give you and

forever be a Pokemon, or so help me god I will break your whole

soul until you can think about nothing but sex with Pokemon. So

what's it going to be?"

Anabel did not respond. She was huniliatied and broke down, as

she was trapped in a corner with nowhere to run. Whatever she

would pick would result in never ending sex with all sorts of

Pokemon for the rest of her life.

"Alright then." Jessie was about to click her fingers when

Anabel cried;


"Knew you'd see it my way."

Jessie moved to Anabel head and presented her with the Poke

Food. Anabel ate it whole and Jessie petted her on the head.

"I promise I'll at least keep you two together, forever."

"Thank goodness." Anabel thought to herself, as slowly but

surly the food began taking it's effects. Her pluse beating like

lightning, skin as senstive as it could get, thoughts now vanished,

nipples so erect they were visable in the suit, the hot wet pussy

that begged to be fucked and the Espeon pants that were signs

that read "fuck me, please fuck me now!", once again, Anabel

became Espeon, but this time there was noway out of it. As soon

as Jessie clicked her fingers, both trainer's Pokemon began

fucking their previous mistresses. Both thrusted in sink with each


"Well, see you two tomorrow!" Jessie left the room. And so

thoughout the night, the Pokemon fucked into the night. Never

before had a bed been covered in so much cum as the former

orgasmed to their Pokemon's cocks and their Pokemon came

inside of them. They didn't just stick to the formar trainer they

were fucking, at times they would switch former mistress and

begin fucking the other. At times, they even inserted their cocks

into the former tainer's assholes, now "tailholes"! Not that Espeon

female and Umbreon female minded, as they were 2 bitches in

heat and were loving every moment of it!

"I'm back!" said Delia as she had returned to the merchant

that had sold her the Vaporeon and Flareon to get more Poke

Food supplies from her.

"Ah, welcome back Ms Ketchum. Back for more Poke Food?"

"Sure am." she replied petting who Vaporeon, who was

actually Misty, and Flareon, or was secretly May. "Tell me, have

you got your hands on a Jolteon yet to complete my "collection"?"

"Fraid not."


"However, I can do you one better."

The merchant showed Delia to a cage where Espeon, formally

Anabel, and Umbreon, formally Greta, were held, panting at the

sight of Vaporeon and Flareon.

"Oh wow!" smiled Delia. "I never knew there were more the 3

Eevee Evolutions!"

"Yes, more strangely keep getting discovered. If this were a

videogame, people would be coplaining about too many


"Indeed, can I see their faces?"


The merchant pulled their masks off to reveal Anabel and Greta.

"Oh my, you two are just so adoreable!" smiled Delia.

She then noticed the dildo attached to Greta.

"Erm, why is that one wearing a dildo?"

"Oh yeah, when ever you place a dildo onto one of the

Pokemon, they'll think they're a male Pokemon and fuck any

female Pokemon, or even human."

"Ah super! Then I'll take them!"

"An excellent choice madam."

Delia paid the 5000 each for the two Pokemon and 2000 for the

Poke Food before leaving. Delia left happy that her Pokemon

collection had doubled with a cute Espeon and Umbreon.

"Okay, when we get home, you four can have a quick fuck

and then I'll feed you your Poke Food. Then come night time, we'll

take a "visit" to Prof. Oak's ranch for tons of fun and then when we

return home, I'll get the milk and cream out!"

Delia at some nights would sneak into Prof' Oak's ranch so that

her Pokemon could fuck some of her son's Pokemon, and even

other trainer's Pokemon. Vaporeon and Flareon loved those

nights, and Espeon and Umbreon would do so soon after.

However, despite all the Pokemon they were fucked by, Espeon

and Umbreon still loved each other like never before, just like

before they were reborn into Pokemon...

The End


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