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It was a unusually quiet morning in the Tsukino household. Normally during the week, screams of Usagi realising she was late for school again would be heard a few blocks down the street as well as the mad rush to get the school but this week was not the case. Instead, it was a week long vacation for all school children. Usagi's father had already left for work, while her mother was taking her brother Shingo out for the day, and her cat Luna just gave up after the sleeping Ursagi's leg kicked her gently as a sort of “snooze” button reacting. And what way did the sailor guardian decide to spend her vacation? Going out with friends? Train her abilities further as a magical girl? Try and work out what the bad guys were going to be up to next?

Why no, she was going to lay in bed all day for as long as she wanted. 

“Hmm, Mamo-Chan...” she uttered in her sleep as she slept on her soft plush bed. “Kiss me one more time....”  

While the reincarnated Moon Princess lay in slumber however, her bedroom door slowly creaked open allowing the only other person in the house to sneak into her room. The small pink haired known as Chibiusa and Usagi's daughter from the distant future tiptoed inside trying not to wake Usagi or alert her mother to her being in the room at least. 

“Oh look at you.” Chibiusa stared at the sleeping Usagi who she stood at the end of the bed. “Sleeping like a...you know what.”

Flipping the bed covers slightly to reveal her mother's bare feet, Chibiusa stretched her arms to get ready as a strange amulet on her wrist shined from the sunlight on its golden form and pink jewel, then proceeded with her plan. 

Starting with a simple stroke of her finger against Usagi's feet caused the Sailor Guardian to withdraw her foot back within the bed covers as well as a soft annoyed moan as a reaction. 

“Oh I don't think so.” Chibiusa smiled as she grabbed the over foot and started to tickle it more traditionally with each finger of her free hand stroking it up and down. Slowly opening her eyes, Usagi looked down to see why the heck her foot was feeling funny. 

“Uhh...” Usagi yawned as her mind booted up to figure out what exactly was going on. “C-Chibiusa, please don't do that...you brat...”

Usagi dropped her head back on the pillow after asking her daughter not to tickle her hoping that would do. However, her brat daughter just continued, to which Usagi reopened her eyes with a more annoyed glare at the ceiling. 

“HEY, I SAID KNOCK IT OFF!” Usagi raised her voice. 

“You know it's two pm already right?” Chibiusa continued tickling but going faster. “Not setting a good example for me slacking off you know!”


Usagi was cut off when her foot suddenly started to feel more and more sensitive as Chibiusa carried on. It tickled slightly when she started but now it was starting to really build up to really ticklish. 

“Hehheh...” Usagi's angry frown started to turn into a happy smile. “That's...feeling kinda funny...haha......gheehee....”

It was slowly becoming unbearable. Biting her lip and holding her breath till her cheeks inflated, Usagi's burst out laughing as loud as her early morning screams of being late again. 

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Usagi laughed, not caring how loud she was being. “ST....STOP......HAHAHAHAHA!”

“That'sa good girl.” Usagi's daughter spoke with a wicked smile on her face. “Just relax, we're almost there....”

 Suddenly out of nowhere, Usagi's laughter came to a silent halt. Her mind felt empty, much more then usual, her eyes looking like she was stuck in a trace and her mouth wide open, an almost post orgasmic look on her face. As the leader of the Sailor Guardians looked up into space, her daughter was still slowly tickled her foot. 

“Now the real fun can begin!” Chibiusa smiled as the jewel on her strange amulet started to glow brightly.  

“Hmmm,,,feels so....nice...” Usagi mumbled happily as the tickling starts to feel like a nice massage that was making her whole body tingle. So lost in thought and a feeling of bliss, Usagi was unaware she was start to shrink in size every second that was passing. 

“That's a good little girl.” Chibiusa watched her mother start to shrink. 

“Yes...I'ma good little girl...” Usagi repeated as her head now disappeared into her pyjama top. Her arm did likewise up her sleeves with only her tiny foot now visible in her daughter's hand. 

“That looks about right.” Chibiusa put down the foot and pulled off the bed covers to reveal what looks like her mother's pyjamas just left on her bed almost, except there was something small breathing inside of them. Picking up the pyjama top and throwing it to the floor, the wicked pink hair girl had found her mother, still lost in her happy trance but looking a whole lot younger. Rather then looking like a high school girl, she now resembled her daughter's physical height and age of eight.  Her trademark hair now a lot shorter, her face looking more round and her breasts were now non-existent just a flat ironing board of a chest remained. Once satisfied with her work so far, Chibiusa pulled down her mother pyjama pant, unveiling Usagi's now lacking curves, undeveloped hips and shorter legs. The pink haired girl crawled on top of her younger mother to make sadistic eye contact with Usagi. “Who'sa good little girl?”

Rather then reply with a response, Usagi just made a huge smile and started babbling some babyish noises as she looked at her daughter as if the mother daughter relationship had just been reversed. As soon as she started to suck her thumb, Usagi drifted back to sleep.

“Wakey wakey!” Usagi heard a voice much later. As her eyes slowed started to open, she wondered who the voice belonged to. It sounded like Chibiusa but a little different, almost like...

“Oooh, what time is it?” Usagi yawned. “I had the most unusual dream that I...”

As she rubbed her eyes, Usagi noticed something was off. Her hands looked very tiny in her point of view. In-fact, the room around her seemed to seem bigger as well. She leaned up and noticed her long slender legs were now much shorter and a little fatter. Looking downwards met Usagi with an even weirder sight of being able to see her entire body and not having her view blocked by her breasts as they had merged back into her chest, leaving only two tiny nipples. 

“W-What's going on?!?” Usagi started to feel scared. She looked at the mirror in her room to see what looked like an old family photo of herself, only it was her reflection. “WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME?!?”

“Ahh good, you're awake!” Chibiusa entered the room. To her dismay, Usagi saw that her daughter had now aged physically, now looking like the young adult Usagi used to be and dressed in what look like a daycare uniform wearing a pink apron with Hello Kitty on the front. “Thought you'd sleep all day long!”

“What have you done Chibiusa?” Usagi asked. “Why am I younger and you're older?”

“Why that's because I'm older then you silly!” Chibiusa giggled cheerfully. “You won't be my age for another eight years!”

“Stop playing games Chibiusa!” Usagi crossed her arms angrily. “I know this is your doing somehow, now change us back!” 

“My, sounds like someone woke up a little cranky!” The pink haired adult walked towards the child Usagi and pins her down on her back. “I know just how to change that!”

Without warning, the adult Chibiusa placed her lips onto her mother's small tummy and began to blow, making sound a laugh raspberry and tickling Usagi to no end.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! C-C-CUT THAT OUT!!!” Usagi could not help herself and she laughed her tiny lungs out. She had not noticed that as this was going on, she shrank further and began a six year old which her daughter grew into an eighteen year old, growing taller and much bustier to the point where a button popped off of the top.

“My, I seem to be growing bigger and bigger every day! The pink haired adult gloated. Usagi's laughter now turned to blushing as she saw just how much bigger her own daughter was then her in certain areas, especially those huge 34D breasts of hers.  “Do you like how big mummy has become little one?”

“N-No!” Usagi angrily replied. 

“Hmm, well I bet daddy Mamo Chan will like my big boobies!” Chibiusa smiled.

“D-Don't say that!” Usagi was concerned. “Mamo Chan is my boyfr...”

“Oh you're much too young to be dating a man of his age!” Chibiusa wagged her finger. “I'm more his age and type. I mean I have such lovely big bouncy boobs, a curvy body to boot, a big butt for him to grab. He won't be attracted to a baby like you with that flatsville chest of yours, those straight sides of yours and that baby butt!”

“S-Stop it!” Usagi felt the tears building up in her eyes. “You're such a big meany...”

“Maybe I'll give him a call and ask him over for his opinion, shall mommy call daddy over?” Chibiusa hit the nerve, striking a gasher of tears from her mother's eyes.

“WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Usagi yelled as  she cried two waterfalls of tears while her head ocked back and forth, her hands thumping  on the bed and her legs kicking at the air as she was having the mother of all tantrums. “I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU YOU BIG MEANIE!!! YOU'RE SUCH A MEAN DAUGHTER, YOU CHANGE ME BACK TO A GROWN UP RIGHT NOW!!! WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

“Oh dear, sounds like someone's not being good.” The grown up Chibiusa pick her mother Usagi up with easy, sat onto the bed and placed the crybaby laid out on her lap. “Perhaps I should make you more...compliant.”

“W-W-What do ya...” Before Usagi could finish, a loud smack echoed in the room as pain hit Usagi in a certain area like a ton of bricks. “OWWWWWEEEEEE!!!! NO, ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!”

Ignoring her mother's pleas, Chibiusa carried on, which more whacks by her hand onto Usagi's tiny cans.           


In what felt like an eternal spanking for Usagi but was only actually five minutes, Chibiusa did eventually stop spanking the now glowing red behind of her mother's. Her tears falling onto her carpet like rain, Usagi felt so humiliated and ashamed, a Sailor Guardian like her self, the leader in-fact, reduced to being spanking like the defenceless six year old she had been turned into...by her own daughter of all people.

“There there.” Chibiusa claimed her crying mother down. “The pain will soon go away soon, just relax...”

It was then Chibiusa started to gentle tickle her mother's ribs gently, causing Usagi to stop crying as her head started to feel numb again as well as that ticklish feeling she felt earlier.

“Hehhehheh....n-no...” Usagi begged, knowing full well what this feeling meant. “P-p-p-please...no more.....I can't...get....any.....youn.......”

Unable to keep awake, Usagi drifted back into a sleep as everything went to black.

Some more time past and Usagi started to awaken once more with her eyes looking up at the ceiling. She had wanted to sit up but found herself unable to, feeling almost like a turtle on it's back. She could tell she was no longer on her bed at least, instead the warmth of her mattress, it felt like she was laid out on some kind of plastic mat, yet her behind felt snug in something. Confused, Usagi tried to call out her daughter but instead it came out as;

“Bahba goo?”

Usagi felt like she had turned to stone the moment she heard her voice, not just unable to utter words but sound very infant like. The movement of her tongue created more fear, where did her teeth go? Raising her arms to her eye line, they were certainly a lot shorter then before, not to mention fatter. 

“No...” she thought. “Dis c-c-can't be...”

Looking up at the ceiling again, Usagi figured she must be laid down on her study desk, which meant her dresser mirror could be seen if she turned her head left. But did she even want to face the truth of what she had become? Did Usagi dare to find out what happened to her exactly? She had to, not knowing exactly was eating her up even more. With a slow turn, she looked left at her reflection mirror across the room. Her mirror now much taller from her prospective did not show her the teenage girl she was hoping to have look back at her, not even the six year old she was just a moment ago. A tiny round face with big eyes, her trademark long ponytails were but two short curls that barely reached any further then her neck, her body no longer skinny but fatten yet so very tiny. The Sailor Guardian looked nothing like a strong leader of a magical girl team. She was much weaken then that now, feeling like the tears were starting to build in her eyes.

“I-I......I A BA-BA-BA....” Usagi talked in her tiny head before the door to her room opened once more.

“Well, look who's up!” Smiled an ever older Chibiusa. “Did BABY enjoy her nap?”

Feeling so very powerless and upset, Usagi looked at the towering daughter of hers as she stood by her table to look down on her baby mother. Chibiusa now looked like she was in her twenties, twenty five tops, looking so much more maturer now all over her body like a truly grown woman...a woman who was only wearing the pink Hello Kitty daycare apron and nothing else! It now looked much too small on her, even her now massive 34DD breasts were barely covered up. Any other day, Usagi would have been proud that her own daughter had grown such a fine body and gorgeous looks but right now she was terrified of her. 

“Looks like mommy had a little growth spurt.” the pink haired woman giggled. “Nothing in this house seems to fit me any more, not even that tiny school uniform I found this room!”    

With great ease, the adult Chibiusa turned her mother over onto her tummy, before stroking a finger up and down Usagi's now smoother back. Usagi worried as this almost created a tiny tickle in her body. 

“Much better this way.” Chibiusa smirked. “Much less of a brat and perfect for a crybaby like yourself.”

“BABAGOO!” Usagi protested while her mind said “Iz no crybaby! Huh? Why Usagi talk dis way in head? Why no big girl talk?!?”

“Now let's get you into the diaper shall we?” Chibiusa held up a container.

“DIP-IE?!?” Usagi glowed red in the face at the thought of being diapered. “NO NO, USAGI BIG GIRL!!!”

Her thoughts stuck in her tiny head, a cloud of baby powder rained down onto her bare bottom, covering it entirely in white before her white diaper was pulled onto her behind and taped up. Usagi was then turned back onto her back then picked up to be shown the last thing she had ever wanted to see in her mirror. 

“Look see?” Chibiusa showed Usagi her reflection. “You look perfect in your diaper! A big snug diaper for a huge crybaby, its a perfect fit!”

“W-W-WWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Usagi cried two streams of tears from her eyes. As much was she wanted to defend herself, she could no longer help it as if crying was common for her as a teen, then crying as a baby would come natural for her. Even her loud screaming sounded even louder then before and certainly more infant like. Her daughter had finally done it, she had broken Usagi into a real crybaby.  

“There there little bunny.” The wicked daughter rocked her baby mother with her arms sideways to hush Usagi down. “I was only gone a second, I didn't expect you to wake up so soon, but I guess one final goodbye will be okay before you start your new life!" 

What Chibiusa did next certainly shut Usagi up. Pulling the apron strap over her head, the adult woman let the apron fall down hey body and onto the floor, revealing her full matured beauty, the sight of which made her mother stop crying, almost looking at her daughter in awe but at the same time looking down at her own body and despite being naked, feeling even more naked then Chibiusa without her curves or breasts, just a baby covering in baby fat. 

“Mommy looks amazing doesn't she?” Chibiusa gloated, moving Usagi closer to her chest. “And I think it's time for your feeding!”

“No...” Usagi thought in horror. “Chib-Chib no mean...”

As she got so close to her daughter's right breast which looked gigantic in her prospective compared to her tiny hand, Usagi tried pushing the breast away with her tiny hands to resist, only to hear and feel the sloshing of milk from within causing a loud rumble in her own tiny tummy.

“My, someone's very hungry!” Chibiusa continued to tease. “You always eat an awful lot even at this age! And trust me, you're not getting the bottle!”

Usagi never liked being hungry as an adult girl, so for her to be hungry as a baby, it felt like she had not eaten in years. She was sure it could not have been years but as a baby everything felt so much longer probably down to her baby.....baby.....time thingy, it was getting harder for Usagi to maintain her vocabulary. She really wanted to eat but could she...could she really resort to being breast fed? By her own own daughter of all people?!? Her remaining dignity wanted to resist but her hunger was really taking over, even her mouth was wide open with her tiny tongue resting on her bottom lip. She could no longer take it any longer, she had to have a drink, so with a deep breath, she leaded her head toward the breast and latched her mouth onto the nipple. She began to suck slowly on the erect nipple, now more like a finger in her mouth, and sure enough, milk began to enter her mouth.

“No fair!” Usagi thought in distress as she looked up at her daughter's face. “Chib-Chib make Usagee drink Chib-Chib milk....dis so.......so....y-y-yummy!”

Usagi could not believe what she was tasting, but her daughter's milk tasted so delicious! Like the freshest most tasty milk or drink she had ever consumed. Her slow awkward suckle now turned into a rapid sucking as she was now hooked on the stuff. Filling her cheeks up and swallowing mouthfuls, Usagi wanted to fill her tummy up full of milk till she became a fat baby, not caring at all about her fat worries. 

“Good girl, goooooood girl!” Chibiusa stroked her mother's tiny head. “Drink all of mommy's milk my love, forget everything and anything...”

Usagi was so addicted to Chibiusa's milk she barely even noticed a familiar tingle throughout her body but now also inside her head. Her eyes started to look sleepy like in a  trance which she continued being nursed. Her head now felt really numb as it became extremely hard to think of a thought or even hold onto a memory. Her memories of being Sailor Moon, her former life as a princess, her best friends, the love of her life, growing up or even being a teen, her name, two plus two, all gone a faded away in just seconds, leaving only a very infant mind, the mind of a blonde baby girl.     

“There we go!” Chibiusa took Usagi away from her breast, creating a small pop sound from her mother's mouth all drooling with milk. She placed her baby mother sat on the bed to look at her. “Is baby Usa....I mean baby Chibiusa happy now?”

Usagi, now the Chibiusa out of the two looked up at the grown up woman in front of her. She had no idea who this woman was but she felt a sudden attraction to her, one that only a baby and mother could have. Her mind unable to generate a thought in her head, the baby Usagi raised her arms, put on the biggest smile she could, and babbled;


“That's right!” Chibiusa picked up her baby mother. “I'm your mommy!”

“BABA GOOOOO!” Usagi cooed, feeling so happy to be with who she assumed was she mother. 

“Oh if only you could see yourself now, a once proud leader of magical girls.” Chibiusa giggled. “But no, you're nothing more then a big baby girl now!”

“Agoooo!” Usagi smiled. 

“Shall we go downstairs and play with your new toys?” the pink haired mother asked her baby. “We can play all that, dress you up in all sorts of baby clothes, and I'll even use my Lunaball on the family so they believe you were always a baby, as well as your friends and even daddy Mamo-Chan!”

Usagi cooed even more so happily, not a trace of her adult mind was left any more. As Chibiusa carried her downstairs, she finally grinned and told herself.

“Yes...daddy Mamo-Chan is allllllll mine. Just me, him, and our baby girl....forever and ever.....”

The End 


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