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After a long ferry ride from Sinnoh and trek from Vermilion City, Dawn had finally made it to Pallet Town. This was her first visit for her, as she never visited Ash's home town after their adventures in Sinnoh. After her own contest adventures in Johto and arriving home, Dawn got a call from Ash saying he was coming home from Unova and asked if she wanted to come over to his mom's place to celebrate his return. She remember she promised him that she would visit Pallet Town some day so she was more then happy to cash in on the promise. It would be nice to finally see the Kanto region, see all of Ash's Pokemon once again or for the first time, and meeting Ash's family and friends face to face at long last. 

“Oh wow!” the happy eighteen year old Coordinator smiled. “So this is Pallet Town? It reminds me so much of Twinleaf Town! I can't wait to see Ash again and all his Pokemon, friends and family!”

The excited girl skipped along the path down the hill towards Pallet Town. Looking down at her every expanding Pokechi on her wrist, her most recant app pinpointed her to the Ketchum residence in no time. 

“Hello there.” she knocked at the door. No answer. In-fact, the door was left slightly open. Knowing she was excepted, Dawn walked into the house. “Hello? Anyone home?”

She walked into the front room to find no one there. She did however notice Ash's trophy from the Orange Islands on display, as well as various Gym Badges in a large picture frame. 

“Wow, that's quite the collection Ash has...” Dawn starred at the badges and trophy when all of a sudden, she heard a faint thud from upstairs. “Oh? Maybe they're upstairs...”

Dawn walked upstairs to find the cause of the noise. Still she saw no one on the upper floor, but saw a bedroom door open. Noticing something, she entered the large bedroom. 

“Oh I see, this must have been the cause.” Dawn looked at the clothes basket knocked down on the floor and decided to put it back up and put the clothes back in it. It was only when she picked up a pair of bra and panties that alarm bells started ringing. “W-Wait a sec, I'm in someone else's bedroom without permission!”

Dawn was a polite girl, she knew better then to walk into someone else's bedroom in someone else's house, but it was only because her curiousness of the thud that she was even in there. And now she was quite possibly holding onto Ash's mom's underwear in her hands. 

“No way.” she face palmed herself. “I walked in here without thinking. I better get out before...”

Too late, she heard someone coming into the house and closing the front door. Worst still, they were heading upstairs.

“Eek!” Dawn started to panic. Looking around the room without thinking, she noticed a closet, which she rushed towards, entered inside, and closed the door behind her the best she could, leaving only a tiny gap. What Dawn had not realized was she was still holding the underwear in her hands.

“Wait, this makes thinks much worse!” she thought to herself. Had she just explained why she was in the room and apologize, she would probably be forgiven. Now she was actually hiding in the bedroom! It was too late to do anything, as the person was now in the room. “Perhaps if I wait in here, she'll go out again and I can sneak out...”

“That's the last time I lose my house keys!” a voice spoke as the sound of keys being thrown on the bed was heard. Dawn peeked an eye through the gap to see it was Ash's mom Delia. While they both had not met, Dawn recognized her from a photo Ash once showed her. “I hate having to leave the door slightly open. It's just as bad when Mr Mime is on holiday at Professor Ivy's...”

To Dawn's horror, rather then leave the room, Delia was starting to undress, unbuttoning her pink top, then taking off her yellow shirt underneath before unhooking her blue skirt, leaving her in a light blue pair of underwear. 

“Ahhh.” Delia moaned pleasurably as she unhooked her bra to free her large breasts. “Feels so good to undress after a warm day like today!”

“Oh no!” Dawn thought to herself as Delia started to pull down her panties. “Now I'm REALLY in trouble if she catches me!”. Dawn could not move away from the opening from where she was standing as the closet barely had much space and the sound might reveal her location. Dawn could of just shut her eyes, but she found she could not stop looking at Ash's mom's naked body. Her heart raced as Delia undid her ponytail, releasing her long brown hair. Dawn would never admit it, but Delia actually looked pretty hot for a mother her age. Nice large breasts, slim body and a big MILF butt and hips to match, Dawn could feel herself beginning to sweat from both arousel and the fear of being caught.

“Now where are they? Where are they?” Delia wondered around the room looking for something, which gave Dawn more views of her body from different positions. “Ahh here they are!”

Delia bent down to pick something up, giving Dawn a big view of both her ass and pussy. 

“Oh dear Arceus!!!” Dawn thought, feeling her heart beat faster and even a hand of hers now groping one of her breasts. Delia stood back up and began putting on a black kinky bra and thong combo.  

“There we go!” Delia smiled in her change of underwear. “Let's see, first I'll unpack the shopping, then make a quick snack, then have a nice shower, then afterwards....I think I'll come back in here for a hour for a little...me time, teehee!”

The last thing on Delia's to do list was the tipping point for Dawn, literary. The shock caused her to trip forwards, swinging to closet doors wide open, and then landing on her side. 

“What the?” Delia looked at the fallen girl as she sat up in a sitting position. What immediately caught Delia's eyes was she looked like she was sweating, had a hand on her breasts and even having a pair of her underwear in the same hand. All three things drew her a conclusion. “P-P-PERVERT!!!”

Wha...” Dawn looked down at her hand, still grabbed to her breast. “N-NO! This isn’t what it looks like!”

“Well what does it look like Miss Pervert, besides you sneaking in, hiding in my closet, and getting off from me undressing?!?” Delia spoke angrily at Dawn. “That's it isn’t it? You're one of those MILF perverts aren’t ya? How dare you sneak into my house and peep at my naked body!”

“No, you've got it all wrong, I...” Before Dawn could even finish, Delia grabbed her by her hand. 

“Come here!” Delia ordered as she sat on her bed and then yanked Dawn onto her lap stomach first. Dawn tried to break free, but Delia's grip was too strong, holding both her wrists with one hand while the other yanked down Dawn's panties, exposing her bare behind. “I'm going to punish you like your parents obviously didn’t!”  

“No you don't under...AAAHHHH!” Dawn moaned as Delia swatted her ass. With each spank of her ass came more pain on her behind. “OWWWW OWWWW OWWWWW OWWWWW!!!!!!!”

Poor Dawn couldn’t get a single word in to defend her innocence. Delia smacked really hard and painful that her ass turned red in no time.  

“If you think this is bad, wait till I call Officer Jenny!” Delia warned. 

“N-NO!!! OWWW!” Dawn pleaded, only to moan from another hard onslaught of spanking. 

An hour later, the local Officer Jenny knocked on the Ketchums' front door. Delia opened the door, now wearing a bright pink nightie. 

“Thank goodness you're here Jenny!” said Delia. 

“Came as soon as you called me. So I understand you have someone who snuck into your house then watched you undress?” Jenny asked. 

“Yes that's correct.”

“Well, that guy's gonna be in a lot of trouble then!”

”Well, it's not quite a guy...”

Delia invited Jenny in and led her upstairs to her bedroom. When they got there, Delia pointed at Dawn, laid down on the bed with her wrists and legs tied together and a red ball gag in her mouth. 

“Oh I see, I guess we have a Peeping Tina then!” Jenny joked. “Well then, what do you have to say for yourself Missy?”

“Hold on.” Delia walked over to Dawn to unstrapped her ball gag. “There we go.”

“*   cough   * No, you've got it all wrong!” Dawn pleaded while still in her bounds. “I was invited here by Ash, the door was opened, so I called for someone, thought I heard someone upstairs and when I heard Miss Ketchum coming in, I foolishly panicked and hid in her closet!”

“Yeah likely story.” Delia looked angrily at Dawn. “You don't look like any of my son's friends to me.”

“We haven’t met, I'm Dawn from the Sinnoh Region.”  

“Yeah, and I bet you looked through my son's room too for a cover story. Or worse still, you've been stalking me for months!” Delia shivered at the thought. 

“It's the truth!”

“Then where's your trainer bag?” Jenny asked. 

“It's at the Pokemon Center, I was planning on staying there unless you offered me to stay over.”

“I'm not buying it.” Delia spoke. “When I caught you, you were sweating and playing with yourself. What kind of innocent person does that?”

“Please, you've got to believe me!” Dawn pleaded once more. 

“I don't believe you either.” Jenny spoke. “We don't take too kindly to sneaking into other people's houses or peeping tom you know! You’re going directly to jail Missy!”

“No please, you can't send me to jail!!!” Dawn cried. 

“Hold on just one moment.” Delia spoke to Jenny, then whispered something in her ear. After a short period of whispering , thy looked back at Dawn once again.

“Well lucky for you, me and Delia have been good friends for a long time and she believes that jail would not be good enough discipline for a pervert like yourself and I agree with her.”

“No, I reckon humiliation is a more suited punishment!”  Delia explained. 

“H-Humiliation?” Dawn did not like the sound of that. “What do you...”

Rather then answering her back, Delia and Jenny untied Dawn's legs, spreading them out and taking off her bright pink boots and black stocks and then retied her legs. The same was done to her arms, forcing her into the spread eagle position on the bed. Both Jenny and Delia were too strong for her to struggle free from their grip, and her new binds were just the same. For the next part, Delia took something out from her bedside cabinet, a pair of silver scissors, and began cutting away at Dawn's top. 

“No, not my clothes!” Dawn pleaded once more, now completely topless apart from her bra. Jenny proceeded to unhook Dawn's skirt, then removed Dawn's hat and  hair clips. Delia finished off by cutting off Dawn's bra and her Piplup panties, leaving Dawn completely naked and exposed. “T-THIS CAN'T BE LEGAL!!!”

“I'm the chief officer in town.” Jenny poked her tongue out.  “I can give myself all the alibis I want! Or should I shove my nightstick right up that virgin pussy of yours?”

“No no, I'll be good!” Dawn shook her head swiftly, absolutely hating that idea.

“She really is a virgin, isn’t she?” Delia giggled, looking closely at Dawn's vagina while Dawn blushed bright red. “Too much time peeping and fapping, and not finding a boyfriend I bet. Oh well, I got just the thing for a MILF lover!”

Delia walked into her closet and returned with a few things in her hands. 

“Lucky for you, my Ex had certain...turn ons, and I was more then happy to dress up for him.” Delia explained. “I'm glad I kept this stuff all these years!”

“T-That's not...” Dawn's eyes widened at the items Delia was carrying. 

“Shhhh, babies don't talk!” Delia teased, wagging her finger. Once she put down the items in question, she began by putting on pink feety socks onto Dawn's feet, while Jenny did likewise with matching gloves on Dawn's hands. Delia then proceeded by strapping a baby hat onto Dawn's head. As much Dawn struggled, her bound wrists and ankles were tied too tightly and even if she got free, her gloves had no slots for her fingers, meaning it would be very head to get the get up off. For the final, most humiliating item of clothing, Delia opened up a plastic bag and took out an adult size diaper with a Jigglypuff design on the front, placed it underneath Dawn so that her butt would be sitting on it, and then folded the front onto her crotch area as well as seemingly giving Dawn's vagina a pat, and then strapped the diaper in. As Delia and Jenny walked back to admire their handy worth, the two women could only giggle at the bound Pokemon Coordinator, now looking like a girl with an Adult Baby fetish. 

“Hehheh.” Delia laughed. “That suits your punishment just fine!”

“Yeah.” Jenny also laughed. “If you have a think for hot mothers, then I bet you get off on a mother baby scenario too!”    

Dawn had never felt so humiliated as her face was now the brightest red of embarrassment. She was being degraded to that of a baby in front of these two women, made worse when Jenny started taking pictures on her phone. 

“Please let me go!” Dawn cried. “Haven’t you done enough?”

“Sssshhhhh.” Delia popped a pasifier gag into Dawn's mouth then strapped it round her head like the ball gag before. “Remember, babies don't talk!”

“Mrrrppphh Mrrrpppphhhh!” Dawn moaned through her gag, her words muffled by the pacifier. “Mrrrpppphhhh!!!”

“Aww, she's now got the complete look!” Jenny laughed, continuing to taking snapshots.

“Yeah, but don't you get any ideas, pervert.” Delia warned Dawn. “Just because you're in a diaper, it doesn’t mean you can go messing on my bed! Of course, there is more then one way to wet a diaper. 

Dawn looked confused at her statement as Delia pressed a button on a remote. A sudden buzzing vibration was coming from within her pussy.

“MMMMMMRRRRRRPPPPPPHHHHHH!” Dawn moaned through her pacifier as the vibration built up her arousal by force. 

“Before I put that diaper on ya, I slipped in a tiny vibrating bead into your pussy.” Delia explained. “I reckon an hour or two of you cumming in your diaper will turn you into an Adult Baby embracer. I know it did for me!”

“MRRRPPPHH MRRRPPPHHH MRRRPPPPPHHH!!!” Dawn moaned again, both from the vibrating bead and the thought of being in this predicament for hours, forced to cum into her diaper. 

“Shall we leave the baby for her nap?” Delia asked. 

“Hold on...” Jenny placed her phone on the bedside cabinet so it could record Dawn's peril. “Okay let's go.”

“MRRRPPPPPHHHH!!!” Dawn moaned at the two women as they left the room and Dawn all alone to orgasm against her will. She was already beginning to sweat as the bead inside her shook and rumbled against her inner pussy walls. She could also fee her first orgasm building up, there was no point in fighting it. Her bonds were just too tight for her to struggle free and there was no way she could possible hold it in for over an hour. Within minutes of Delia and Jenny leaving the room, Dawn was about to cum.

“MRRRRRRPPPPPPHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMRRRRRPPPPPHHH      MMMMMMMRRRRRRPPPPPHHHHHH!!!!” Dawn screamed through her gag as she orgasmed, though it felt a little unusual. As she came, the diaper absorbed her pussy juices into the padding of the diaper, like as if she really had pee into it. It felt a little tingly at first, but Dawn was surprise that it actually felt kind of nice, almost relieving, though she'd never admit it, and this was hardly the situation to complement an sexual experience like this. Even though she orgasmed, the bend did not budge out of her pussy as the diaper was strapped tight enough so that the padding blocking anything non-fluid from escaping her vagina lips. 

“OH GOD, HERE'S THE NEXT ONE!!!” Dawn thought to herself, tapped in this peril. “MRRRRPPPHH MRRRRRRRPPPPPPPHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

About over an hour had past, Delia and Jenny were sat in the living room downstairs chatting to each other.  As they drank their tea and ate some biscuits, the two remonetised about old times, drowning out Dawn's orgasmic moans from upstairs.  

“You think she's doing okay up there?” Jenny sipped her tea.

“Oh yeah, that was how my ex got me into the occasional Adult Baby fetish dress up.” Delia nibbled at her biscuit. “He tied me to the bed, dressed me up and left me to cum into my diaper for about an hour. Took me a good while to stop myself wearing diapers and baby clothes around the house to please him, but yeah. As soon as we're done with her, she'll be her new fetish for months to come!”

“I bet she'll wear a big diaper under that tiny skirt of hers!” joked Jenny

“Yes.” Delia laughed. “That thing's ridiculously small!”

“So you never actually...you know, gone in a diaper then?” Jenny asked curiously.

“No not really.” Delia explained. “It was more something to parade around in. I felt cute and comfortable around my ex wearing it and being his “little baby” but never really got into the messy side of the fetish. Not really my taste. Besides, who wants to risk up their carpet and furniture anyway?” 

“True, I guess that's understandable.”

“Maybe when we let that girl go, we'll tied her hands to her back and let her go still in the baby gear and wet diaper!”

“Hehheh, you're so cruel Delia.” Jenny laughed. “And she can't go telling others because then she'll b found out as a peeping tom, as well as a pervert!”

“Exactly...oh hey, there's a message on the answer machine. Must of rang while we were upstairs”

Delia pressed play on her answering machine to play the message, which turned out to be from her son, Ash.

“Hey mom!” The message played. “Guess what? I'm coming home today! I just arrived in Vermillion City, so I'll be there in two hours. I can't remember if you met Dawn or not, but she'll be visiting me as well, so look out for her. Talk to you later, byee!”

After the message ended, a long awkward silence then occared, followed by two screams of panic.

“OH MY GOD!” Delia panicked, getting from from her chair and running up and down the room. “THAT GIRL WAS TELLING THE TRUTH, AND MY SON WILL BE HOME IN LESS THEN HALF AN HOUR!!!”


Delia stopped in her track when a light bulb lit up and then grabbed hold of Jenny.

“You mean, what did those nasty Team Rocket guys that chase my son's Pikachu around do to her while disguised as us?” Delia corrected Jenny with a new version of events. 


“It's the only lie we've got Jenny! Now come on, we just got to convince that girl of it!”


The two women rushed upstairs to free Dawn from her bondage. They knew very well they had some very convincing explaining to do...

...well, that and pray that had not turned her into an ABDL fanatic....

The End?


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