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Chapter One

A large dusty book was slammed down on a desk. Blowing the dust away and opening the old black and yellow book, Kodachi Kuno browsed through the pages while in her bedroom, borrowing Summoning for Dummies in the hope of finding a certain spell for her needs.

“Let's see, G, G, G....” she muttered as her finger scrolled down the index. “Ah here we are, Great Goddess of Love!”

The Black Rose Gymnast had one thing on her mind, summon the Great Goddess of Love, and use her to get her knight in shining armor to fall in as much love as she felt for him. That way, that pesky love rival of hers, the red “pigtailed girl” would give up on him and Ranma would belong to her, though she was never able to acknowledge that the two were really the same person. She read the page on summoning the Love Goddess, observing the summon chat she must perform to bring her into this world.

“Okay, this should be simple.”

She sat up from her desk and stood in the middle of her room, placing a fold out poster of a summoning circle onto the floor, essential for summoning her Goddess. She began to dance in circles, another ritual she had to perform.

“Oh great Goddess of all that is love in this world and beyond, come forth to me in my hour of need! Lend me your great power of emotion and feeling to help me claim the one meant for me! “

Just as she finished her chant and dance, a large blue portal opened on the floor, the force pushing her against the wall and causing posters, soft toys and various other things flying around the room as a figure began to emerge from the door from another dimension. The strange mysterious person's long golden hair shined, as did her black and orange stripey latex outfit. Arms and legs wrapped in rubbery gloves and boots that almost reached her shoulders and hips. A small tail, resembling a bee's, stuck to about her ass, thanks to the buttplug tightly snug inside her. Choker keeping her head straight and forward, while vision was perfected by the help of the orange visor, as well as her hearing thanks to the headband with bee eyes and antennas. Finally, wings on her back were longer then her arms, again like a bee's, but look as if they grew out of her body. The weird bee girl opened her eyes to view her destination.

“Buzz.......how did I get here....?” she buzzed like she was locked in a deep trance. Kodachi could only look in awe at the bee girl in her room.

“W-W-Who are you?” asked Kodachi. “You look nothing like the illustration in the book!” 

“Who am I? Have you not heard the Hypno Hive, Buzz....?”

“Hypno Hive?”

“Just as I thought, I've been transported to another dimension, an alternative earth....”


“Yes. The universe is full of alternative realities where everything is different. You might have an earth full of cute collectable creatures, you can have ones with superheroes, ones where card games are more important then most sports, ones with blue hedgehogs, just think of the universe as a big video store where all you favorite shows, movies and games are different realities.”

“I.....sort of understand. Who are you again?”

“I am the great Queen Minako of the Hypno Hive. I sometimes go under the name Sailor Venus, but that's another story....”

The creepy bee girl floated towards Kodachi, scanning her with her soulless eyes behind her visor.  

“W-What do you want from me?” stuttered Kodachi. 

“Well in my world, we converted people into drones for the hive and eventually, the world was mine for the taking. So now that I can hope dimensions and realities with your book...”

With a click of her fingers, three strange looking bees appeared before Minako.

“...I can conquer your world too!”

As the bees flew around the room, they began to spray a golden yellow coating of honey onto the walls, hardening upon impact. Scared for her life, Kodachi ran to her door, only for it to be sprayed in the honey until the door was no longer visible, only a wall of honey. She turned around to find Minako right in front of her, close enough that her large impressive chest pressed against Kodachi's average chest. 

“Why do you join us?” Minako whispered. “You'll feel ever so goooooood, buzz.”

“No! I don't...”

“I wasn't asking.”

A bee floated above Kodachi and dripped some honey down from it's stinger as Minako grabbed Kodachi's chin, forcing her mouth upward and open. 

“Open wide.” grinned Minako, as a big drip of honey dangled into Kodachi's mouth, too much to swallow in one go as it drooled from her mouth. Never had honey tasted so good to Kodachi, so sweet, so tasty, her tongue made sure to lick every bit off her lips.

“You like, buzzzz?”

“Uh ha...” said a dazed Kodachi as her mind began feel funny under the side effect of the honey. Minako placed two fingers on Kodachi's chin and pushed in upward gently.

“Watch the bees...”

Kodachi looked at the strange bees as they flew above her, and their eyes began a weird spiral effect that gave off a hypnotic aura to the already dizzy Kodachi. Minako meanwhile, kissed her neck passionately using her lips and wet tongue to full use.  Kodachi could only stare with a blank face, lost in the hypnosis and pleasure. 

“Learn to obey.....buzzz.” whispered Minako. “You long for the hypno hive and love the hypno bees! Your past no longer matters, and you're destiny is to recruit more girls to our hive and make lots of tasty honey! Obey me, your Queen!”

“I........obey. I........long for the hyp-no hive, and love....th...e hypno bees! My past no longer mmmatters, and my dessssstiny is to recruit moooore....girls to our hive and make lots of tasty honey! I obey you, my Queen.......buzzzzzz.”

“Good, now we must finish your transformation.”

Honey began to drip onto the newly hypnotized girl, falling on her hair, into her mouth again, and especially all over her clothes which began to dissolve as if the honey was acid to clothes which not harming the skin. Holes in her clothes began to widen, before layers of clothing began to vanishing, leaving a naked Kodachi as she rubbed the honey all over her breasts and body. Like magic, her body began to alter, now thinning to a perfect hourglass figure, breasts expanding as big as soccer balls, a butt like two balloons pressed together, and finally hair that shines so bright. Once body was perfected, more honey began to form around her body into new clothing, one fit for a drone of the Hypno Hive. Boots reaching her hips, gloves nearing her shoulders, a one piece outfit with long bee wings on the back, a chocker around her neck, a visor with headband with bee eyes and antennas, all stripped in ruby red and golden yellow. The final, yet more surprising item was a bee tail, only much larger then Minako's as honey dripped on Kodachi's ass like a tap. As it grew, she had to float in the air as it was not possible to stand with the huge tail that was forming, ending up longer then her body almost and as wide as an armchair. Her journey to the Buzz Side was complete. 

“Now that's interesting.” Minako buzzed, pondering at the large tail. “The honey must react differently in this universe when converting a girl. Could even have its own new abilities.”

“I am ready for you my Queen.” said an entranced Kodachi. “I feel.....so much better as a Hypno Bee for your hive.......buzzzzzz.”

“Excellent! You shall be the very first in this reality to experience the pleases of the Hypno Hive! We must expand this branch of the hive with as many bees as soon as we can.”

“Yes my Queen.”

“Now tell me, do you know of anyone we can convert? People would know you will be emotionally weakened by your transformation and easier to capture. So any friends, family?”

“Well.....buzz. There is this boy....”

“We need girls, not boys....”

“I know my Queen, I loved him as a human, but thiiiiiiis redhead kept getting in the way, as did his fiancee and her sisssssssters....buzzz.” 

“I seeee. You want them out the way for this boy....”


“Ranma right, so you can have him to your self? I guess that can be arranged my servent. He shall be your reward if we cappppture those girls...”

“Thank you my Queen......”

“Let's go find them.......”

The two bee girls flew out of the open window into the bright blue sky above the town. Kodachi flew slowly, as she still needed to get used to the wings, and the large buttplug holding up the extra weight of her large tail. 

The Bee Queen smiled evilly at town below, imagining the whole new world of honey and bees she would soon obtain.

End of Chapter One.      

Chapter 2

Elsewhere, above the clouds, an attractive woman walks in an office to confront her sister who is sitting at a desk.

“Erm, Urd?” the woman spoke.

“What is it Belldandy?” asked Urd.

“You know that instruction we had printed in that Summoning book for summoning Love Goddess's?”

“Well, turns out we've been receiving a lot of letters about it.”

“Oh great.” Urd sighed. “What was wrong?”

“Well, they're not letters of complains, but rather they're thanking us for the bee girls we keep sending them. And strangely, all the letters are sticky and smell like honey...”

“So? They're happy so not a problem right?”

“That's not the point! We're meant to be sending Goddess's, not “bee girls”. You must of made a mistake with the summoning chant.”

“Guess you're right. Suppose it's back to the Goddess Hotline...say, where's Skuld?”

“Oh, she went to her room to read a black and yellow book.”

“Ah okay...wait, black and yellow book?!? 

At that moment, the door flung open to reveal the youngest sister, looking very different to how she normal looked. Now the same age as her older sister, Skuld sported a familiar striped  latex bee outfit in the colour of pink and black. Her eyes were mesmerized, locked under a spell. Another bee girl flew in to join Skuld, as Belldandy and Urd stood in shock at their younger sister's appearance.

“Hey sisssters, buzzz.” spoke Skuld in a creepy voice. “Let me introduce my new friend Ami.”

“Skuld!” said a gobsmacked Belldandy. “What's happened to you?”

“I ssssummoned Ami from the book. She convinced me it's much more fun being a bee then a Godesss, buzzzzzz. 

“You can't be serious!” cried Belldandy.

“Oh but I am. In fact, why do I convince you two to join ussssss?”  

As the two bee girls flew towards the defenseless Goddesses, Belldandy could only scream, which Urd only had time to mutter:

“Oh fu...” 

Back in another reality, Akane Tendo was walking home from school alone. Normally, she would walk home with that gender changing fiancee of hers, but as usual another weirdo challenged him to some sort of crazy fight. Too tired from school, she just wanted to head home and not deal with any madness she knew would occur if she stayed and watched. On guard, she had a strange feeling she was bring watched, which couldnt be further from the truth as the two bee girls spy-ed on her from the air.  

“This the fiancee you were on about?” asked the Queen.

“Yessss. They're arranged to be married.” replied Kodachi. “She tries to act like she has no feelings towards my Ranma, but she hides her real feelings way too wellll....”

“She will be our first victim. We shall fly ahead of her to her housssse....”

The bee girls flew at great speed, ensuring they would beat Akane home, like two aircraft moving swiftly through the skies. 

Upon returning to her home much later on, Akane called out for her sisters and father. No response, so she decided to make herself a sandwich in the kitchen. An unusual sight greeted her in the fridge, jars and jars of a certain substance. 

“What the? Why the hell is the fridge full of honey?!?” said a puzzled Akane to herself. “Was there a sale or something?”

Closing the fridge, she decided to check the kitchen cupboards. The same thing revealed itself to her.

“More honey? There must be fifty jars in the cupboard alone!”

Something dripped onto Akane's head. Touching it with her fingers, she saw a string of sticky honey between two of her fingers. Akane looked up to see the ceiling was dripping with the golden yellow stuff. 

“This is starting to get creepy. If this is Ranma's doing, he's so dead if my room is covered in this!”

As Akane walked to the stairs to check on upstairs, more rooms in the house had honey dripping from the ceiling. She avoided getting anymore on her, though once she reached the staircase, it was completely covered in honey, like a shiny yellow children's slide or a waterfall of honey. Akane slowly walked up the stairs, proving hard as the honey got onto her socks making them heavy, to which she took them off halfway up. The honey was sticky to her bare feet, almost like walking in glue. Reaching the top, the whole second floor was covered in honey. The walls, the floor, even the ceiling, stuck like wallpaper and plaster. To Akane, this was feeling more and more like a really bad horror movie. 

“No way! What's happened to this place?!?”

At a time like this, Akane would probably wait for Ranma to come save the day, but she was concerned about her bedroom and personal belongings, so made her way to the room. As the walked, it was becoming more harder to avoid getting covered in honey, which by the time she reached her room, her clothes were drenched in sticky honey. Also proving hard to do was opening the door, as the knob was encased in honey. 

“Grr, SOMEONE'S gonna pay!” Akane yelled angrily as she tackled open the stuck door. Her room was just like the rest of the upstairs, completely covered in honey, including all her stuff, only with one addition, Kodachi laying on her honey bed in a strange outfit. 


“Only made it more to my likening....buzzz.”

  “It's not yours to redecorate! And what's with that weird get up? You have some sort of bee fetish or something?”

“You could say that...and so will you buzz......”

At that moment, Akane's drenched clothes began to dissolve. The large holes in her clothing revealed bare skin and underwear, till there were no clothes left, then dissolving underwear made Akane bright red in embarrassment, covering her private areas best she could with her arms and hands. 

“Noooooo!” she panicked. “Just what kind of honey is this?!?”

With her arms busy covering herself, another pair of hands grabbed her head, forcing it upward where a large drop of honey was about the drip onto her face and forced opened mouth. 

“WOT DA HACK?” Akane muffled. 

“Stay charm girl.” spoke Queen Minako. “Soon, all your worries will taste  so sweet...”

Unable to do anything, the honey covered Akane's face, causing her to shut her eyes and her cheeks to inflated as her mouth was full of sweet honey. She was trying her best not to swallow, it could only end badly for her, but the honey just tasted so good on her tongue that her taste buds were on fire, like all her favorite foods in one, only a hundred times sweeter and tastier. Her head full of temptation to swallow, she had no choice but to give in to the taste and began swallowing it down her throat. All gone, she puffed and breathed deeply, like she just resurfaced from underwater. Now her mind began to feel dizzy, and her skin felt so sensitive and soft. 

“Like your honey?” the Queen asked.

“Yes......it tastes......sooooooo good!!!! My cooking tastes like crap.......compared to thisssssss, buzz.....”

Just then, Akane's breasts expanded up a size and her figured perfected into a sexy hourglass figure. 

“Ahhhhhhh!” the changed girl moaned. “Feels sooooooooo good......”

“Let's finish you off then.”

More honey rained down all over Akane, and began to form and harden into another bee outfit, only with black and pink stripes this time. Her outfit resembled the Queen's  this time, not having the huge buttplug this time that Kodachi gained, but also more like the worker bees that would gather honey for the Queen. 

“Ready to obey your Queen?” 

“Yessssssss my Queen.” the new Bee Girl spoke. “I will serve you like the good worker I ammmmmm.”

“Excellent. Welcome to our world.” 

Minako turned her attention to Kodachi, who's bee tail was vibrating like crazy.

“What's happening?”

“I, AHHHHHH, dunno.” Kodachi replied in pleasure. “When you, AHHHHH, began to.....CONVERT......Akane, my tail began to......AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.”

The tail ceased its vibrating.

“Hmm, how curious.” Minako spoke. “Perhaps you can do something that can convert girls into bees...buzz. We'll have to seeeeeee when we next find one....”

Out of no where, a curious Nabiki entered the room wondering what happened to the house, just like Akane previously. 

“Hey Akane, did a honey truck smash into the house or something?” she asked, as the three bee girls turned their attention to her. “....hey, is this some crazy new bee fetish or something?”

“Join usssss sister.” buzzed Akane. “You'll feel soooooooo good.”

At this point, Nabiki began to worry. Her sister, Kodachi and another girl she never seen were floated towards her with hungry eager eyes.

“....stay back.” Nabiki warned. “Seriously, you're creeping me out.....”

Not able to move very faster without slipping, Nabiki was caught by Akane. She screamed as they covered her in honey as her clothes dissolved and her nudity was there in full view.

“Soon Ranma.” Kodachi buzzed as her tail also buzzed into action again. “You will be minnnnnne. That redhead will soon fall to usssssss, then there'll be no one in my waaaay, AAAAAAAHHHHHH.....”

To Be Concluded

Chapter 3

“Get back here you pervert!” shouted Ranma, chasing a certain pervert across the local rooftops.

“Never!” smiled Happosai, carrying another huge “collection” of women's underwear in a large sack. “All the world's panties are mine for keeps!”

“Damn.” Ranma thought to himself. “If he gets back to the Dojo with all that underwear, I just know what Akane will accuse me of. 

Looking forward, Ranma noticed they were close to the Dojo garden. Time was running out.

“Crap, only one thing for it.”

Ranma increase his running, getting closer to the short perv, close enough to kick him into the sky along with the panties.

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Happosai screamed as he rocketed upward into the clouds. 

“Thank go.......ooooood.” Ranma muttered as him lost his balance and fell into the garden pond with a great splash. Emerging out was a rather wet redhead, soaked to the bone. 

“Great, just what I need! How....”

Ranma's speech was interrupted when a pair of panties landed on her face. Looking upward, she discovered her plan backfired in a massive way.

“It's....raining panties?!?” She weeped. “AKANE, THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! IT WAS.....huh?”

Pausing for a moment, the redhead wondered where Akane was. Normally this would be her cue to accuse him of pervert-ness followed by some sort of violence from her fiancee, he/she was so used to that, like a routine. Instead, she starred at the huge honey hive that stood where the Dojo should be.  The building was still there, only the yellow hive dripping of honey stood on top of it, standing close to around sixty foot. 

“Sigh, just another day in the life of Ranma Saotome...” the boygirl sighed, as these weird shenanigans were a part of her daily routine as was the Akane abuse. She stepped out of the pond, drying herself off the best she could, before slowly waking towards the Hive Dojo. Getting in was as simple as getting into the Dojo, though she had trouble waking barefoot as the floor and walls were covered in wet sticky honey. Eventually making it up the stairs, Ranma found the whole upstairs had changed, revealing the inside of the hive structure. The hive was the brightest yellow she had even seen as she saw girls dressed like bees fly around the hollow structure, collecting honey from their honey buckets, and each showing an entranced look in their eyes. Most of them Ranma reconized as girl that went to his school.

“How the hell did this happen?” Ranma's voice echoed through the hive as she now came to full terms of the situation. Almost like responding to her question, a familiar bee girl flew towards the redhead. 

“...A-A-Akane?!?” Ranma stuttered at the look of her fiancee. 

“Ranma.” She spoke softly. “Do you like my new look? It'sssssss what all usssssss bee girls are wearing these dayssssss!”

“Who did this to you Akane?”

“Oh, someone you know too well...and I'm sure you'll find out just how niccccce this feels!”

As Akane stopped speaking, a large drip of honey fell on Ranma's head, soon running down all over her body. Ranma looked up to see it was Kodachi and some blond girl she never saw met before spilling out two large buckets of honey onto her. 

“Kodachi....” Ranma gulped as the honey continued two cover her all over. She tried moving her arms and legs, but it was way too thick to move about. Her eyes widen as her clothing began to dissolve, leaving nothing but her skin. Ranma held on the best she could, holding her breath within the honey and trying to squirm her way out, but her limbs soon tried and her mouth opened, letting the honey pour into her mouth and down her throat. 

“Excellent.” Minako smiled. “She'ssssss giving in.”

“Yesssss.” Kodachi smiled back. “and with her out the picture, Ranma will be all mine!”

Honey still surround Ranma, the substance's effects began to take effect on the boygirl martial artist as her breasts expanded in size and her body shaped perfectly. Her mind meanwhile, began to tingle, causing dizziness and entrancing Ranma. Suddenly rescuing everyone and stopping the bees were no longer a concern to Ranma. Surly joining them and becoming a Bee Girl to forever gather and eat this amazing tasty honey would be a fair better life then just going to school, fighting weirdos and getting hit by Akane every single day. As the honey ceased to drop, Ranma began eating and swallowing the honey around her and rubbing her arms with it.

“This.....tastes soooooooo good....” Ranma spoke with honey dripping like droop from her mouth. “...and feels....amazing.....on my....hot...body.....”

“I think she's ready.” Minako spoke. “Now my Slave Drone, convert her like you transformed the othersssssss.”

“Yes my Queen!” Kodachi replied as she began to descend above Ranma. As her huge tail touched the redhead, Ranma's head sunk into the tail, and soon the rest of her naked body got sucked into the bee tail. Once inside, Ranma felt warm and safe, like she had returned into her mother's womb, only with honey inside and around her. Despite this, she was able to breath as the honey began it's work, changing her more so as the tail vibrated and buzzed like crazy. 

“Obey the hive!” Kodachi commanded her temporary offspring. “Obey the Queen! Only the hive matters, your past and memories are not important, they never were. Relax, and become one with the hive, one with the Bee Girl, and one with me!”

“I...want to beeeeeeee.....a bee!” Ranma spoke gently. “To beeeeeeeee within yooooooou, buzzzzzzzzz......”

“Yessssss, accept it! The Hive's love and the Queen's Will! No more worries, no more loneliness, and no more need to think! Only obey our Queen's orders!”

“Yessssss, beeing a bee gooooood......buzzz buzzzz........I love it!”

As Ranma's mind shattered and reprogrammed, new clothing had formed around her body, a blue and black stripped outfit similar to Kodachi's. The one piece outfit complete with wings, the long tight boots, the just as long gloves, the choker around her neck, the visor with headband with bee eyes and antennas, and a beetail buttplug that was much smaller then Kodachi's huge one. The hairband keeping her ponytail in place exploded as Ranma's bright red hair now grew much long and more frilly. 

“Now my child!” Commanded Kodachi. “Be reborn into this world as the healthy, most obedient Bee Girl you can beeeeeeee!”

As the bottom of her Tail opened up, Kodachi let the honey inside ooze out, as well as Ranma who spermed out head first, laying onto the ground wet and sticky. As the honey vanished, she flapped her back wings for the first time and flew towards her new mother. 

“How do you feel, my child?” Kodachi asked, smiling at her “child”.

“I feel......amazing.” Ranma responded. “My old life feelssssssss.....dead. I have reborn into thissssss world, buzzzzzzzzzzz......”

“You sure have. Since I don't care about your old life, and you were after my Ranmaaaaaaaaa, you shall now be calllllllled.......Ranko. Yessssss, once I get my Ranma, you can be our child bee girl!”

“Yesssssss mother!”

Losing all her free will and thought, Ranma could no long tell Kodachi the truth, that she was Ranma, not unless Kodachi or the Queen asked her, but as they had no interest in her former life, neither were lucky to ask.  

“What now, my Queen?” Kodachi asked Queen Minako. 

“Now, we convert all of this town and Japan.” the Queen ordered Kodachi and all the other Bee Girls. “Convert everyone until the whole population are Bee Girls!”

“Yes our Queen!” they all responded.

Sometime later, the whole world was converted. Every town, every region, and every country of people were now Bee Girls, each with their own main Hive and led by their Queen. Boys were turned into girls and Bee Girls, girls immediately became Bee Girls, while the other animal were wiped out, deemed pointless to the Bees. The planet now glew a bright yellow, with the land covered in solid honey, while the ocean was now an ocean of honey as well. Even though Kodachi never found her Ranma, she was more then happy converting the population as it gave her pleasure in the process, and raising her daughter Ranko with pride. 

As now the Sailor Bees had all mastered dimension hopping, no reality was safe. All the earths suffered the same fate as the world of Ranma and her friends, from the world with creatures know as Pokemon, the world of Angels and Evangelions, the world of Alchemy, the world known as Mobius, the world of Clow Cards and magic, the world with a card game know as Duel Monsters, even the world of Cephiro was not spared. You name it, every reality with every timeline of every known alternative was converted with a Bee paradise of honey and Bee Girls. The whole human template had now been changed throughout the dimensions beyond the voids between realities.

Yes, 2012 was the end of all we knew and the Bee-gining of the Bee Girls.

The End?



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