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“Boy, what a day!” Ami spoke to herself as she got into her bedroom and closed the door behind her. “And it's far from over.”

She then dropped not only her school bag and a shopping bag of  sneaks and fuzzy drinks. While usually her evenings would be her time for study, this evening would be different. She would be expecting company in the form of a sleep over with her friends and fellow Sailor Scouts, Usagi, Rei, Makoto and Minako. Usagi being the careless and cheerful one of the group kind of suggested the idea when the others agreed she studies much too often and should have a night off by hanging out with her friends. While Rei did mock Usagi, saying sleep overs were for babies, the others thought it was a good idea none the less. Out of her friends' suggestion, Ami agreed to it. Deep down, she wanted to study instead, but that would just prove their point even more. Still, one evening wouldn’t hurt after all, and her mom was out for the evening, so they'd have the place to themselves. 

“Let's see.” Ami looked at her alarm clock. It's seven now and they're due at around eight...”

Ami thought to herself how she could kill an hour. She had all the food and entertainment ready, and the guests would be bringing their own sleeping bags and other things like their own snacks and pyjamas. Needless to say, preparation was complete. 

“...well, just for an hour.” Ami began to unbutton her shirt. “After all, I can probably get a lot done in that time!”

Like most girls her age, Ami had urges. However in this case, Ami's turn ons were a bit, unusual to say the least. As she unhooked her bra and skirt, and pulled down her panties and socks, the now naked girl climbed onto her bed with a math book in her hand. Laid down and her legs wide open, Ami held her open book in one hand while another was cupped to her left breast. 

“Let's see.” Ami bit her lip. “Let's start with some...ahh, sums!”

This was Ami's secret shame. The poor girl was so much into studying that it had become a turn on for her. The problem was that Ami's mind was so pure and innocent that she barely ever thought about boys and they were not a turn on for her. Studying was her most favourite thing to do and on one hot day, she studied in the nude. Before she knew it, she was playing with herself while she was doing her homework and it certainly enhanced the experience, both the study and the pleasure. She never imagined that working out the last answer to the final problem would achieve orgasm but so far, it had every time she was alone with the opportunity to mix work with pleasure. She kept it as her most secret of secrets, only ever doing it when she had the house to herself and not telling a soul. Who would understand her? She would be a laughing stock of the city if word ever got out that homework was her turn on. 

“Oooh, these are good questions!” Ami groped her breast, already erect in the nipple department. “At this point, I could cum many times before Usagi and the others get...”

“Hey Ami Chan!” Usagi burst through the door cheerfully. “Sorry we're early, Rei insisted we...”

Usagi stopped when she saw what Ami was doing. Rei, Makoto and Minako were also stood by her in shock and awe like Usagi on what they had just walked into. 

“OH SWEET JESUS!” Ami yelled as she covered herself with her arms the best she could. She was totally embarrassed that she had just be caught in the act, glowing a brighter red then Rei's Sailor Mars skirt. 

After an awkward five minutes, the four guests were sat by the bed, while Ami had wrapped herself in her bed covers, sat on her bed. Ami had no idea how to explain what she was doing, while the other four Senshi had no idea how to respond to what they saw. It was only when Usagi broke the silence with;

“So.....you were Masturbating?”

“USAGI!” Rei yelled at her dimwitted comrade. It was hardly the polite way to say it out.

“Y-Yes...” Ami looked away, ashamed of her actions. 

“Hey its okay.” Makoto tried to cheer Ami up. “Lots of people do it. I mean, its nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Though why did you have a Math book in your hand?” Minako asked Ami. “Is that where you hide your porn or something?”

“N-No, nothing like that.” Ami stuttered. “It's just....well I...”

“You get off from studying?” Usagi finish her friend's confession. 

“Will you just be quiet till you think of something polite to say?” Rei looked angrily at Usagi.

“Waaah, don't yell at me Rei!” Usagi moaned. 

“Well, I guess you could say that...” Ami admitted. “I dunno...it kind of...enhances my studying......I guess.”

“You don't think of anything else like boys when you do that?” Rei asked.

“No...not really. Do you Rei?” Ami asked back.

“Oh no no no.” Rei was quick to respond, hiding her own secret activities. “Its just you know, that's what most girls think about when they do that sort of think...”

“Hey I know!” Makoto got an idea. “Say listen...”

With her taller height as an advantage, Makoto huddled with the three other guests to discuss something in secret. Ami couldnt hear what they were saying as they whispered to each other, other then Usagi say “Can we really do that?” and Rei respond with “Its for her own good.” Curious enough, Ami asked;

“Hey, what you discussing over there?”

The four guests stopping whispering and looked back at Ami, all grinning as they slowly crawled towards her. 

“W-What are you grinning like that?” Ami started to feel a little concerned.

After a five minute struggle, Ami was now tied to her bed, with her wrists and ankles tied to each corner, forcing her into the spread eagle position. Unable to move, Ami could only watch as her friend admired their handy work.

“Guys, why did you tied me to the bed?” a still worried Ami asked.   

“Oh, we agreed with Makoto that you shouldn’t really be fapping to study books.” Usagi spoke as she began to take off her shirt. “So instead of a sleepover, we're gonna show you a good time!”

Just like Usagi, the other three girls began to undress out their clothes as well. Ami's eyes widened in shock as they took off their shirts, skirts and even their underwear too. And just like her, they stood completely naked. 

“Minako, you wanna start?” Usagi asked. “I call dibs on the you know what being leader and all!”

“Okay then.” Minako replied. “I know what I'm picking.”

Minako walked over to the bed, then crawled onto it like a cat hunting its pray, only her pray was a different kind of pussy. 

“Minako, what are you doing?!?” Ami asked concerned. As much as she struggled, her binds kept her in position. 

“Giving you the sort of fantasy you should be getting aroused by!” Minako explained as she tilted her head towards Ami's most sensitive part. Like the first like of an ice cream, she took a long slow lick of Ami's pussy. 

“Ahhhhh!” Ami moaned in pleasure. Minako's tongue felt incredible against her pussy, much wetter and better then her fingers. The experience completely alien to Ami, Minako began licking even more, going at different speeds, poking her tongue in and out of her vagina walls and even making sucking motions and sounds. “OH GOD, Ahhh Ahhh!”  

“Guess that leaves us with the twins then.” Rei walked over to one side of the bed.

“That's true.” Makoto walked over to the other. With both girls on all fours each to a side of Ami's body, they both grabbed a breast each with a hand, and began to massage it. 

“Oh my, Ahhhh!” Ami moaned. It felt great to massage one of her breasts, but having both and her pussy licked felt many times more sexy. Even more so when Rei and Makoto leaned down and their their mouths to her nipples, licking and teasing her light pink nipples with their tongues in a circular motion while sucking hard. “OOOOOH YES! LIKE THAT! AHHHHH, THINK I'M GONNA CUM....”

It was then the three girls stopped what they were doing when they heard the c word. 

“W-Why did you stop?” Ami asked disappointedly at her anti-climax. It was then Usagi joined in by crawling onto the bed and positioned herself above Ami's head, to the point where her own pussy was mere inches from Ami's mouth. 

“Well, its not just you being pleasured Ami.” Usagi explained. “See, we'll keep on pleasuring you, but you're gonna have to do the same for us too....by sucking from our pussies!”

“Y-your pussies?” Ami blushed. It was one thing her getting licked and pleasured, but pleasures another girl? She was so unsure. “I dunno Usagi...”

“Well fine, we can stop this now, get dressed and play board games for the rest of the evening, or you eat be a player and do what we've been doing to you. Your choice.” Usagi explained. 

Ami did not want to stop. She had felt the most incredible she had ever felt a moment ago, and to not achieve orgasm was a great disappointment for her. She really wanted to hit braking point, she wanted to orgasm in front of her friends so badly so she could experience the pleasure one could only gain from a fivesome. In was then Ami finally spoke;


“Yes what Ami?” Usagi asked.

“Please...let me eat your Pussy Usagi!”

As Usagi lowered herself slowly to Ami's mouth, Ami's tongue immediately sprung into action, submerging into Usagi's pussy hole and mimicking what Minako did to her earlier. 

“AHHH, that's the spot Ami!” Usagi moaned. “Girls, give her....AHHH, her reward!”

As Usagi intructed them, Makoto, Rei and Minako resumed their licking of Ami's nipples and pussy. Feeling intense pleasure again only made Ami move her tongue faster within Usagi's pussy walls. 

“Yessss!” Usagi cried in pleasure, squeezing her own breasts. “I'm already gonna.....AHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHHH!”

For Ami, she was also moaning pleasurably, causing vibrations within Usagi which only enhanced her pleasure. Soon enough, Usagi errupted and orgasm, straight into Ami's mouth, while Ami also came and splashed her juices into Minako's mouth. 

“That....” Ami puffed, exhausted from her orgasm. “...was amazing!”

“You....were pretty good...yourself Ami!” Usagi breathed heaily as she got off the bed. “Have you been studying the karma sutra or something?”

“No...I just copied was Minako was doing...” Ami explained, already catching her breath back.

“Well, my turn next!” Rei got up on the bed and into the same position Usagi was previously in.

“What, already?” Ami asked.

“Yeah, well we all gotta have a taste of your cunt licking skills now after that!” Rei explained. “As well as a taste of your tits and pussy juice too!”

“Oh boy...” Ami spoke, as her night was only just beginning.

And so, each her Ami's friends took their turn licking Ami's pussy and tits, as well as having their own pussies licked by Ami. As soon as they all had a turn, they freed Ami from her binds so she could join in more actively, hugging and kissing each of her dear friends on the lips. Throughout the rest of the night, the five Senshi engaged in plenty of  lesbian acts such as licking every inch of each other's wet, hot and sweaty bodies, scissoring each others so that their horny pussies rubbed against each others. Ami seemed the most sexually starved as even when her four friends could not continue any further due to how much they all orgasmed, Ami continued an extra hour into morning, till the point where the crybaby Usagi cried for no more from Ami, but the study girl was having none of it, more or less forcing her friends to cum whether they wanted to or not. Soon enough, as night turned into morning, Ami rested and fell asleep, just as her four friends had twenty minutes ago.

The next afternoon, Ami slowly awoke to the smell of sweat and dampness to her bed. Next to her, she saw her best friends cuddles and asleep next to her in her bed, with Usagi and Rei cuddled right next to her with a hand each on her breasts, while Makoto was cuddled next to Usagi and Minako next to Rei. At her, Ami blushed in embarrassment in the awkward situation, until her mind woke up and remembered the night before at which point, she smiled.  Just then, Usagi started to wake.

“Hey there...” she whispered softly to Ami. “Had a good night?”

“The best.” Ami replied back, as the other girls started to wake up. For the first time in her life, Ami felt like she was in heaven, and it wasn’t a large library. Her friends had opened a new chapter in her sex life and she now felt more normal then just a study nerd. She thought nothing could ruin this moment of bliss...

“I'm home Ami!” Ami's mother opened the door to her room. “ Sorry I was late back, I...”

Her mother froze as she saw Ami in bed with her friends all naked.

“MOM!” Ami yelped in panic, grabbed the bed sheets to cover her breasts the best she could. Her face bright red of embarrassment, all she could say was;


The End?   



What do you think of the new look patreon? I think it looks alright.


Kind of miss the orange-ness of the site but I'm sure we'll all get used to it over time.