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Light filled the train carriage as the train heading for Station Square came out of the tunnel and was arriving at its destination. It had been a normal train right for Sonic's friends, but not for everyone's favorite Hedgehog, even though she took the ride as a guy tons of times. Guys were whistling at her on the station, and they were checking her out during the train ride, not taking their eyes off of her, which made her feel uneasy the whole journey. As the trio got off at the station and walked down the stairs, Sonic walked slowly like a shy little girl, knowing full well more guys would be looking at her even more. 

“How do you do it?” Sonic asked Amy.

“How do I do what?”

“You know, how do you act so calm when guys are looking at you?”

“Oh that. Well, I really don't let it bother me that much. It's more a complement to me then something perverted. Guys think about sex all the time, there's nothing you can do to stop that, so they really can't help it when they see a hot piece of ass like you or myself. You must know what I'm saying right?”

“Well, I guess so, but it's just so weird it being the other way round now.”  

“I'm sure you'll get used to it.....Tails, stop starring at your best friend like that!”

Tails's eyes opened widely at Amy in shock.

“What? No, I wasn't doing that! I was just listening....” the twin tailed fox panicked.

“It's okay Amy.” said Sonic. “I believe him.”

The three exited the station onto the street. It was still working hours, so not many people were in the street. The males that were though couldn't help but look at the new hot pink hedgehog that just came into town. 

“Remember Sonic, just ignore the awkwardness.” reminded Amy as the three walked on. 

“I would, but I did run down here naked to get to Tails's workshop during lunch hour!” Sonic blushed. 

“That's can't be helped. Sides, can't get any worse right?”

At that moment as the three walked onto a drain, a strong wind blew up from the drain, blowing Sonic and Amy's skirts up, so that their panties were in full view, as well as the nosebleed that shot out of Tails's nose at the surprise sight of underwear and butt. 

“This is NOT my day!” cried an embarrassed Sonic, covering her panties best she could, as was Amy. 

A sigh of relief blow out of Sonic as the wind stopped.

“It's okay, accidents happen.” Amy patted Sonic on the back.

“Yeah, but these sorts of things shouldn’t happen to the defender of Mobius!!!” moaned Sonic.

“Well until Tails finds a way of changing you back, you're going to have to just deal with it I'm afraid.”

The two Hedgehogs looked at the nose bled Tails behind them.

“You okay Tails?” asked Amy.

“Yeah sorry.” the Fox apologized, wiping his nose. “That caught me off guard...”

“You need to get out of that workshop and off that website more often you know!”

“You know about that site too?!?”

“Yeah. Clear your bookmarks next time you let me check e-mails on your computer silly.”

The three walked on for a little longer, with Sonic doing her best to ignore any perverts whistling at her or scanning their eyeballs at her sexy body. Soon enough, they arrived at a department store, Bunnie Rabbot Department Chain. 

“Here we are!” Amy smiled, noticing a poster on the window. “Ahh, a new Scent of Sally is out!”

“What is it with these weirdly named girl things?” Sonic thought to herself as they entered the store. A strange feeling went over Sonic as she saw the different rails of clothes, departments like make up and perfume. As a guy, she would just walk past those sections with no thought about it, but now she felt interested in the woman’s department, like an explorer entering a new jungle, wanted to look around everything and spread a lot of time there. Heck, she was even feeling the urge to try stuff on.

“Where do you want to start?” Amy asked Sonic.

“I dunno....for some reason I wanna look at it all...”

“Oh? I sense the shopaholic emerging in you Sonic.” Amy joked. “Let's start with the underwear department.”

The trio spend the next ten minutes or so looking for underwear to buy for Sonic. An easy sounding task, but Sonic was extra picky, stating she did not want anything TOO girly, which did not stop Amy suggesting all sorts like pink panties, cute designs like Hello Kitty, even a thong, to which the idea shocked Sonic's core, declaring she was not ready for one, yet. In the end, Sonic stuck with a few pairs of white underwear, not going for any of Amy's adventurous suggestions. 

“Come on Tails, we're going to see what outfits we can find Son...”

“WAIT AMY!” Spoke Sonic.

“What is it?” asked Amy.

“Don't say my name in public!” She whispered. “I REALLY don't want anyone but us to know I'm a girl!”

“Oh okay....how about we call you Sonikura?”

“Well, I guess that'll do...”

“Good, problem solved. You coming Tails?”

“OH? Erm...” Tails turned around, caught offguard holding something.

“What have you got there? Red underwear?!?”

“Oh, I was just...looking for Soni...kura...”

“Sure you were.”

Sonic walked up to Tails, taking the underwear away from Tails. She gazed at it, noticing it was sexy lingerie.

“....you like red underwear?” Sonic asked. 

“Well......I guess its a turn.....on I have. Thought you might, you know.....”

After looking at the lingerie again and thought for a moment, imagining herself in the sexy underwear, she smiled and giggled at Tails.

“Well, I guess I'll get these too. Thank you Tails Chan!” Sonic brushed her hand on the top of his head. “Anyway, outfits.”

Sonic skipped along to the clothing department still smiling, with Tails following along. Amy stood still for the moment with a confused look on her face.

“....well that was just weird.” she told herself.

“Come on Amy!” yelled Sonic happily. “We gotta look at the dresses!”

Amy followed on, wondering if Sonic was right about losing herself to her new female self for the first time. At first, it seemed like fun, but now she could see her boyfriend was changing, slowly but surly. Still, she shook her head, reminding herself this was only till they found a cure to change her back. Afterwall, it was only temporary, what harm could it do to let Sonic experience womanhood? At least she would respect her more as her girlfriend once Sonic changed back, then all Amy's fantasies could come true. 

At the clothing department, Sonic felt like a kid in a candy store, losing herself in the many pretty dresses, tops, skirts and assessories around her.

“Oh wow, these all look good!” she said to herself. “What should I pick?”

“You oughtta watch your balance Sonikura.” warned Tails. “These dresses are pretty pricey.”

“Relax Tails, do you know how fangirls send Paypal donations to my official website? It would shock Eggman, that's for sure!”

“Oooo, how about this one?” Amy suggested, holding up a red dress.

“Amy, I'm not buying the same dress as you!”

“Amm, but we could look like twins!”

“Attention shoppers!” a voice spoke from the store speakers. “Right now for the next ten minutes, we're having a massive eighty percent discount on many items! Please make your way to the center of the store for many great deals for a short time only!”

“EIGHTY PERCENT?!?” Amy yelled. “Excuse me you two, this is my cue for bargain battles!”

Amy ran as fast asa she could to the store center where a large pile of dresses were placed in a huge box, with dozens of other keen shoppers fighting other bargains, grabbing what they could, pulling and tugging dresses and other clothing. Like a madman, Amy took out her mallet sized hammer, clearing her path by whacking other animals out of her way into the female shopper's war zone. Diving into the pile of clothes, her eyes scanned left and right at the many dresses on sale, while her arms threw the reject clothes away. She soon eyed a nice frilly pink number that was eighty percent off, but when grabbing it, Amy found herself in a tug of war contest with another interested shopper.

“LET GO!” Yelled Amy.

“NO, YOU LET GO YOU HOG!” The rival shopper responded.


As the two battled on, neither noticed the pink blur that jumped in-between them, grabbing the dress off of them, before performing a perfect somersault planning. The two shoppers looked in awe at her, wondering what the heck just happened.

“Yaaaay, my first bargain!” smiled Sonic.

After payment, the three friends exited the store, shopping bags in hand, walking around the city, wondering where to go next.

“Wow, that was actually pretty fun!” said an happy Sonic, swinging her bags back and forth. “Never knew this feel so....exciting!”

“If you say so.” said Amy, grinding her teeth a bit from losing that bargain dress to Sonic. “But I was wondering, when you jumped up to grab that dress, why didn’t you go into a Spinball?”

“Oh yeah. Well, I dunno. Usually when I jump, I going into a ball, but it didnt happen this time.”

“Huh, what do you think Tails?”

“I guess the change in body has effected Sonikura's abilities.”

“That's true, I can no longer run as fast as I could either.”

“Yeah, you outta be careful if Eggman's badniks run into you.” warned Amy. “Ah hey, a bar!”

The three stopped outside Tekno Canary's, a very popular bar in Station Square.

“Let's go in!” said Amy. “I wanna buy you your first drink!”

“I don't really drink Amy.” said Sonic. “You should know that already.”

“And I'm under age!” sighed Tails.

“Oh come on, it's not like anyone will know its you Sonikura. And Tails, you'll have to wait outside!”

“But...” Sonic tried to say, but Amy grabbed her hand, and dragged her into the bar. Sonic always pictured himself as straight edge, never touching drugs, never smoking, never engaging in promiscuous sex, and never touching a drop of alcohol, and for good reason. Millions looked up to him, not just as a hero of Mobius but as a role model. If he were to engage in those acts, he would left them all down, and would be a blow in his battle against Eggman. But then, she figured that again, she WAS a female now, and not recognized by anyone outside of Amy or Tails, and she assumed she would be changing back, so really, when would she get another chance to try a drink? When Eggman would finally be defeated and she could retire? Like that would ever happen anytime soon. She was sure just one drink wouldn’t hurt.  

“Well, maybe just one...” sighed Sonikura.

An hour later, Tails was still standing outside the bar, waiting for the two Pink Hedgehogs to emerge out of the bar, both on wobbly legs and a look of delight. 

“Well, you two took your time!” Tails spoke angrily. 

  “OH HEY TAILS! MA OLD BUDDY OLD PAL!” Sonic spoke with the smell of drink in her breath. “HOW'S YOU?”

“How much have you had to drink?”

“Oh leave her alone!” Amy said also with the smell of drink. “It's her first time a little...tipsy!”

“That's right Miss Rose!” Sonic tried to high five her fellow Hedgehog, only to miss. “Its way pass.....something or other!”

“Can we go home now? It's getting late.” asked Tails.

“Oh but our night's only just begun! * Hiccup *” said Amy. “OH HEY, A KARAOKE BOX!” 

Both Hedgehogs made their way across the street to a Karaoke Box. Tails would only follow on, sighing and hoping the day would end sooner rather then later. The trio entered the building and got into a small private booth with a sofa to sit on and a Karaoke machine and mic on the other end.

“YOU FIRST SONIC!” Amy pushed her former boyfriend towards the machine as her and Tails sat down on the sofa. “I wanna hear your girl voice sing!”

“Aww, but I dunno what to sing.” Sonic smiled shyly. 

“I know, try typing your name in the search!” said Amy.

“Good ideas!” Sonic typed her male name in, fetching a few hundred results. Being hero of Mobius meant she had songs written about her ever so often. Scrolling down the results, she found a song she wanted to sing.

“OOOH, I LOVE THIS ONE!” She said, selecting her choice. “I'll be able to sing this perfectly now as a girl!”

“Oh that Catty Carlisle song? Good choice!” said Amy.

As the music started to play, Sonic began to sing best she could in a Country Western accent, if a little drunk:

“ Sonic the Hedgehog! 

You can't catch what you can't see! 

Sonic the Hedgehog!

He's gonna make Mobius free!”

“Shouldn’t that now be “She's” gonna make Mobius free?” Amy laughed and joked.

“Aww, don't be me off!” Sonic giggled.

“Urg...” Tails silently giggled as the night went on. The two girls sung on, going through all the Sonic songs from Fastest Thing Alive, to a painful duet of Live and Learn. Tails was thankful when they were thrown out for staying longer then they paid, and for drunken behavior. It was now midnight, and very dark outside.

“We should get goin..” said Tails before Sonic collapsed on his shoulders.

“Carry me Tails, * hiccup *”. Sonic muttered. “Too tired to walk...”

“Well, I'll leave ya two lovebirds alones!” said a dazed Amy. “I'ma off home!”

“Nah nah, the night is young Amy!” smiled Sonic. “Let's go drink some mo-”

Sonic's head dropped down as she fell into a sleep on Tails's shoulder. Grabbing her legs, Tails gave her a piggy back ride while holding her shopping.

“Christ, she's heavy!”moaned Tails.

“You're luckys she ain't awake, or she'd slap ya!”

“You sure you can make it back home Amy?”

“Yeah yeah, I've done this plenty of times! You just take Sonic back to yours. And don't try anything!”

“Try anything?”

“Yeah, like undressing her or somethings, you perv! Anyways, see yas!”

Amy walked away, a little wobbly on her legs, but managing just about. Tails did not want her going by herself, but she did not live far, and judging from her previous drunk experiences, she was in a better state then Sonic. As Tails slowly made his way to catch the last train back home, carrying a dozing Sonic on his back while carrying the shopping, Sonic kept rubbing her cheek across Tails's face, smiling in her sleep like she was feeling the most comfortable pillow. 

“You has nice fur....” she whispered in Tails ear, making the fox nervous again.

As soon as they got on the train with no one but themselves, Sonic laid down on the seats, resting her head on Tails's lap. The twin Tailed fox glowed bright red again as he gasped at her body, thinking the most perverted thoughts of how hot she looked. Just as the chapter ended like it started, Tails thought to himself;

“....this is so fucked up.”

To Be Continued 


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