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Iris later reawaken after being brainwashed, but however, things were not the same. For a start, she was now laid out on a table naked in a different room, one that looked more like a laboratory in a basement. Secondary, she had a strange metal helmet on her head with all sorts of wires attached to it. Worst still, her mind was no longer the same. Rather then keep her under hypnosis or brainwashed, Jessie decided to completely rewrite her memories altogether!

“Morning sleepy head!” Jessie looked at Iris, seeing if the reprogramming had worked. “How do you feel?”

“I feel...” Iris mumbled as her head tried to think with all her new memories and thoughts coming together inside her mind. “I feel...great!”

No longer the girl aiming to be a Dragon Master, Iris now believed she worked at the R Spa as a maid. She knew all about Team Rocket and their plans, but she worked for them rather then fought them. To her, Jessie felt like a mother to her, though she was not sure why. In-fact, her whole upbringing seemed like a forgotten memory, but she was rewritten to not question the blank spaces in her mind, only to be happy and obedient to Jessie. That and she ad an unusual turn on regarding being naked in public and all the time, and hating to wear any clothing. 

“Was I sleeping again?” Iris spoke cheerfully as if she was not in any danger. 

“Afraid you were dear, and naked as well!” Jessie replied. “You know you can't be sleeping naked anywhere you want, or you'll scare away all our guests!”

“I know, but wearing clothes is so dull and boring! I'd rather be a nudist and go everywhere in the nude!”

“You can do that in your own time. For now, get back into your maid outfit and back to work!”

“Aww, do I have to?” Iris moaned in a sad tone. 

“Yes, we have guess coming shortly! Just be thankfully I don't make you wear bras or underwear, or do I have to adopt a no nudity rule?”

“Awww, okay...”

Iris got off the table and grabbed a maid outfit from the floor, stepping into it with her legs before pulling it up to her upper body and zipping the back. Iris always felt uncomfortable in clothes, at least that's what she now believed. Even putting her red shoes and hand-band on makes her flinch and shudder. 

“Don't worry, its not forever dear. One day, you can be just like Dawnbot and Johannabot and then you'll be as nude and as mindless as you want.”

“I know I know.” Iris groaned, always wanting to be robotified like the mother and daughter couple. “So just make sure the rooms are tidy for our guests then?”

“Yup, and you know exactly what to do when they get here right?”

“Got it!”

Iris skipped along out of the basement to do her maid chores. James meanwhile arrived in the room.

“So the compete mind rewrite worked then?” James asked.

“Perfectly.” Jessie replied. “And I even dropped her IQ by a bit too.”

“Good, Meowth's in the hot air balloon on lookout, and he's just radioed in to say he saw the arrivals coach. They should be here in about thirty minutes.”

“Great, guess I'll have to skip that lap in the pool for later then.” Jessie sighed as she got back into her disguise. 

“Yay!” May stretched her arms as she and her friends got off the coach in front of the R Spa. “That soooo beats walking!”

“I'd thought you'd be used to walking long distances by now May.” said Zoey.

“I am, but give me transportation any day, and better yet, with the Sinnoh Champion!”

Cynthia got off the coach last, taking off her sunglasses to get a good look at the spa. Her first response being, while licking her lips;

“I sure hope they sell Ice Cream.”

“Oh Cynthia.” Zoey laughed. “You never change!”  

Being the only ones on the coach, the trio made their way to the spa. Inside, they were greeted by Jessie at reception, who once again had her fool proof disguise on that no twerp or person could see through. 

“Hi, welcome to the R Spa!” Jessie welcomed the group. “How may I help you?”

“Yes, we have a reservation here.” said Zoey, as each girl handed over a booking form each.

“Ah yes, a Zoey, May, and a region celebrity! we've been expecting you, we are honoured to have you here at R Spa Miss Cynthia!”

“Erm, thank you.” Cynthia blushed, never used to special welcomings at places so basic as a spa. 

“Here are your room keys!” Jessie handed each girl a key. “You'll all be staying on the second floor.”

“That's nice, but I wanna get straight to a treatment!” Zoey spoke excited. 

“Me too!” Cynthia said pleasantly. 

“You guys go on ahead, I might just catch some Z's in my room.” May yarned. 

“What?” Zoey looked puzzled at her fellow Coordinator. “But you've not walked at all today!”

“Oh let her go.” said Cynthia happily. “I'm sure May'll enjoy her treatment once she's feeling more refreshed.”

“I guess...” Zoey sighed. 

“May I take your bags?” Iris arrived in front of the trio in her maid outfit. 

“Aww, arnt you the cutest in that uniform!” Cynthia complemented Iris. 

“Thank you, but I usually prefer not wearing anything.” Iris smiled. 

“Wha?” May now also looked puzzled, before Jessie coughed. 

“Why don't you take their bags already Iris?” Jessie kindly asked her reprogrammed helper.

“Sure thing!” Iris replied as she took each girl's backpack. Just then, Dawn Bot and Jo Bot walked into the reception. 

“CAN WE BE OF ASSISTANCE MISTRESS?” Dawn Bot asked coldly. 

“Yes, you can perform one of the treatments for one of our guests, while you Jo Bot can perform room service.” Jessie commanded.

“AS YOU WISH MISTRESS.” The Robots responded in unison. 

“Wow, you have robot servants here?” Zoey asked, amazed at the sight of them. “I thought those kind of things were stuff of fiction!”

“Yes, well one of our subsidiaries is actually a big name in robotic technology, so they supply us with robot helpers not only to assist us, but to test out their new models too.” Jessie explained, not revealing it was actually the robotics department of Team Rocket, let alone the robots' real identities. 

“That's so cool, I wonder what one would be like at a back massage?” Zoey wondered. 

“Ice cold I bet with those hands.” Cynthia also wondered. 

“Why don't you find out?” Jessie asked. “I can easily organize this robot to give you the best massage ever.”

“Sound good, I think I'll try that!” Zoey smiled, as she walked away, following Dawn Bot to the massage room. 

“You okay May?” Cynthia asked. 

“I dunno.” May looked puzzled. “Something about those robots seems....off. Oh I dunno, must be the mind wanting a good rest on a pillow.”

“Okay, well we'll catch you later then.” Cynthia said. 

“Okay. See you later.” May walked up the stairs to her room. 

Meanwhile, Zoey and Dawn Bot were already in a massage room. Zoey had already stripped out of her clothing and wrapped a towel around her body. While she did feel kind of awkward taking her clothes off in front of Dawn Bot, she was rest assured by the robot that she was only steel, wires and circuits, and only merely an appliance, not human, so Zoey felt more assured and went ahead with it. 

“Okay then, let's see what you can do.” Zoey said as she got onto the table and laid down on her front. Dawn Bot walked over to Zoey, and lowered her towel down to her backside.

“COMMENSING HEAT SENSORS.” Dawn Bot spoke as her metal hands were placed onto Zoey's back and began massaging. 

“Oooooooooooo Yeah!” Zoey moaned pleasurably. “That's feels great! Your hands feel just like human hands!”


“I see, you do a great massage too! It's a bonus too you look kind of like a friend I like who...”


Rather then wait for Zoey to do as she said, Dawn Bot grabbed her hips and turned her over.

“Wait what?” Zoey asked. 

“ACTIVATING PLEASURE LAZORS!” Dawn Bot stood to attention before two pink lasers shot out of her steel nipples onto Zoey's flesh ones. 

“What are you...AHHHH!” Zoey moaned as the lasers touches her nipples.  “OH MY GOD, AHHHHHHH!!!”

Zoey began to squeeze her breasts in rotation as the lasers continued to shoot down on her nipples. The feeling was incredible, Zoey felt like her nipples were a hundred time more sensitive and that her breasts were being massaged from the inside.

“OH ARCEUS!!!” Zoey yelled. “MY TITS ARE ON FIRE!”

ACTIVATING MAIN PLEASURE LAZOR!” Dawn Bot opened her mouth to reveal what looked like a small cannon which fired a bigger pink laser, this time directly onto Zoey's pussy. 

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Zoey moaned at her loudest. As soon as the third laser touched, Zoey immediately orgasmed to the intense amount of pleasure from the lasers. “OH GOD ANOTH.....AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH...”

It was mere seconds and Zoey already came again....and again...and again. Every orgasm rapidly squirting out of her like the Tohjo Falls.  The pleasure again was nothing like she ever experienced or imagined, like being licked by the hundred softest tongues at the same time, while her wet pussy was now the most sensitive thing in the world, even the touch of her panties or a breeze could cause her to orgasm. After about twelve orgasms that seemed like one really long orgasm, the lasers ceased and a sweaty Zoey just laid on the table exhausted and unable to physically move, even her drooling mouth refused to shut while her eyes already looked vacant, though she was still breathing. 

“TAMING COMPLETE.” Dawn Bot closed her mouth. “BEGINNING HYPNOSIS.”

Dawn Bot's eyes now shot two lasers of their own, all glowing in various colours right into Zoey's eye, rewriting her mind as the lasers seemed to dissolve her freewill and replace it with total obedience.


No response. A quick scan from Dawn Bot confirmed that she may of over did it. 


Like a groom carrying his bride, Dawn Bot picked up the tired entranced Zoey and proceeded to take her to their destination.

As that was happening, Cynthia meanwhile was already wearing nothing but a white towel as she entered an indoor sauna.  The inside was was like a walk in wooden cabin with wooden seats, while a electric stoove was in the middle, warming up the room. Cynthia had always been used to the cold weather of Sinnoh, so she figured a nice hot sauna would be worth a try. She sat down while suddenly, she was joined by a familiar face. 

“Hi there!” Iris walked in wearing nothing but a towel. “Mind if I join ya?”

“Oh, you're that maid from earlier.” Cynthia spoke, slightly disappointed she had company instead of experiencing it by herself. “Erm no, go right ahead.”

Iris walked up to Cynthia and sat right next to her.

“So...you come in ere often?” Cynthia attempted a conversation.

“Mmmhmm, every day when my chores are done, though it almost feels like my first time for some reason...” Iris cheerfully replied. “Course, the best way to sauna is always in the nude!”

“Errr.....whatever make you happy I guess.” Cynthia seemed confused by the maid's obsession with nudity. “S-Say, it getting hotter in here?”

“Yup, I adjusted the temperature to just the right kind of heat!”

“Well, this is kind of too hot for my teases, so if you don't mind...”

Cynthia got up and tried to walk out, but Iris grabbed her towel and pulled it away from her body.

“Hey what are you....AAAHHHHHH!” Cynthia moaned as she tried to cover her private woman parts with her arms and hands, but as soon as they touched, an instant wave of arousal shook her body.

“Feels good doesnt it?” Iris grinned as she took off her own towel. “The heat from this room not only makes your body really hot, but really sensitive and horny too!”   

Cynthia couldnt believe it, but Iris was right. Suddenly as she begun to sweat, the hand covering her left boob was starting to grope and squeeze it while her other hand started to stroke her pussy. Iris walked up to her and stood really close to her, close enough that that their bodies were touching one another. 

“See? Doesnt this feel better?” Iris pressed her breasts against Cynthia's. 

“AAAAAHHHHH.” Cynthia moaned, as she put her arms around Iris, forcing their bodies onto one another, as the body heat and feel of Iris' sweaty body seemed to enhance the arousal somehow, with a deep tongue kiss being the experimentation point.

  “W-What's that music?” Cynthia asked, moving her lips away from Iris as she heard a hypnotic tune coming from the speakers hung from the upper corners of the room. 

“Does it matter, when you're feeling this good?” Iris brushed away Cynthia's concern as she pressed down on her shoulders, forcing Cynthia to sit on the floor with both girls sat opposite each other, and their most sensitive part pressed together. Cynthia could no longer tell if the room was getting hotter or if it was just her as she moved in unison with Iris, rubbing their soaked pussies together by scissoring each other. 

”AAAHHH AAAAAAHHHHHH AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Cynthia moaned. The heat and pleasure from her pussy was just too much to handle, not to mention her mind felt numb and fuzzy from that hypnotic music that was playing. With her mind blanking out, Cynthia along with Iris let out an orgasmic scream together.


While Iris just stayed in the position she was in, Cynthia just fell back onto her back, laid out as her mind was now complete for total obedience, and her eyes empty and entraced. 

  “That's......” Iris grinned as she puffed. “.....another.....down....”

Some hours had past later. May was waking her from her nap in her room. Dressed in only her revealing dressing gown, she looked over to the bed both Zoey and Cynthia would be sleeping in to see they were empty, before sitting up to see the whole room was empty. A look of her alarm clock confirmed in had already been four hours. 

“What are Zoey and Cynthia?” she wondered as she headed out the door to see if they were walking back, but no luck. What did catch her eye was the door opposite her door was open, wide enough so she could see an item on one of the room beds. Out of her own room, May decided to investigate and entered the other room. Inside, the item it question was a pair of Piplup panties which she picked up to look at. May wore a similar brand, only with Torchic on hers, but you had recalled seeing Piplup panties somewhere before. 

“Now where have I..” she spoke before the memory clicking in her head. She recalled her time in Sinnoh when she was getting changed into her outfit for a contest. She remembered when one of her friends was changing in the same room as her, the owner of the panties in particular. “T-These are Dawn's!”

She knew full well that Dawn didnt wear the only Piplup panties in the world, but it was something about one of those robots that looked familiar. And now it figured, it looked an awful lot like her friend. Before she could react however, she felt a sudden chill, the kind like she felt someone was behind her.  A further chill was felt when May felt something circular, cold and metal clamp down on each side of her head, about the size of a plate each.

“INNISHATING MIND CONTROL.” Spoke a familiar robotic voice as May felt like something was draining out of her head.

“What what are you........do.........ing..........” May began to mumble as her thoughts and memories were being cut and pasted out of her head, while a new mind template was pasted into her head, one way more obedience. Soon as the mind switch-a-roo was completed, Robo Jo removed the clamps. 


“Yes, I am under your control and orders.” an emotionless May replied. 


May turned around as ordered, facing her robot mistress. Robo Jo fired two red lasers from her eyes at the straps of May's night gown, causing them to snap, and making the whole gown drop to the floor and leaving May stood naked. The robot mother then proceeded to grab her daughter's underwear from May's hand then place them to wear on top of May's head like her bandanna. 


“Yes Mistress.” May laid down on the bed and proceeded to masturbate. While her old memories were gone, May did at least have a record kept of how exactly May would play with herself, opening her legs wide open and maintaining a rotation of strokes to her pussy and group of her left breast. With her emotion and fantasies gone though, her orgasm came more forced and without passion. 


Sometime later in the basement, all three girls were in the process of full robotification. Their minds already digitized and fully brainwashed, their bodies were in the middle of going from flesh to steel. Soon enough, Zoey, Cynthia and May were fully roboified and now sported full metal bodies while retaining a thin sheet of metal resembling hair in their natural colours.  




As the three former girls performed name call, Iris looked on at the three in a sadden sigh, which Jessie at the controls caught on to her look. 

“You know what, I think you've done extra well catching us these girls Iris.” Jessie complemented her maid.  

“I guess so, but they get all the fun being robotified...” Iris moaned. 

“Then why do we give you some of that fun then?” Jessie grinned. 

“You mean?” Iris' eyes lit up. 

Jessie nodded her head, making Iris jump for joy and run over her Jessie to hug her. 


“I'm sure you will.” Jessie smiled. “Now why don't you strip for me one last time and get into the robotizier?” 

Happy as she could be, Iris skipped along towards the robotizier, discarding her maid outfit on the floor and then standing still excited as the helmet descended onto the top of her head. With no need for pleasure rays as Iris was willing and getting turned on by the idea of becoming a robot, Jessie flicked the switch to activate the full mind conversion. Now even the fake memories that Jessie created earlier were vanishing from Iris' head and now binary code filled her head. With her eyes as blank, nothing remained her her personalty, whether it be her original or created one. 

“Now, state who you are.” ordered Jessie. 

“I am a Robotic Slave to the Team Rocket organization!” Iris spoke emotionless, while smiling as their programming permitted her. 

“What is your purpose?” Jessie fully asked.

“To serve my masters and obey their every command.”

“And who do you serve?” . 

Iris rose her right arm in a salute. 

“I serve the glorious Team Rocket Organization, every member and our ruler, Giovanni!”

“Nice dear, now please step into the sandals.”

Iris did as she was ordered by stepping into the sandals in front of her, then Jessie clicked the final switch to activate the final process. As energy surrounded Iris to change her body, her feet now resembled more like robot feet merging with the sandals, their legs were also changing from dark tanned skin to a metallic grey colour. Once up to the hips, details like her vaginas, belly button and butt cheeks were gone, replaced with nothing but metal, and just a round shape for a behind. Her breasts also faced a similar change. Gone with the nipples, just two big metal orbs on their chests that were larger then their normal breasts. Once up to her shoulders, the arms and hands met the same fate of her feet and legs, now just metal limbs. Iris' face met the greatest change, her mouth now solid with a small opening for speech while her eyes became two red lights each resembling human eyes, but more robot. Finally, their hair remained the same colour, but hardened into a large purple sheet of steel.

“IRIS BOT UNIT ONLINE.” Iris spoke in her normal voice but sounding like she was speaking threw a robotic speaker. “AWAITING ORDERS”

“Very good. Please proceed to the back of the Spa where James and Meowth will send you off to Unova for our operations out there.” Jessie ordered. “That goes for you three as well.”

All four robot girl saluted and responded;


As the four robots left the basement, Jessie sat down at a table and began to sigh. 

“Oh, I'm gonna miss those robots. Still, maybe my good job will earn me a promotion of some sort.”

Jessie picked out an appointments book on the table and opened it to cross out Iris, Zoey, Cynthia and May in the book.

“Hmm, I can't help but feel I've forgotten someone...” Jessie wondered, biting the back of her pen.

Elsewhere in the spa lobby, a lone redhead girl in a yellow shirt, red suspenders and the shortest shorts stood in the entrance, looking for a staff member.

“Hello?” she asked. “Anyone home? Jeez, if my sisters sent me here when they're closed, I swear....

To Be Continued?!?


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