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Running up a hill to gaze upon the view before, Dawn was overexcited when she saw Lilycove City in her sights.

“Awesome!” she smiled. “I just love the seaside and I can tell that Lilycove's beach is gonna be great!” The female trainer ran down the hill with excitement, she had been looking forward to visiting Lilycove for the longest time, ever since starting her journey in Hoenn. Better yet, she was way ahead of her rivals, Zoey and Ursula, so she could chill out here for as long as she wanted while waiting for them to catch up. She couldnt wait to buy a new swimsuit, perhaps something that was popular among the locals or region. She knew the City had a huge department store, just like the one  at Sinnoh in Veilstone City, so she knew they must have a huge swimsuit department, being a seasidey city. The many ideas of what she would find in the City made her smile with sheer joy.

Dawn soon arrived at a path leading into the city, which had stalls lined up by the side, selling all kinds of things like seashells, fish, necklaces and all kinds of home made merchandise. To start, Dawn brought an ice cream before deciding to browse at the many stalls just dying for her attention. While they were all interesting to Dawn, one stall stood out the most to her, a jewellery stand.  All the different rings, necklaces and earrings shined the bright reflection of the sunlight, making them all sparkle in the trainer's eyes.

“Oh wow!” Dawn smiled. “All of these jewels are so pretty!”

“You have nice taste Missy.” the stall owner complimented, a young man in his twenties with a build that showed he regular works out. “I find all sorts of shards while diving around these areas. While most people make shards into evolution stones, I fashion them into jewellery.” 

“Wow, you make all these?”

“Yup, every single one.”

“So cool! They all look amazing, I can't make my mind up what to buy!”

“Can I make a suggestion?”

The store owner picked something out from below the counter. Opening his hand, he showed Dawn a necklace, one with a shiny blue jewel shaped like a sea shell.

“Oh awesome! That almost looks like that necklace from that S.S Anne-ic movie!”

“I've been saving this for when I met a cute customer. It certainly matches your eyes.”

“Oh, thank you! How much is it?”

“Since you're so kind, I'll let have it for free.”

“Really? You mean it?”

“Absolutely. Most my customers don't compliment my life's work so often, so it's nice to finally meet one that's as sweet as she is cute.”

“You're sure I can just have it?”

“Hey, it would be gathering dust if I didnt. Doubt I'll see another like you for quite some time.”

“Aww, thank you mister!”

Dawn reached out her hand and was given the necklace. The female trainer immediately tried it on. 

“This is great!” Dawn held the jewel up to her eyes. “It isnt too heavy either!”

“Yes, it's very light, waterproof and virtually unbreakable. You should try wearing it when you go for a swim, it reflects the sea water so very well.”

“Thanks, I will. I'll come by your stall tomorrow to buy something else as well.”

“Looking forward to it.”

The two smiled at each other, before Dawn made her way to the Pokemon Centre. For now, she first had to reserve a room to stay and put her stuff. She was extremely happy on the way to the Centre with her necklace hanging from her neck. She could not wait to show it to her mom and friends, it was one it was meant only for her and only one in existence. This was clearing ranking up to be one of the best days of her life, at least in the top ten. 

Later, Dawn made it to the Centre, booked a room and entered it, throwing her bag to the floor, kicking her boots off and then finally falling onto the very soft plush pink bed. Now she really felt she was in her own personally heaven. 

“This feels sooooooo great!” said a delighted Dawn, holding up the jewel on her necklace. “And it's only one in the afternoon! After a quick rest, I can plan the rest of my day and explore the city, which wearing my lovely necklace!” 

As the jewel sparkled once again in her eyes, Dawn suddenly felt hot on her forehead, as if a very hot ray of light shined onto her head. 

“Jeez, did someone turn up the AC? Better take my hat off...”

Dawn sat up to take off her hat and hair clips, letting her hair flow freely and naturally, but instead of feeling cool, she was getting hotter with the heat now moving down to her chest and whole eighteen year old body until she began to sweat. 

“This is getting....unbearable...” Dawn panted as she began to take off her other clothing, leaving her just in her underwear and the necklace round her neck. “Why....AAAAAAH!”

Dawn began to feel real hot in a particular region down below. She could swear her panties were throbbing, while her nipples stood hard and erect.

“Oh my......god.....” Dawn said, unhooking her bra and moaning in relief as her breasts bounced out, free from the bra. “Must......AHHH!”

She fell back onto the bed, sunk within the bed covers while her hands began to cup her breasts, squeezing them and move them in a circular motion. 

“Soooooooo horny........” she spoke as she sucked on one of her nipples, teasing with with her wet tongue then gently nibbling it. With one hand free with she played with her breast and nipple, she stroked her smooth thin tummy and sides before reaching her panties. Now, they were soaked with her juices, begging to be taken off to free her pussy from it's contained state. With both hands, she slide the soaked panties off, taking her socks off when she reached her feet and threw them across the room. 

“This is....crazy. I've rarely really ever.....played with myself.....and never been so, hot.....OH GOD, I MUST PLAY WITH MY PUSSY NOW!!!”

Two fingers entered her inner walls, sending pleasure waves throughout her body like never before. It was like her pussy had become nothing but super sensitive, she felt like she almost came from of fingers entering her. She began to move them both back and forth, alternating to jerking up and down every so often. She started fast, never slowing down for a moment and sometimes moving the fastest she ever fapped. A few moments later, Dawn let out a powerful orgasm.

“YES, YES, YES, YES.........AHHHHHHHHHHH!” She moaned in pleasure. 

Rather then stopping to catch her breath, her fingers just kept at it, continuing their pleasurable experience. Dawn's heart raced, beating to hard to the rhythm of her throbbing pussy, and her whole body remained hot.

“OH GOD, I'VE LOST, AHHHH, CONTROL!!!!!” she cried, biting her bottom lip. “WHAT THE FUCK IS, AHHHH, WRONG WITH ME?!?.....OH MY GOD, AHHHHH, AHHHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”

Hours passed by and Dawn was still masturbating like crazy with no end, swapping hands when one ached, changing positions on the bed, like getting on all fours and placing her ass on the air, continuing to cum to her pleasures and desires as perverted thoughts clouded her mind, and an outburst of her juices squirted out of her love lips almost like a running tap. She completely lost track of time as the sun would set, then darkness would conceal her body. Her moans could be heard by those passing by her door, which thankfully no one checked on her since they all thought it was either a couple or a mad pervert pleasuring themselves from the sound they heard. 

Soon enough, Dawn finally stopped. Her arms and body could go no longer and she finally cooled down. She was completely soaked in sweat and the bed was drenched in pussy juice. With just enough energy, she turned her head at the sight of the clock in the room.

“M-M-M-Midnight?” she gasped. Incredible, she thought she must of broken some world record there. She had the whole day ahead of her, but now it was time for bed! “S-S-S-Sleep...”

With hardly any energy to speak, Dawn wiggled under the bed covers and got to sleep right away, despite being soaked and herself and the bed reaking of body oder.

Dawn awoke in the morning, sitting up and stretching her arms out. She wondered why her and the bed were so sticky and smelly, and why she went to bed without her nightgown, which it hit her like a bolt of lightning as her mind woke up. Her face grew a bright red of embarrassment.

“Oh my god, I remember.” she spoke shocked. “I was just so horny yesterday. I just hope nobody heard me talk so dirty...”

She unstuck herself from her bed and got up, heading for the bathroom.

“What caused me to get so hot?” Dawn wondered. “Guess I'm just a healthy girl with urges is all. Never mind, onwards to the shower!”

The shower water felt great pouring down on Dawn as she washed her whole body, cleansing herself from her sticky and naughty urges from the previous night. This time, she had not gone in with the jewel, thinking it of strange she was not at all horny throughout the duration of her shower. Once finished, Dawn exited the shower cubicle, drying herself and walked around the bedroom naked as she picked up items of her clothing she tossed off previously. 

Once fully dressed, including the jewel necklace, Dawn made her way towards the Lilycove department store to pick up where she left off, buying a new swimsuit. Just as she expected, the department store had a whole floor devoted to swimwear. There were many different designs and colours, some she knew back from home, others that were new to her, they even had swimsuit brands from both Kanto and even Unova. After much browsing, she settled with a bright pink bikini, one that was more revealing then any swimsuit she had ever owned before. Being older now, Dawn figured it was time to wear something more grown up. This would be the first time she wear a swimsuit that really showed off her body and the first time wearing thong bikini bottoms. Once she changed into the bikini in the changing room and paid for it, she was allowed to walk out wearing it with her normal clothes in her travelling bag and wearing flip-flops she also brought. As the Pokemon Centre was right by the beach, Dawn dropped off her bag, and made her way towards the beach, only in the bikini, flip-flops, Pokemon-less as she wanted to spend the day at the beach and not battling, and of course wearing her necklace. The beach had a decent number of people, both sunbathing and playing in the water. Dawn smiled as she got a few looks and whistles from some guys as she walked on the hot bright yellow sand. Slowing walking into the ocean and then beginning to swim, the water felt so warm to her, baked from the gorgeous hot sun from above. 

“Wow, the Sinnoh water never gets this warm!” Dawn said happily. “I'm gonna enjoy this...AHHHH!”

Hitting her again from out of nowhere, Dawn felt a fire build up inside of her, the same one as the night before. With her hands wanting to touch herself against her will, swimming began to become harder to do, as she was neck high in the sea water. Observing her surrounds, Dawn noticed a rocky area that looked like no one was there, so she decided to swim there as fast as she could. Once there, she got out of the water, sat down and took off her bikini, not caring where she put it, and once again began to play with herself. Strangely, rubbing the salt water all over her body and pussy made Dawn grow hotter and more aroused, stroking her pussy hard and fast as her juices and wetness from the sea merged into one.

“Damnnnnnn.” she yelped to herself, trying to be as quiet as possible. “Just what the hell, AHHH, is wrong with me? AHHHHHH, masturbating in public, AHHHHHHHH, YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!”

Another powerful orgasm rippled her body, unleashing a stream of her pussy juice onto the rocks below. Catching her breath, Dawn still felt horny, but even in her sexed up stated, she knew she needed to go back to the Pokemon Centre, back into her room, and just do her masturbation there. However, she was now faced with a crisis.

“W-W-Wheres my bikini?!?”

Looking forward, she saw both her bikini top and bottoms floating out to sea. Diving in, Dawn swam as fast as she could to retrieve them both, but two Wingull swooped in, grabbing both parts of the bikini mistaking them for food before flying away, leaving Dawn in the sea like some skinny dipper. 

“Oh no!” she freaked out. “What am I going to do, AHHHHH!”

She couldnt believe it, but since getting back into the sea, she felt even more horny!  Right now, her pussy was throbbing like a beating drum. As her face grew a bright red, she was faced with a dilemma. Would she just swim back to the beach and make a run for it back to the Pokemon Centre, or would she wait till everyone left the beach? She could wait, but as her pussy was begging for her attention, the option was waiting would feel like hell for Dawn. Unable to wait any longer, Dawn began swimming as fast as she could to shore like her life depended on. As she reached the beach, she slowly stood up and cover herself with her arms the best she could, one arm concealing her breasts while another covering her vagina. Needless to say as she walked out of the sea, everyone was looking at her. Moms covering their children's eyes in shock, guys looking at her with perverted eyes and women looking confused as to why she was swimming naked. It felt so humiliating for Dawn and it got worse. The hand covering her left boob began to grope her breast against her will, while her other hand began to finger her pussy! 

“Is that girl playing with herself?” one woman asked.

“God, what a pervert!” a guy laughed. 

So embarrassed, Dawn began to sprint away from the peeping eyes, which now were locked on her ass as she passed them. Poor Dawn got as far as the pathway before she collapsed on her knees from the building orgasm inside of her bursting out.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” Dawn screamed as she her pussy juice squirted on the pavement. 

“How disgusting.” said another woman. “Get a room you sicko!”

Dawn couldnt believe it, she was being labelled some sick pervert before her, like she was getting turned on by exposing herself in public. She could not help the fact she was on fire like the horniest bitch in heat, aroused beyond belief. Slowly getting up, she started to sprint back to the Pokemon Centre as fast as she could. Her hands still playing with herself against her wishes, Dawn just had to hold in any more orgasms she would have till she got back in her room. Running through the open doors, Dawn dashed passed a stunned Nurse Joy and past anyone in her way. Thankfully, she was holding in her lust, but she pussy dripped tiny drops of her juices on the carpet below. At last, she got back into her room, slamming the door shut, locking it, and then jumping on her bed to resume her playfulness, cumming almost instantly when she increased finger speed.  Her plush bed now wet in the sea water from her body and her own juices, now Dawn was going teary eyed from the experience. 

“Why?” she sobbed to herself as she continued to masturbate. “What the hell is happening to me?”

It was one am before Dawn finally ceased another long fapping session. Her body returned to normal, but her mind was now a mess. Head filled with perverted thoughts, her mouth was wide open with her tongue sticking out, causing drool to roll down her chin. She panted so hard, tired and exhausted from the hours of playing with herself.

“SO......AWESOME...” She panted, not wanting the feeling of pure bliss to stop, but it had. She wanted to fap so much, but the feeling of ongoing horniness had disappeared. While a normal person would just go to sleep at this point, Dawn was desperate for more.

“The water....” she thought to herself. “The sea water made me soooo horny...”

Dawn could hear the sound of the waves from her room. It sent shivers down her spine, like it was turning her on. She knew exactly what to do, go back to the beach to make herself horny again. 

Dawn got up from the bed slowly, able to walk even though her legs felt like jelly and her balance was way off. All other thoughts were were phased out of her mind as she opened the door and left her room without putting any clothes on. Just walking down the hallway as naked as the day she was born, with that necklace still around her neck. She had really turned into a pervert, thinking of nothing but masturbation and rubbing herself silly, and her pussy still dripping of her own wetness. While it was of no concern of hers, no one was up at the hour, as Dawn walked slowly out of the Pokemon Centre like a mindless zombie and headed for the beach. Despite the clear dark blue sky, no one was around but Dawn as she entered the empty beach. She then walked into the water, but she did not go too far into the ocean, instead she sat down with her legs wide, like a little child sitting in the shallow end of the sea. The tiny ripples of waves splashed onto her ass and pussy, while Dawn picked up some seawater in her hands to splash and rub into her body. However to her disappointment, she felt almost nothing.      

“Dawn feel...no horny?” she muttered to herself.

“Enjoying yourself there?” said a male voice.

Dawn looked up to see the man from the stall from the previous day standing in front of her.

“You...man from stall.” Dawn spoke. “You gave me...pretty necklace...”

“Yes, and it seems to have really mess you up. I'm surprised you did not notice it was the necklace that caused you to become like a bitch in heat. Any smarter person would of taken it off after the first time, but I guess you really are a true pervert deep inside.”

“You make Dawn horny? Why?”

“Guess you can say I require a mate See, I'm not actually human, I come from the sea and that would kind of scare possible mates away. The necklace I wear gives me landlegs and the ability to live like a human with breathing and all that. I create jewels with magic properties back in my workshop under the sea. You jewel is kind of the opposite to me in that it molds the wearer to my, shall we say, requirements.”

“Why necklace no longer work?”

“It only gave you a sample of what I am going to offer you.”

“What offer?”

“To live with me both under the sea and above it, and be my lover.”

“Dawn not sure...” Even with her mind corrupted, Dawn was not sure about giving up her human life for a new one with this guy she barely knew.

“Maybe this will make you more tempted.” The guy pulled down his shorts, revealing his large erect member. Seeing it with her own eyes lit a spark inside of Dawn which ignited into a hot fire inside. Aroused again, Dawn began to crawl over to the guy like his penis was a hypnotic wand that was drawing her in.  

“...Cock make Dawn horny! Very horny!” She smiled with drool dripping from her mouth. 

“Yes, and you can have it and the feeling that comes with it as much as you want as my lover. Do we have a deal?”

As if to reply to him, Dawn kneel before him and placed the throbbing cock in her mouth, moving her head back and forth, almost like she was nodding, while sucking the guy off.

“Ahhh, I take that as a yes then.” smiled the guy. “Damn, your mouth feels so good!”

Sucking the guy hard and dry, Dawn soon got him to fill her cheeks up with his cum, which dangled from her mouth and she began to spit it out. Still her tongue dangled out of her mouth like a dog, like she was thirsty for me, while showing her perverted smile. 

“You ready?” asked the guy. “Once I take you from behind, there's no going back.”

“Dawn no longer care! Dawn wanna feel like this forever!”

Dawn turned around, got on all fours and wiggled her ass in front of the guy, like she was inviting his cock to come and play.

“Okay, here we go!” said the guy, kneeling down behind Dawn, and then inserting his hard cock into Dawn's pussy. Feeling the cock inside of her, Dawn's bliss of emotions multiplied by a hundred, letting off a loud moan from her wide open mouth followed by more moans of pure pleasure then the guy began to thrust back and forth. Starting slow at first, the guy soon sped up at speeds Dawn could not believe, making her orgasm like her pussy was a garden sprinkler. 


“Time for, AAAAH, Me to....Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!” the guy moaned, as he left out his load inside of Dawn. The two collapsed on the sand in exhaustion, panting like crazy. Dawn just laid there on her front completely still. Her pussy squirted out her and the guy's cum mix, while a small puddle of drool formed around her mouth. 

“Looks like I've completely fucked out what was left of your mind. Better you feel like you've died and gone to heaven, huh?”

Unable to speak, Dawn just nodded. 

“Now that my seed is inside of you, you might wanna sit up and watch your transformation into your new life.”

While her arms felt as weak as jelly, Dawn somehow managed to sit up, so she could see what the guy was on about. To her surprise, she noticed that her legs were changing in colour. No longer her normal skin colour, they were slowly changing to an emerald green colour. The change of colour soon moved up to her hips, stopping just below her belly button. She could feel the lower half of her body changing, as her legs both fused together, her ass closed up and her feet changed shape, to that of a single fin, a mermaid's fin.

“Oh my.” Dawn giggled. “This mean...”

“Yes, I am a mermaid, just like you are becoming.” the guy told Dawn. 

Dawn let out a soft moan as she could feel something happening to her breasts. Feeling so sensitive that even a soft gust of wind could turn her on, her breasts were inflating in size. No longer the respectable C Cup, they were now double Ds, big enough to make her mom and even her friend May jealous.


“They are indeed. Come, you're transformation will finish back in my underwater home.”

The guy carried Dawn further into the ocean. Soon enough, the guy's legs also fused onto one mermaid tail and then the new couple vanished into the sea. Dawn struggled a bit with the swimming under the sea, but with the guy's guidance and with her lungs now adapting to the water, it began to feel natural to her as her mind began to feel fuzzy. She could not wait to see her new home and enjoy a never ending life of hot sexy and pleasure.

Two weeks later, two new trainers arrived in Lilycove to compete in the upcoming Pokemon Contest. They had hoped to have heard from their friend Dawn, who had not contacted them in awhile. Their worry for her was soon put on hold as they arrived in the market place.

“Wow, this market seems pretty neat.” spoke Ursula. “Maybe I can find some accessories for my Pokemon and me for the contest.”

“If that's you're thing.” sighed Zoey, not being one for girl's jewellery, but she figured she'd look with Ursula. One stall caught both girl's eyes, a jewellery stall that sold all kinds of different rings, necklaces and earrings.

“Hi, welcome to like, my jewellery stall!” said the rather busty girl behind the counter. Her hair was long and blonde, while her lips stood out big and with bright pink lipstick. Eyelashes long, as well as her fingernails, coated in pink nail varnish, her huge breasts were barely concealed in the pink tank top and her jeanshorts looked like they would explode at any moment with that huge butt and hips of hers. “Is there, like anything that sees your eye, besides me? * giggle *”

“Jezz, what a bimbo.” Ursula whispered to herself.

“Say, have we met before?” Zoey asked the girl. “Can't help but feel that I know you from somewhere.”

“Ah no.” replied the girl. “If this is your first visit here, then you've never seen me before. I've been here since.....when I was born!”

“Oh okay then.” replied Zoey.

“Took her that long to count how long she's lived here?” Ursula whispered to herself again. 

“Can I interesting you two in these totally awesome necklaces?” the girl held up two blue jewel necklaces similar to what Dawn wore. “They're like, free for visitors to our town!”

“Erm, thanks.” Ursula took a necklace from the girl, as did Zoey. To show they were not being rude, the girls put the necklaces on in front of the girl.

“Ah wow! They look soooo awesome on you too!” the girl complemented.

“Thank you.” Zoey smiled. “Listen, we have to go look for our friend now...”

“Ah okay then!” said the girl. “You go find ya friend. Can't wait to go back home to my boyfriend after work. I'm soo gonna get fucked tonight!”

“Erm, okay, thanks again...” Ursula waved as the two walked away to the Pokemon Centre. The girl watched the two walk away, licking her wet lips in excitement.

“Awesome, Zoey and Ursula are here!” she smiled to herself. “I soo can't wait till their necklaces make them soo horny and into a Bimbo Mermaid like myself!”

Dawn giggled as she began to shut up shop for the day, looking forward to her entertainment tonight. Even since becoming a Bimbo Mermaid, she had wet dreams of the things she was going to do to her two friends and now the time had come to live out those fantasies. 

“Those two are like, soooooo gonna have a great time!”

The End?   


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