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Misty always hated the journey to Viridian City. She knew what it meant, and that was to cut across the bug infested Viridian Forest. Normally when she had her bike, the red head gym leader would avoid the forest via a Cycle path she knew, but ever since she got her bike back after a certain someone burnt it to a crisp, her sister had been taking up cycling, and being the girls they were, they would rather spend their money of other things like clothes and make up then save up he ridiculous one million Poke dollars for a bike, so they would always borrow Misty's bike. Having three older sisters was a pain for Misty, as if one wasnt borrowing her bike, the other would be, therefore she rarely got to rid her bike. She sighed, remembering the free Bike voucher she won for excellent performance from her swimming lessons as a child. The last time she rode her bike was beginning to feel as far back as her childhood. 

Just then, she spotted the very thing she was afraid of bumping into, a bug Pokemon, looking curiously at Misty while curled up on top of a small rock. However, it was a Caterpie, which while still a bug, the red haired Gym Leader got on a little better with then say, a Beedrill, a Spinarak, or even a Venonat. She remembered how the Caterpie from a certain male trainer saved their hides long ago, when Team Rocket nearly took their Pokemon away. Granted, she had Water Pokemon on her take could of easily handled Team Rocket if Caterpie had failed, but the fact that Caterpie fought hard for both Ash and her earnt some reputation points for Caterpies as a whole to Misty. Still squishy and gross to her, they did at least eventually evolve into Butterfree. Now there was a bug Pokemon Misty had no issues with at all. Cute despite those bug eyes and teeth, and colourful with bright white wings with black lining. 

“Weeeeee?” the bug Pokemon whined. 

“Oh, hello there...” Misty politely spoke. “My, you're not like other Caterpie I've seen. Could you possibly be a shiny?”

Unlike normal Caterpie, this bug Pokemon was a different colour, a bright shiny gold, like it was made of solid gold. Misty had heard about shiny Pokemon and had even seen them with her own eyes. Ash had a shiny Noctowl at one point, and then there was that island of pink Pokemon they visited, which while they were pink due to the food they ate on the island, the Pokemon were still considered valuable enough for Team Rocket to try and steal. This got Misty thinking, if she caught this Caterpie, then she would have something of great value that many trainers would trade with her. She could have all kinds of offers for rare Water types, heck maybe a lucky trainer could trade her a Kyogre if she was lucky. Even if she couldnt get a decent offer, Caterpie was so easy to train, she could have a Butterfree in no time, while again made Misty wonder, this just at just what a shiny Butterfree could look like. Maybe it could more even more colourful then a normal one and cute enough to even keep. With those ideas in mind, there was no doubt in Misty's mind what she was going to do, taking out a Pokeball from her shorts pocket and enlarging it at a click of the front button.

“That settles it, I'm gonna capture you Caterpie!” Misty smiled in confidence. “Go Pokeball!”

Another thing Misty remembered that was Ash easily captured his Caterpie with ease, only throwing a Pokeball and not even having to engage in battle to catch it. What if theory would be an easy thing to accomplish, the Caterpie actually hit the Pokeball with it's tail like a baseball bat, knocking the Pokeball back at Misty's feet.  

“Huh, guess you're not just shiny, you're strong too. Looks like I'll have to call on...”

Before Misty could even pick a Pokeball containing one of her Pokemon from her pocket, more Caterpie began to emerge from the bushes and grass surrounding the opening Misty and the Caterpie she tried to catch stood in. They all shined that solid gold shine and looked displeased with Misty, putting on an angry face. Including the one on the rock, there had to be around ten of them. 

“Okay...” Misty spoke, beginning to feel uneasy. One Caterpie was enough for her, but now her fears grew stronger at the sight of a dozen Caterpie. While not completely frightened, she would have to watch herself. “Still, ten's better then one I suppose. Better let the whole gang out...”

As she tried again to reach for her pocket, the Caterpie on the rock shot out a String Shot attack on Misty's arm. The icky stuff stuck to her arm.

“EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!” Misty screamed. She tried to pull it off with her free hand, only to find it got stuck on the long white String Shot. The Caterpie spat out more so it wrapped Misty's arms together, binding them forward. 

“What kind of Caterpie are...” 

Before Misty could finish, the Caterpie shot a single web of String Shot around her mouth, keeping her quiet like it was a tape gag. 

“MRRPH MRRRRPH MRRRRRPPHH!” She moaned throw her gag, totally disgusted at the taste of String Shot in her mouth. The Caterpie began to gather towards the already bound girl. Misty left the need to run, but fore her could, a Caterpie from behind shot a Sting Shot at the back of her shorts. When Misty looked behind her, her eyes widened at the sight below. The Sting Shot on her shorts was dissolving her shorts! Big holes were widening on her shorts, revealing her panties, until the Sting Shot dissolved them, leaving nothing but butt stuck to the String Shot.  Looking forwards again revealed a more horrifying sight. All the Caterpie fired String Shots in unison at Misty, making sure that every inch of her body was covered and wrapped up in the white icky silk string. Once Misty was completely wrapped, she almost look just like an Egyptian mummy, with only the eyes and nose of her face still showing. However, the Caterpie were not done with their String Shots, still wrapping the poor girl with layer upon layer of the white stuff. Soon, her figure was no longer visible, Misty was now almost like pen shaped, before the Caterpie finally stopped when she was shaped like a large tree trunk. Not a inch of her body could move, her clothing had all dissolved and now her whole skin was covered and touching that horrible silk she was binded in. A soft tackle from a Caterpie behind her cause Misty to fall forwards. Screaming through her gag, Misty did not feel anything upon impact to the ground, but her screams continued as she saw the Caterpie right near her face.

“This can't be happening!” She thought to herself. “Am I going to die?!?”

Just then, the silk glowed a white light, resembling the light when a Pokemon's evolution is happening. Although she could not see what was happening, Misty could feels her binds changing shape, and her arms and legs forced into a different position.  With her arms forced to her sides and her legs shut together, the glowing stopped. Still gagged, Misty still moaned through her gag and struggled. Her binds no longer felt as tight, but now it felt very plush like she was stuck in a very large sleeping bag. Looking at the Caterpie, she noticed they were taking something out of her dropped backpack. Pulling something out, the Caterpie dragged the object to Misty till it was in her full view. They adjusted it the best they could so Misty could see it, her pocket mirror which reflected back Misty and her, unusual state. It looked like the silk had morphed into a plush suit, made to look like the green body of a Caterpie, only with Misty's face as the front! Misty blushed a bright red in humiliation, she now looked like a giant Caterpie and now felt like one. There were suction cups on the bottom, a tail that that red Caterpie V on the front, just above her face. 

“Noooo, why do I looked like a Caterpie?!?” Misty cried in her thoughts. “I hope no one sees me like this!”

All of a sudden, the suit began to glow white again, and Misty felt the suit changing again. To her horror, the front of the suit was closing up. She screamed and moaned as her face was about to be gobbled up by the suit, trapping her in complete darkness.  What she could not see was the suit changed into a more banana shape and when it stopped glowing, was now a darker shade of green, with two fake wide eyes. Misty was now not just trapped in a plush Pokemon made suit, but now a cocoon suit made to look like a Metapod! Readying for the final stage, the Caterpie gathered around the cocoon and lifted it on their backs, carrying it off somewhere.

Inside, Misty was still in darkness, but strangely she no longer left discomfort or panic, especially as her gag had vanished. She left very warm inside, like she was wrapped up in the plushest bed covers she had slept in, on the softest bed she on laid on. This was almost like a feeling of returning to the womb to her, so warm and so secure. She then felt something happening to her body, like it was being coated in a new layer of skin, but skin that was cool, stretchy, and what reminded her of latex. Her legs, hips, ass, tummy, breasts, arms, shoulder and eventually her face became covered in the stuff. Misty was not frighten, she was still lost in the comfort that sounded her. The stuff had no change in her feeling, though as soon as her whole head was covered, her mind began to melt away, like all the worries in her life had just been grabbed and pulled gentlely out of her mind. She also felt change in her breasts and ass, like they were being messaged by the hands of spirits. It was now feeling like Misty was lost in her own personal heaven.

The Caterpie had finally stopped just by a lake, where they dropped the huge Metapod suit near it, then lined up in the distance, awaiting the last stage of what Misty was undergoing. Inside, Misty felt a sudden urge to get out of the cocoon. She couldn’t understand why, but she felt like she was suffocating yet she could still breath. Wiggling and squirming about, she found that she could move about much more then she previously could, enough so to be able to pull open the top of the cocoon. She opened it wide enough so she could stand out of the cocoon. Misty guarded her eyes from the stinging sunlight. Strangely her vision was red, not too different to that weird Virtual Boy console Ash once showed her without the headache, but she felt very dizzy. 

“Oooo, what's happened to me?” She spoke dazed. 

She noticed the lake in front of her and decided to look down at her reflection. To her surprise, the familiar redhead Gym Leader known as the Tomboy Mermaid was not looking back at her, but instead a human shaped Pokemon, one that looked like a Butterfree. Misty touched her large orb shaped bug eyes, to her relief they were just rubber and her real eyes were inside her hood that looked like a Butterfree head, from the purple skin that was latex, to the springy antennas on top. Next, she had a pinch of her long blue arms. It confirmed that she was suck in a latex like suit as the suit skin stretched then snapped back into place which stun her normal skin underneath. Looking further down, she noticed that her breasts and ass had enlarged. She could swear her boobs were the size of fully inflated balloons, but a grope of each also confirmed they were real, and they even squirted a slight sprinkle of milk. Checking a few other areas further confirmed her had a hole big enough for speaking and eating,  as well as holes for toilet and “other” duties, though they showed not a single trace of human skin, so well concealed that not one of her friends would recognise her. One final thing she noticed was the huge Butterfree wings on her back. She could not reach to confirm to herself if they were attached to the suit or even grown from her back, but they seemed to flap in and count. She could not tell it they were flapping on her own or if her mind had yet to learn to function them yet. Could she one day be able to fly? Was Misty terrified at her transformation? Strangely no. She was more curious then afraid, hence why she was checking herself out. She could swear that her transformation had effected her mind, but she no longer cared. No more chasing after Ash Ketchum, no more Water Pokemon, no more Gym duties, no more sisters or family, and not more traveling. Instead, she felt happy by her transformation, willing to lead out this strange new life for some reason. As she turned around, she looked at the happy Caterpie, jumping for joy like she was their mother or something. No longer afraid of the Caterpie, Misty now suddenly loved Bug Pokemon, like her mind swapped her fear of bugs and her love of Water Pokemon around. Afterall, Bugs do not like the water, unable to swim. 

“Yes.” Misty thought. “I am a Bug Pokemon, a human half breed. Bugs do not live in the city, they live in the forest. Real humans are nasty, they like to squish us bugs or capture for for collections or nasty Pokemon battles. I am not longer human...in-fact, I was never human before! I am not called Misty, bugs do not have names! I am just a special Butterfree that is shaped like a human! I live like a bug, eat like a bug, sleep like a bug and I ever breed with other bugs! Yes, that is my life from now on, it has always been my life!”

With those thoughts in her mind, Misty's human life simple vanished from her memories. Her new memories now consisted with her new life as a Butterfree. Misty then sat down on a rock then opened her arms to welcome her children, the Caterpie.

“Awww, you must be hungry!” Misty Smiled. “Come and be feed!”

Misty then remembered that bugs do not talk like humans.

“I mean, WEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEE!” She screeched, trying her best to sound like a Butterfree. And just like that, her knowledge of the human vanished from her head, now replaced with the tongue of Pokemon Talk. “WEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEE!”

The Caterpie wormed their way towards Misty, lining up in front of her. The first two climbed up her rubbery thin blue legs and onto her lap. Each one took a nipple from her breasts and suckled the fresh tasty milk from within. Aroused, Misty smiled as she nursed her Caterpie children. 

No longer bugged by bugs, Misty was happy to spend the rest of her days in the once feared Viridian Forest, as both a bug and a mother...

The End?   


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