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“Now who will volunteer for my Final Trick of the evening?”

“ME ME!”

It had been another sell out show for Francesca the magician. Ever since being helped out by a trio of trainers, things were finally looking up for her. Her magic show did so well in-fact, she decided to tour the Hoenn region. It was the first show of her Hoenn tour, starting at Petalberg City. She was coming to the final act of the night and chose a volunteer from the audience, who turned out to be May. May had just arrived back from Sinnoh when she pasted the theatre showing the Magic Show. Her parent and Max didnt even know she was coming home today, hoping to surprise them, but May figured she would see the show before she headed home since she wasnt expected to be back at any time today. She got up from her seat and walked towards the stage to join the magician.

“Okay honey, what is your name?” Francesca asked politely.

“My name is May, I'm a coordinator right here from Petalberg City!”v May smiled, as the audience popped after mention the city name.   

“Ahh, we have a home town girl! I guess that means you got your first Pokemon from Prof. Birch correct?”

“Yes, that's right, I chose Torchic.”

“I see, the Fire Chick Pokemon. Well for starter, let's sit you down on this chair.”

May did as Francesca told her and sat down on the chair on the stage.

“For my final act, I have saved the best till last.” Francesca took something out from her jacket pocket. “Using this pocket watch, I will hypnotize this young girl!”

The audience roared with excitement. Her hypnosis act was considered the best part of her magic show. From what people had heard, she could hypnotize anybody with her watch and make them doing anything she wanted, as well as a big finisher at the end. She held the watch by the chain in front May's face and began to swing it left and right.

“Watch the pocket watch carefully my dear, move your eyes in sync with it's movement and listen to my voice clearly.” the Magician instructed.

“Okay...” May did as she was told, moving her eyes in movement with the watch. With that, she began to feel light headed and her eyes felt a little dizzy. 

“Clear your mind of all concerns and worries, all that matters is the watch in front of you and the sound of my voice.”

“All....matters....” May spoke in a daze. 

“My voice is everything, it is stronger then the voice in your head that tell you to do things. When I tell you to do something, you act like it is your own inner voice.”

“Your voice.....everything.....

“Your mind does not need to think, it only need to obey. I am now your inner voice inside your mind, and you are just the mere body that does as it tells you.”

“I do not need to think.....only obey.”

“When I chick my fingers, your mind will reset to these commands and remain empty until and I say otherwise. Three, two, one, and....”

Francesca clicked her fingers and stopped swinging the watch. May just sat there in the chair with a blank look on her face and eyes under a perfect trace. The magician waved her hand in front of May and the trainer did not even blink. 

“I now have May under perfect hypnosis!” Francesca explained to the audience. “I will now fill her head with a new mindset based on what she has told me.”

Francesca turned her attention back to May and then whispered into her ear. 

“You are now a chick, just like your Torchic, but not quite like that, more based on the mythological creature known as a chicken. You don't speak like a human, you don't act like a human. You act like a chicken because you believe you are one. Now cluck for me chicken!”

Francesca clicked her fingers once more and May's mind was now rewritten as told by Francesca's commands. She got up from her sat, folded her arms like a chicken and flapped them, while bending forward like the stance of a chicken, before she cheeped;

“Cluck cluck cluck!”

The audience applauded at what they were seeing as May circled the chair like a mindless chicken. 

“Thank you, thank you!” Francesca thanked the audience while taking something out of her pocket. “Now how about we feed out little chicken girl?”

The magician held up a bag of bird seed and scatters some of it on the floor. Walking slowly towards it, May bend down either further to pick up the seed with her mouth the best she could. The audience cheered even louded because they knew full well a random girl like May would not embarrass herself by eating food from the floor, this made even more true as she had her behind in view full of the audience, not something an eighteen year old girl would do with a nice round ass like her or the fact she was wearing such tight black shorts. 

“What a good chicken you are May!” Francesca clapped herself. “But I think something's still missing. You act like a chicken, but you do not look like one!” 

The crowd hashed in silence, knowing full well this was leading up to the big finale. Francesca began by taking off her hat, and stretched the opening out like a a wide handbag. She place the hat on top of May's head, who was know standing to attention as her head disappeared into the hat. The Magician began to pull down harder as the hat began to swallow her neck, then shoulders, her breasts, and then her tummy, stopping above the hips. The crowd awed as now May looked like a just a hat with hips and legs. Now Francesca resumed the pulling, while more became pushing down on the hat, eating up May's hips and ass before the legs and feet were all gone. All that stood in front of the magician was her hat. She picked it up and showed the cheering audience that the hat was indeed still empty.

“And no great vanishing act is without a stunning reappearance!” Francesca smiled.

As the crowd returned quiet, she put the hat began on the ground, and then picked up in very quickly, as May reappeared out of the hat in a instant, only now she clothes had been replaced with a one piece white leotard with three feathers above her butt, long boots that looked like chicken feet along with long white gloves that resembled chicken wings, a red headband with a red rubber chicken comb on her head, and a yellow plastic beak on her mouth. The audience went absolutely wild, they had never seen a magic trick that seemed so real before. Seeing a human girl disappear and reappear in and out of a normal hat had stunned and amazed them. 

“Thank you, thank you!” Francesca blew kisses to the crowd. “I hope you enjoyed your evening, and thank you for watching my show! Say goodnight May!”

“Cluck Cluck!” May responded.

Much later after the show, Francesca was backstage, moving all her magic props and equipment into her travelling bus. Whist inside, she took a clothe off of a change, revealing a girl dressed up like a grey pigeon. He opened the cage and lead May, who was still in her chicken costume and her trance, into the cage.

“There we go Dawn!” Francesca smiled. “You finally have some company!”

“Tweet tweet!” Dawn responded.

“Cluck cluck!” May clucked. 

“So that's two bird girls I have now! Maybe on my Kanto tour, I'll picked up a “dog” and have her chase you around the stage, that would be such fun entertainment! Then maybe a “monkey” from Unova just for giggles, that would be so funny!”

Francesca shut and locked the cage, then placed the black cloth back over the cage. She had no grudge over the girls or was planning any evil scheme, even since she learnt how to hypnotize people, Francesca always used it to lure any girls she found attractive and keep as her pets for her acts and for her own “pleasurable” acts. It was the reason she picked May in the first place, she seemed like the most attractive eighteen year old girl out of the crowd. Was she a bad person? Probably, but if she could use hypnosis to get away with it, she felt like she could do anything and just loved having that power to herself. She locked up the back of her bus and boarded herself on the bus. As she pasted her driver, he asked:

“I don't know how you do it Francesca.”

“Oh you know that old saying Frank, Magicians never reveal their secrets!”

The End?



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