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“Another day, another ass whooping.” smiled Clair, the Blackthorn City Gym Leader, returning home as she dropped her keys in the bowel placed on the stand by the front door of her house. Being a Gym Leader was not so difficult, but when you're working in a Gym with very hot lava inside, the heat can really be intense. Clair was used to it, however her body was always soaking wet in sweat when she came home, explaining her attire she wore every single day.

“Right, better run a bath.”

As a result, she would run a bath every single evening she came home from the Gym to wash her sweaty body, and put her clothes in the washing machine so they were ready for tomorrow. She always thought of her bath as a reward for getting through another day of crushing young trainer's dreams of entering the Pokemon League, or to cheer her up when rarely she would be defeated. Once in the the bathroom, she turned on the taps full blast, while pouring in a pink gel from a bottle to create a big bubbly bath. As the water built up, Clair undid her cape, letting it drop to the floor, as she slipped out of her small boots, and unzipping the one piece attire she always wore. She took naked in her bathroom, sweat dripping off her body onto the floor and smelling of sweat all over. She really needed and watched this bath so bad. Stepping into the tub, she submerged her whole body into the bubbles and then into the water, relaxing her head at the end of the tub as the warm sensation tingled her whole body, resulting in a happy pant. 

“Aaaahhhhh.” she smiled. “I deserve this bit of heaven.”

At a time, Clair would spend up to an hour, possibly longer in the bath, mostly just laying there with no care what so ever. Some days, if the day had REALLY been a good one, her fingers would decide to get a little playful and rub her womanhood for an evening of orgasmic ecstasy. Sometimes, even the toothbrush would join in as well as the water would resemble the sea during a storm as water would splash out of the bath onto the floor from the activities of the masturbating Gym Leader. Those were real special occasions, real bliss, but tonight was not one of those evenings.

A loud banging from downstairs caught Clair's attention. When the sound the of the front door being kicked open was heard, she took guard. Was in a robber? An angry loser trainer bitter about defeat? Whoever it was, they'd have hell to pay for interrupting the one thing she looked forward to in the evenings.

“CLAIR, WHERE ARE YOU?!?” Angrily shouted a familiar voice as footsteps stomped up the stairs. The intruder appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, someone of an higher rank to Clair, Elite Four Member Karen. 

“You know most people just knock the door.” said Clair, no longer concerned.

“Cut the crap Clair, you're in big trouble.”

“Really? How so?”

“We've been getting a lot of complains from you. You've badmouth challengers, whipped them and their Pokemon with a whip on some occasions, lured male trainers to your basement for BDSM, and worst of all, you've refused to hand trainers their Gym Badge when they've defeated you! What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I know, its shocking isn’t it? I do all that, and I'm still a virgin.”

“This is serious! Lance is very angry with you.”

“And where is he?”

“Away on official league business.”  

“Then it's no concern of mine.”

“No concern? League battles are down sixty percent because of you!”

“Honey, Lance is my REAL higher up. He's the Champion of all of Kanto and Johto and Master of the Dragon's Den. You're just a second rate Elite Four trainer, and anytime I want, I can challenge the league and woop your ass and take your position. Dark types? Please. My Dragons would crush them easily.”

“You bitch!”

Angry at Clair, Karen swooped her arm into the bath water and grabbed Clair's arm, pulling her out of her bubbly haven. 

“Hey what the hell...” said Clair, surprised at what was happening and the strength of Karen.

“If you're going to act like a bitch, I'll treat you like a bitch!” replied Karen as she sat on the edge of the bath tub and placed the soaking wet Gym Leader onto her lap, keeping a firm grip on both of Clair's hands. The other hand however, was raised into the air and came down with great force onto the wet ass of Clair, echoing a loud smack.

“OOOWWWWW!” screamed Clair. “That hurt!”

“Oh I'm only just starting.”

Karen spanked Clair once again.


“Yeah, like that bitch? You like dishing out punishment to others, so let's see how you fare when the roles are reversed!”

Karen continued spanking Clair's ass, starting slowly, but then speeding up gradually with each smack getting harder as she continued. The soapy bubbles on Clair's body began to slide down to the ground as her body shook with every spank on her bottom.


Karen ignored Clair's pleas to stop, continuing to spank her until her ass was not only bright red and sore but dryer then any other part of her body. 

“Enjoyed that?” smirked Karen.

Clair panted, exhausted from her punishing ordeal.

“You, son of a- * pant *.” Clair could hardly speak. “Wait, till Lance * pant * hears about this! I'll * pant * have you struck off the Elite!”

“Tut tut, that's not how a bitch talks back to her Mistress.”

Clair looked at Karen and spat at her face.

“Fuck you.”

“Right, think you need sometime outside!”

Karen got up and dragged Clair downstairs, holding her hands with a very tight grip. She then tossed her out the front door, making her land outside onto the pathway, and shut the door swiftly. 

“NO!” panicked Clair as she got up and started banging on the door. “YOU LET ME BACK IN THIS INSTANT! KAREEEEEEEN!”

No matter how much she yelled and banged on the door, she got no response. She stopped when she realized something as she turned around.

“Wait a minute, if I make sure a racket, I'll start attracting the wrong sort of people, and they'll see my naked body!”

Luckily, no one had saw her yet. An idea bubble started to switch on in her head.

“I know, the kitten window! I always keep that slightly open when I could out the path so I get a cold breeze on my body when I get out the bath and make something to eat! If that cow hasn’t spotted it yet, I could get back in.”

Covering her still wet private parts the best she could with her arms, she made her way towards the back of the house. She wished on the way there she did not have a Dryer indoors or she'd certainly have a washing line with clothes to put on, but she never pictured herself as the housewife type nor wanted anyone seeing her do such cores outside. She spotted the window, still open.


She tried to pull it up, but with no luck. She made sure it was not open too wide for thieves to get in.

“Hmm, the gap should just be wide enough for me to get in.”

She placed her hand forward into the gap, then her head followed suit. Breasts were a bit of a struggle being such a big bust, but she managed to squeeze them in, even though it was rough on her prized chest.

“My poor puppies. Never mind, vengeance shall be ours!” 

Clair was overconfident she would get in and slide herself into her kitchen with no trouble, until she suddenly got stuck.

“What the?”

She looked back to see her ass was too big get fit through the window gap! She pushed and pulled to try and escape, but she was wedged in too great. 

“No! I was so close! Why did I have to have such a large fine ass?!?”

“Well well, got yourself stuck there, haven't you bitch?” said a familiar voice.

Clair looked around the kitchen, but saw no one. She slowed turned her head to see Karen outside the house, admiring the “view”. 

“Will you stop calling me that?!?” growled Clair.

“My my, you've still not learned to control that bark of yours.”

Karen swatted Clair's ass swiftly, making Clair moan some more as she was still very sore from the long session of spanking. 


“Now say sorry.”

She spanked her again.


Another spank.

“Sorry what?”


“Wrong answer.”

Two more spanks.


“That's better.” 

Karen took a moment to observe Clair's garden, which looked untidy. Long grass that had not been cut, planks of wood scattered around, a shed cover in moss, dead flowers, it would certain win last place for any gardening contest.

“Dear me Clair, your garden's a right mess! You could hire a gardener or actually do some gardening yourself!”

Karen picked up a plank of wood from the grass and walked back to Clair's behind.

“What are you doing?!?” the concerned trapped Gym Leader asked.

“Punishing you for a bad garden!”

“Please, don't use that! It's filthy and might give me splinters!”


Karen gave Clair's behind a great big whack.



Another huge spank.



A third spank.



One more whack.



The poor gym leader puffed and moaned, the ordeal had her worn out once again. Karen meanwhile dropped the wood and looked at the glowing ass in front of her.

“Damn, your ass has gotten so red! Bet if I soft poke it with my finger...”

She poked an ass cheek of the red behind, making Clair moan like she just been spanked again.

“Okay.....you've had your fun....” puffed Clair. “Now let me go!”

“You still don't get it do you bitch?”

Karen began to walk off.

“HEY! Don't just leave me here!!!” shouted Clair.

“Oh? Would you prefer I shove the garden hose up your ass and let your belly inflate enough to free you from your predicament?” 

Clair paused for a moment, hoping she was not serious.

“Thought not. You're a strong bitch Clair, I'm sure you can struggle your way out!”

Karen walked away, leaving Clair struck and alone.  After five mins to recover, she began moving herself about, trying her best to get into the house. She had to get in, it was her option or she'd be left naked outside. Squeezing her sore ass through was so painful, the frame just rubbing on her sensitive buttocks. Thankfully, she worked up a sweet to slip herself into the kitchen, safe from praying pervert eyes. It had only taken her an hour.

“FINALLY!” She cried with tears of joy and humiliation. She slowly got up, walking slowly into the living room where a note was waiting for her. Note in hand, she sat down on her sofa, hissing as her sore ass made contact with the leather. 

“I've been summoned to the Dragon's Den for immediate matters?” she read the note. “Gimme a break.”

As night came, she made her way to the Dragon's Den, surfing on her loyal Dragonair to get there. She arrived at the old building in her casual wear as she had no time to wash her Gym Leader outfit. Walking through the doors, she was met by the three elders of the Den inside the dark blue room.

“You wanted to see me?” asked Clair.

“Yes.” replied one elder. “This is a very serious matter.”

“We are hereby revoking your duty as a Gym Leader.” answered another.

“WHAT?” a stunned Clair responded.

“Your attitude and behavior towards challengers has been appalling.” said the third elder. “You have brought shame to the town of Blackthorn, and disgraced the Dragon's Den and lineage of Gym Leaders before you!”

“Master Lance will not be pleased.” said the first.

“No, you can't do this to me!” sobbed Clair. 

“We will also be taking your Pokemon.” said the third.

“Please, don't do this! My position as Gym Leader means everything to me, and I cannot be without my Pokemon!”

“Sorry, but you should of thought of that before.” said the second.

“Please!” Clair begged, getting down of her knees. “I promise this won't happen again! Just give me another chance, I'll do anything!”

“...anything huh?” said the first.

The first elder pointed to something in the corner of the room and the other two elders picked it up and dropped it in front of Clair, a black sheet of plastic, with straps attached to the plastic by chains. 

“To fully redeem yourself, you must undergo a punishment passed down the generation which all female Gym Leaders undertook, ever your mother.” said the first.

“My, mother?”

“Yes. Now, undress.” said the second.

Clair slowly stood up and began to undress. She had no choice, her position and Pokemon meant everything to her. She knew about the punishments that were performed in the past in the Den dated back hundreds of years, and now she was about to join that lineage and tradition. She slipped off her shoes, then removed her top and jeans, revealing no underwear as she was in a hurry to get to the Den, only her naked body with the still growing red behind. 

“Now, get down on all fours on the plastic.” ordered the third.

Clair did as instructed, getting down on all fours like an animal. The elders walked up to her and began to strap her in. First the wrists, keeping the wide apart to each side of the sheet, then the legs in a similar fashion, keeping her wide open and her pussy in full view. Finally, a collar was strapped around her neck, keeping her head low on the ground. She was now presented like she was displaying her ass and pussy in the air that in a way that screamed “Please fuck me right now!” . Clair was blushing, normally she'd have trainers tied up and bond, but here she was as the dominated, not Dominator she was so used to being. 

“So, are you three going to have your way with me?” asked Clair, fearing the worst.

“Oh no, we've appointed someone special to dish out the punishment.” smiled the first.

Clair heard the sound of high heels tapping their way towards her. She looked up the best she could at the legs in front of her to view her worst nightmare. Dressed in the sexiest dominatrix outfit you ever seen, Karen held a paddle and whip, as well as wearing a strapped on dildo on top of her black latex panties.

“Well well.” smiled Karen wearing an eye mask. “Fancy meeting you here!”

“NO! PLEASE, ANYMORE BUT HER!” Shouted Clair, struggling to get out of her binding, but unable to move from her position as Karen walked behind her.

“You sure do have your ass and pussy on display huh? You're just begging to be lucky, like a bitch in heat!”

“We'll leave you to it.” said the first elder, as the three elders began to leave.


Clair's words fell on death ears as the elders shut the doors behind them, leaving the two girls alone. 

“Right then, shall I tell you the situation? We're gonna go on ALL night long. I'm gonna spank you, fuck you, dominate, whip, humiliate, and do thing you never thought of the whole night till I break you!”

Holding her paddle tightly with both hands, Karen swung it with full force onto Clair's ass.

“OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!” Clair screamed through the unbearable pain.

“Repeat after me.”

Another swing of the paddle.


“You are a bitch!”

A third swing.


“Tell me more!”

Another swing.


“And who's your mistress?”

Two more swings.


“Good. We'll continue till that is engraved into her perverted mind!”

And so, the spankings and humiliation continued through the night. As well as being spanked, Clair was fucked with the strap on and dildos, forced to orgasm against her will. Strapped to an x frame later on, she was whipped into submission, while never bleeding she felt a lot of pain, as well as her nipples being pinched and nibbled. The rest of the night, Clair was put into all sort of positions, being spanked and fucked in both holes in every one. Clair knew pleasure she never felt or knew as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, the floor drenched in drool and juices, and her mind drifting away from  the whole experience.

Daylight soon came. The doors opened up as Karen came out in her normal clothes to feel the sun rays on her skin.

“Ah yes!” she yawned. “Nothing beats the morning sun. Well, come you.”

She yanked at a doggie leash. Waking on all fours into the sunlight was Clair. Her mouth wide open, she was still naked, apart from gloves and boots that resembled paws, a collar with the name horn bitch, a headband with ears resembling a Lillipup and a buttplug inside of her, with a Lillipup tail at the end of it.

“Ahh, there's my little bitch in heat!” smiled Karen. “I've really broke your mind, haven’t I?”

“Yes Mistress!” said Clair. “I'm a good little doggie!!”

“No no. doggies don't talk.”

“Sorry....Woof woof!!” she howled. “HOWL HOWL.”

“Good bitch! We don't want to have to spank you again do we?”


“Right, left go show you off around town, and then I'll take you home for a bath, treat you to some doggie briskets and then you can chase my “pussy” cat with your tongue!”


The two made their way out of the Den and into town, where Clair's reputation would never be the same again.

“Don't worry folks!” Karen winked to the forth wall. “She'll be back to normal after a few days in time for the next fic!”

The End



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