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Misty sat at her desk depressed, gazing at a photo of her and her Psyduck. It had been one month after that event that changed everyone, one month since she released her Pokemon into the wild. 

“Oh Psyduck.” sighed Misty. “Why did I ever let you go?”

A month ago, she was in the Viridian Forest after she heard of a new hotspot for Water Pokemon, a lake that recently became home to a ton of Water Pokemon, so she decided to check it out, despite the Bug Pokemon that roamed within the forest. When she got there, she saw a large group of Psyduck that lived there. She had no intention of owning another Psyduck, but she figured it would be good for her own Psyduck to interaction with these Psyduck. After releasing Psyduck from it's Pokeball, the clumsy Pokemon spent the afternoon playing, swimming and doing all sorted with it's kind, while Misty observed her Pokemon and it's happiness. Once evening came, it was time to go. Misty did not want to see the nocturnal bug Pokemon at night, so she wanted to leave before darkness came. However, a thought came to her during the time they were there. Psyduck had a great time while they were their, she had never seen him so happy. It reminded her of when Ash almost release Pikachu when they encountered that herd of Pikachu. Now she fully understood how he felt, and while Pikachu was still happy with Ash, what kind of future would Psyduck have staying with her? She secretly loved him really, but he really wasn't getting any better at battles thanks to his headaches and losing battles left right and center. At least here, he would not have to worry about being different and be happy. There was no question about it, she had to leave him here.

She told him that he could be staying. Psyduck looked sad at his trainer, not wanting to leave, but Misty insisted he would be happier among the other Psyducks, and hugged him. When Psyduck tried to follow her, Misty snapped by throwing his Pokeball to the ground and stomping it, smashing the ball to pieces, telling him he had no trainer to go back to anymore. Hurt by her words and actions, Misty go teary eyed and said her fail goodbye, before running away.

“I'm sorry Psyduck. I've always loved you. Goodbye...”

Those words echoed in Misty's head even a month later. That was the wrong way to say goodbye and she wished she could go back to that moment and do it the right way. Daisy soon entered the room, noticing her sister looking down in the dumps.

“Hey Misty.” she spoke, then paused. “You still miss Psyduck don't you?”

“What, that old Pokemon?” responded Misty, wiping her tears. “Nah. Glad to rid of him! He was cramping my style, and really needed to be with his own kind!”

“Misty, you're a really bad lair.”

Misty sat up and hugged her sister.

“Oh Daisy.” sobbed Misty. “I can't help but miss him! I know he annoyed me so much, but we had a special bond together, and he was as valuable as any of my Pokemon.”

“I know Misty, but it was like you said, you thought it was for the best for him. If you were to go back, there's a chance he won't want to leave you again.”

“I know! But I can't help but wonder how he's doing, and if the other Psyduck are treating him well. If only there was a way I could just see that he's doing alright.”

Daisy froze in thought for a moment as a light bulb lit up above her head.

“...There might be a way.” said Daisy.

“What way?”

A small period of time passed as the sisters made their way into the dark dusty Gym storage room, with boxes piled together and even a wild Zubat hanging from above. Only one light bulb lit the dim room, as Daisy looked inside a large basket of outfits looking for something.

“What are you looking for Daisy?” asked Misty.

“Well, and bear with me on this. What if you went in disguise to check up on Psyduck? That way, he won't know it's you and you would get to check up on him without interfering.”

“Well that sounds like an idea, but what kind of disguise would fool him into thinking...on second thoughts, don't answer that question.” 

“Ah, found it!”

Daisy pulled out a big yellow costume from the basket. It was a complete rubber latex suit from head to toe, fashioned to look just like a human shaped Psyduck. 

“...you're kidding right?” said Misty, not impressed with her sister's suggestion.

“Oh come on, we used it years ago for a play called The Lonely Psyduck, and I happen to know it's your size. Believe me I know, I wore this years ago and was your near exact measurements, bar the slightly rounder ass and fuller breasts.” 

“Even so, I don't really feel comfortable wearing...that.”

“I promise I won't tell Violet and Lily.”

“...I'll think about it.”

The next day, Misty arrived in the Viridian Forest. She still wasn't a hundred percent sure whether to go through with Daisy's idea or not, but she figured she would decide once she got there. Her heart raced as she walked through the quiet forest, getting closer and closer to the lake and what she could be doing. Soon enough, she was close to the lake, recognizing the part of the pathway she traveled before. The whole time walking there, her mind debated on what to do or not to do, until she reached her destination, her mind was made up.

“Well, I guess the area is quite secluded.” she whispered to herself.

She hid in a bush by a tree, and began to undress, first unstrapping her suspenders, then pulling her favorite yellow top over her head before slipping out of her shorts, trainers and socks. She unhooked her bra next, unleashing her already large breasts from their holding and finally pulling  her underwear down her smooth legs. As she stood naked within the bush, Misty shivered from a chilly breeze that blew past her, already erecting her nipples from the sensation. She had never undressed outdoors before, not even to go swimming, so this already felt so daring to her, feeling good in a way. 

“Better get this over with.”

She opened her backpack and pulled out the Psyduck suit within. Holding it in front of her, it really did look like a human shaped Psyduck. The eyes had no holes, only fake plastic white eyes that resembled the duck's in question. Three rubber hairs on an otherwise bald head stood out like an inflated washing up glove. The beak stood out the most, while there were only three slots for fingers and toes, giving the webbed look of a Psyduck's. Finishing her gaze, Misty unzipped the back and inserted her legs into the slots. Misty never wore tights before, but imagined this was how it felt to put on a pair, only the cool latex felt so good on her legs. Her ass really stood out in the suit, as well as the cute Psyduck tail in between the top of her butt cheeks. She wiggled her ass for fun to make her tail move a bit, making Misty smile at the sensation. She then pulled the arm slots on her arms like putting on rubber gloves that reached up to her arms, fingers and toes slotting into the three tiny slots, squeezing four fingers into two slots. After her breasts cupped inside and the suit covered most of her body, she let out her hair band to release her hair, then inserted the large Psyduck hood onto her head, moving it left and right so the eyes were level with the suits eyes, which despite the plain look, Misty could see perfectly as they worked like a two way mirror. She could breath like normal through her nose and mouth, however her jaw and upper lip had slots which attached them to the beak, so that every time she spoke, the beak would move accordingly.

She was near complete, all that was left was the zip. Hard to zip up on her own, however she had a solution. Tied to the zipper was a long string to help her out. She first zipped the suit halfway up, then flung the string over her shoulder and then pulled it to zip up the remaining exposed skin. The string was near invisible so the Psyduck would most likely not notice, but Misty felt comfortable within the full suit. She looked at her now yellow shiny body, really showing off her figure, breasts and ass, as the suit was a perfect fit. Misty then took out a pocket mirror from her backpack to look at the strange looking Psyduck looking back at her. She secretly blushed at herself, feeling speechless at her transformation from beautiful redhead to yellow duck with three black hairs, plain white eyes, large beak and bright yellow skin, feeling hot from the feeling and concealed hair inside her hood.

“Psyduck, Psy Psy Psyduck!” she practiced with her beak, moving like it was attached at birth. She could not do a perfect Psyduck impression, but then again, she was a human shaped one, so it really did not matter. She hid her backpack and clothes in the bush and began the rest of her walk to the lake. Walking was not too hard in the suit, it was like a second skin feeling tight and snug at the same time. Never in her life did she feel much like a wild Pokemon then now. 

A short time later, Misty arrived at the lake, and was not ready for the sight she encountered. Instead of Psyducks swimming happily, she saw Golducks playing around and having fun. She hid behind a tree and observed the sight. 

“My goodness, have they really gotten so far in a month?” she said to herself, feeling a little insulted by the fact that her Psyduck got stronger without her. “Well, since I'm here, I best get started.”

She revealed herself from the tree and dived into the shining lake, which was not too large, but large enough not to be classed as a pond. It was an unusual feeling swimming in the lake without feeling wet on her whole size. Sure, she could still feel the chill of the cold water that never once bothered her, but the suit covering her whole body ensured she would not get wet anywhere unless she was sweating or being aroused inside. Swimming in the suit felt like swimming naked to Misty and was no trouble for an expert swimmer like herself. She swam to the small rock island in the middle and climbed onto it, laying on her right side sort of posing for the Pokemon, whom had yet to notice her.

“Psyduck!” she called to them, having no knowledge of the Pokemon language. “Psyduck Psy!” 

The Golduck turned and looked at the new face that laid on rock island. The curious Pokemon swam over to her and climbed onto the island, surrounding Misty. Observing her, Misty hoped her disguise would fool them, though being larger then them opened a curious eye to the Pokemon that starred at her. There were about seven Golduck that surround her, she looked at each of them to see if any of them were her old Psyduck, hard to tell when they all looked the same, but looking at one in particular, she had a good feeling it was her old Psyduck. Nothing gave it away, but almost like a mother's instinct, she could tell this was him. 

“Psy Psyduck!” she smiled, hoping it would recognize her voice. Nothing happened, the Pokemon continued to just stand there. Misty began to worry that the Golduck had saw through her disguise.

“Psy?” she said, while placing her hands on her head in a Psyduck way like she had a headache, hoping to fool them. The Golduck then began to place their webbed hands on their heads. What followed after that was the red jewel on the Golduck's foreheads began to glow bright, like the Pokemon were performing a weird ritual. At that moment, Misty made the mistake of looking at the bright glow, curious as to what this meant, but now she could not take her eyes away from the sensation.

“Those lights, they look very...pretty.” she thought, as her mind started to ease and relax. Any worries she had now were an afterthought now as her only concern were the “pretty lights” that were effecting her mind, entrancing her into an hypnotic spell she was unaware of. Once the lights had stopped, Misty noticed another “ritual” going on down below at the groin area of the Pokemon, as their hard stiff members grew to maximum length. Rather then panic, Misty found herself turned on by the erect Pokemon, panting, feeling horny down below, and even erect herself in the nipple department. She crawled towards her old Pokemon, horny from the hypnotic spell placed on her, and turning her full attention to how large Golduck had gotten. Heart racing and mouth drooling, she wanted cock so badly for some reason, it was the only thing going around her mind, the command to obey, obey and suck. She opened her mouth and placed Golduck's cock into her beck and mouth, and began to play with the tip with her tongue while sucking. Being ten inches, the cock would easily reach her mouth while her her beck was intact and could even moved her head back and forth, which she proceeded with doing, starting with a slow motion, then speeding up, chasing Golduck's balls to bounce up and down. Golduck was panting from his former mistress making him feel so good, building up to the white gooey explosion about to happen in Misty's mouth. Soon enough, Golduck came in her mouth, inflating her yellow cheeks with cum and even chasing some to slide down her mouth. Misty withdrew from the still erect blue cock, as cum drooled from out of her beck. The cum that remained in her mouth however, was swallowed in an instant. To her, it tasted so good, nothing tasted this good before. It was like all her favorite foods were rolled into one, keeping all the taste that made them her favorites. Then again, did it really taste so good, or did the hypnosis tell her so?

Misty could not believe she did that, but she did not care. The yellow duck girl laid on her back on the rock island, and the Golduck surrounded her more so. Not completely satisfied with just one Golduck, she reached out to the two closest to her head, grabbed their cocks and started jerking them off her her webbed hands. Another Golduck sat just below her breasts and placed its light blue member in-between the yellow duck's breasts, which squeezing them together and thrusting up and down for a titty job. A forth then squeezed  in so it could get another blow job from Misty, inserting it's beck into the wide open beck. The other Golduck began masturbating in front of her, getting off from the whole sexual situation, as was Misty who never felt so wanted in her life. The two she was rubbing soon came all over her face, then the tit fucker followed spraying all over her neck and breasts. The observing fappers came all over her stomach, legs and arms. The final Golduck came into her mouth, filling the beck up like a glass cup that soon emptied down her throat, as Misty wanted more of the cum. Not a single bit of yellow was showing on Misty, only white sticky cum covered her whole body and suit. As soon as she drank the cum in her beck, she rubbed cum onto her hand from her body and let it drip into her beck, like a child obsessed with candy. 

“S-s-s-soooooo.....good.” she said, before she passed out from the excitement.

Hours later, she awoke on the rocky island, like she awoke from a dream. Sitting up, she saw all the Gokduck sleeping beside her, it was evening. Her suit was clean and not sticky in any way. Was that all a dream? It certainly felt dream-ish to her.

“That had to be a dream.” she thought. “Why would I...I mean I'd never screw around with Pokemon, right?”

She had a hard time remembering what exactly she did with the Golduck.

“I must of played with them, INNOSENTLY, and then got tired and took a nap...yeah, that must have been what happened! That dream was just a weird nightmare!”

Trying to forget it, she found herself going through the events of the dream. Some about it was bugging her.

“Still, if those Golduck were screwing with me....in a dream anyway....why did none of the have sex with me? I gave them hand and blow jobs, and they even came all over me, but not one...aww why the hell am I having these thoughts anyway?”

Sitting up, and tiptoeing carefully not to wake the Golduck, Misty dived back into the lake, swimming back to land, unzipping and slipping out of her suit before redressing herself, and made her way home. The “dream” still fresh in her mind by the time she returned to the Gym. It was dark already and her sister were already asleep, so she made herself a midnight sneak and went straight to bed afterward, forgetting to return the Psyduck suit to the storage room. It had been an eventful day and she was tired, not to mention she had other things on her mind, hence why she skipped her nightgown and slipped into her bed covers naked after undressing. A small period of time passed after she closed her eyes and the most unusual thing happened. She started hearing Golduck quacks in her mind. First it was one quacking, then two, and then several quacks getting louder and louder in her head like an annoying ringing. Rather then wake up, Misty's right hand slide down her body, making contact with her clit and her already soaking wet lady lips. Rubbing her vagina in passion, her spare hand then cupped her left breast, squeezing it hard like juicing an orange, and circling her hard nipple with her finger. A picture started to form in her mind. The group of Golduck, and her on all fours, each Pokemon taking her from behind in turns like a wild animal, trusting at rapid speed. The orgy only made Misty more horny, and now she pictured herself back in the Psyduck suit. She wanted them to fuck her so bad, not as a human, but as a Pokemon.

“PSY, PSY, PSY, DUCK, DUCK, DUUUUUCK.” She panted in heat, rubbing faster as the orgasm built within her. “PPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSY!!!!”

A massive flood of juices escaped from her never regions, creating a small puddle on her bed sheets, and becoming more wet from the sweat all over Misty's body. The quacks had stopped, Misty panted for a good ten minutes before finally falling fast asleep.

The next day, Misty overslept and awoke at one pm. She noted her sticky and slightly still wet body., even her nipples were still erect.

“D-Did I have some extreme wet dream or something?” she wondered, not remembering what exactly made her cum so hard, like a forgotten dream. “I better go wash up.”

She then noticed the time.

“One pm?!?” she looked wide eyed. “Better make it a quick shower.”

She got up and noticed the Psyduck hood of the suit poking out of her backpack. She starred at it for a good ten minutes, like a starring contest.

“...I wonder what Psyduck's doing right now?” she said, as a strange erg to go back to the lake built in her. “If I leave now, I can be there at two thirty and spend a good three hours with Psyduck! Hell, I won't even need to shower if I'm swimming!”

So with her day schedule sorted, Misty got dressed while skipping the bra in the process, grabbed her backpack and out her room and the Gym to return to the Viridian Forest. The next few days were the same for Misty, every day her erg to go back got stronger, she'd get there, dress in the Psyduck suit, hand and blow job the Golduck after another session of hypnosis from the red jewels, and then returning home to head for bed after a sneak. And yet still, the Golduck did not penetrate her once, only jerking off onto her and hand and suck service from Misty. This would disappoint her, but at least Misty would taste more of that delicious cum. The longer this went on, the more horny and aroused Misty began, who was starting to lose her mind like her IQ was dropping every day, not that she cared, she was loving every moment of it.

One evening returning to the Gym, rather then going straight to the kitchen, she found Daisy waiting for her in the living room, arms crossed.

“And where have you been young sis?” asked Daisy with a hint of anger.

“Oh, Daisy.” replied Misty like she was in a daze, acting like a really young teenager. “I was just...just...”

“Don't tell me you've been going to Viridian Forest every day to see Psyduck?”

“No no, I was like....training. That it, training with my....Pokemon.”

“You can't even answer me properly.”

Daisy grabbed Misty's bag and pulled out the Psyduck suit.

“I knew it. You have been there.”

“So what if I have? Ain’t your business...”

“I do let you get on with your own devices Misty and I respect that, but when I don't see my younger sister for a whole FOUR days, I worry! You've even neglected your Gym Leader duties, we've had to just hand out badges again.”


“SO? Do you want the Pokemon League to strip us of our license as an official Pokemon Gym? More to the point, you're getting too reconnected to Psyduck. You said yourself you didn't want him to leave his new home to go back to you...”

“Bah, what do you know? They don't know it's me. I'm not a little kid, I can do what I want!”

“Well, for now this suit is going back into storage until you get your head together! You're not acting like yourself, and its something to do with those Psyduck!”

Daisy walked away, carrying the Psyduck suit back to the storage room.

“Fine! You do that then. I'm gonna go to bed now.”

She walked upstairs to her bed room, striped out of her clothes, carelessly tossed them on the floor, and collapsed on the bed, crawling into her bed covers.

“Dumb sister.” she said to herself. 

Around midnight, the quacks started again in Misty's mind, only this time, a voice could be heard, causing Misty to sit up.

“Misty.” said the deep voice. “Can you hear me?”

“W-who are you?” asked a sleepy Misty.

“That doesn’t matter right now. Your Golduck needs you.”

“He does?”

“Yes, in fact all the Golduck need you at the lake. Their cocks desire your wet pussy and tight ass.”

“But they've never fucked me before in the past.”

“But now they're ready too.”

“But my suit.”

“You'll need to fetch that. You cannot let your sisters boss you around. They don't want you to feel good.”

“They don't?”

“No. They can never feel the level of pleasure that you feel. They're jealous.” 

“Yes, they must be.”

“Go get the suit.”

“Right now?”

“Yes, the Golduck want you so badly. You want them so badly, don't you?”


“Go them.”

Without even getting dressed, Misty snuck downstairs to the storage room, to which she found was locked with a padlock. 

“You can't stop me Daisy.” she whispered, picking up a Pokeball from her backpack that was left in the living room. Opening the Pokeball, Staryu can out.

“Okay Staryu, use Rapid Spin quietly on the padlock!”

Staryu did as instructed, spinning in the air like a ninja star and breaking the padlock in one swoop. 

“Perfect Staryu, return.”

After returning her Pokemon to its ball, Misty walked into the storage room, and swiped the Psyduck suit from the basket. She left the Gym with a feeling she may never return, but if she was walking outside in the buff at night, then she had no care in the world other then to pleasure and be pleasured by the Golduck. As soon as she arrived in the forest, she hopped one leg into the suit, then another, like she was in a hurry. Arms slid in a quick fashion, pulling the rest of suit onto her body and moving about so her body was in the correct parts of the suit. Just before she arrived at the lake, the hood was forced down onto her head, completing her transformation, expect in the hurry, she forgot to zip herself up. 

Arriving at the lake, she saw the Golduck standing on the rocky island ready in wait for Misty, and members growing instantly at her arrival. Tonight was special for all parties involved, to the Golduck, Misty looked more beautiful then ever, yellow body shining in the moonlight as Misty rubbed her body in a sexual manner. Not to waste anymore time, she jumped and dived in quickly into the lake and swam as fast as she could to her new favorite place in the world. She climbed up on the island as the Golduck made space for her arrival. She looked at their throbbing cocks, getting off from their desires. Nipples hard as the could be, pussy as wet as anything, she positioned herself on all fours, wiggling her ass to signal what she desired the most.

“Psyduck?” she asked. 

A Golduck walked behind her, a particular Golduck in fact, hers. He placed both hands on her buttocks, squeezing them and rubbing them to taste Misty. Golduck began to insert his cock into Misty's vaginal, starting as he would with the tip which made Misty hold her breath with excitement, before Golduck jammed the whole nine inch thing inside of her, causing Misty to moan and cum instantly. Golduck began with a fast motion, moving back and forth as his cock went in and out of the vagina and his hips slammed against her ass. Misty felt the pleasure throughout her body, her inner walls rubbed by the hot hard cock inside of her, while her breasts bounced up and down from the trusting. Her beck drools like a waterfall of drool and her eyes became empty as the other Golduck's red jewels began to glow again. 

“You're really enjoying this arnt you?” said the mysterious voice in her head again.

“YES!” She said in thought. “THIS FEELS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!”

“You want this feeling forever? Do you want to give up everything human about yes?”


“Then repeat after me.”


Misty's head started to clear of thought, memories were vanishing and commands were the replacement as her mind began to rewrite itself as she was cumming multiple times.

“You are not a human.”


“You are a Pokemon, a special Psyduck shaped like a human.”


“You are very dumb and clumsy like a Psyduck.”


“Your name isn't Misty, your name is Psyduck.”


“Your only purpose in life is to pleasure and be pleasured by the Golduck.”


“Fucking is the best feeling ever.”


“And Golduck cum is your favorite.”


“You know nothing about humans and don't even care for them. You can't even speak human.”


“Humans are bad, sex and the Golduck are your hobbies and family.”


Good girl, now cum, cum once more to engrave those words into your mind and receive your reward!”


As she collapsed on the rocky ground, her reward became clear. Her mind was now blank, with on the commands within her thoughts. She felts the zip close up on its own, and the metal dissolve into latex, ensuring there was no wake out now. As the cool latex suit tightened even more, it no longer felt like a suit to Misty, but now a second skin, her own skin as far as she was concerned. She felt a heavy weight on her chest as her breasts grew three cup sizes up, now the size of two basketballs, and her ass and hip grow and widened, giving Misty a sexy hourglass figure she would love. A short rest later, she stood up getting ready for the next piece of action, while getting used to her new breast weight. Two Golduck walked towards Misty, one in front one behind. Misty knelled down to allow the Golduck in front to insert his rod into her pussy, while the other shoved his own  right up her asshole. If Misty thought one cock inside her was amazing, two felt like heaven. 

The night soon became morning, and the former human now Psyduck girl fucked around with all the Golduck in any position they could think of. Cum and her own juices dripped out of her holes and beak as well as cum from her body from the Golduck that jerked off onto her. And yet she showed no displeasure, the bitch in heat wanting more from the Golduck and ready for any position. Three women entered the scene, shocked at the sight of their sister degrading herself as the Golduck's bitch, whoring her body off for their and her desire.

“Oh my god!” said Daisy, shocked with disbelief.

   “What have they done to her?” said Violet, hands over her mouth and widened eyes.

“Misty?” Lily called over to her sister. “Misty, we're here to save you.”

Misty stopped what she was doing and looked at her sister. She was angry, not because they came, she did not recognize them as her sister, but because they were humans interrupting her “fun”. Humans were bad, that's what her new mindset told her, they had to go away.

“What's wrong? Doesn't she recognize us?” asked Daisy. “Misty, are you okay?”

“PSY PSYDUCK!” Misty replied angrily, almost like a bark.

“Does she...think she's a Psyduck?!?” asked Lily. 

“In that case, we better act with cation.” said Daisy, holding a Pokeball.

Before the trio of sisters could act, the red Golduck jewels began to glow bright. The Golduck had enough of this foolishness. 

“Those lights...” said Violet.

“Careful!” warned Daisy. “They must be trying to hypnotize us!”

“Argh, what's happening to my clothes?” asked a panicky Lily.

The sisters looked down at their clothes, which were beginning to change colour and expand all over their bodies, a familiar yellow colour.

“NO!” Scream Daisy. “THEY'RE TURNING US...INTO PSY...”

The girls feel to the floor trying to rip their clothes off, but rather then rip, the clothes starched and snapped back onto the body as it now became a more rubbery latex martial. Skirts fused with tops, underwear  vanished into the latex as it expanded all other their legs and arms, eating up socks and shoes, and fusing fingers and toes into webbed hands and feet. 

“We're trapped!” cried Violet. “I can't get it off!”

“Oh god, I'm feeling weird.” cried Lily. “I'm feeling...aroused by those...Golducks...”

“Nooo.....can't give....in....must f-f-igh...o-o-obey.” said Daisy, losing her mind.

Their bodies were now covered from neck to toe, and now the latex was making its way up their heads, swallowing their last bit of human appearance as their minds began to be reprogrammed with the same commands previously given to Misty.  Pretty faces and gorgeous hair was now trapped within  and replaced with yellow latex and three rubber black hairs. Two Psyduck eyes appeared on each of the girls, like goggles only the human eyes remained hidden, but the girls could still see. A large beak grew from the mouth area, connecting to jaw and upper lip. As the transformation completed, the girls took up to attention, their minds now lost in the hypnotic spell cast upon them. Nipples now erect as they'd ever been and pussies dripping with juices. 

“Psyduck?” said Daisy.

“Psyduck.” said Violet.

“Psyduck!” said Lily.

At that moment, Misty smiled. No longer was she the only human shaped Psyduck, now she had three duckling sisters to enjoy the pleasure with. The three new Psyduck girls ran towards the lake, dived in, and swam to the now crowded rock inland to get the party started.

So from that day onwards, the four girls had a routine that involved around sleeping, fucking, eating, fucking some more, a quick swim, then fucking into the night before all parties fell asleep, and then the routine would repeat the next day. They never tired of this way of life, it was like heaven for all those involved, and for every Officer Jenny searching for the Sensational Sister and Cerulean Gym Leader, and every lost female trainer, there were more Psyduck girls added to the tribe. Even male trainers were converted into Psyduck girls, after the success of turning Ash Ketchum into a blonde busty girl dubbed Ashley. As overcrowding became a problem, other Pokemon were enlisted by Hypnosis to construct an expansion to the lake and rock island. The lake kept getting bigger and bigger as the months went by, to the point where there was nothing left of the forest. The giant lake was like a huge crowded swimming pool of Psyduck girls and Golduck, happily swimming, fucking, sucking and many other activities to this haven. No matter how many girls became Psyducks, they all kept their original bust and butt sizes. Misty was the only one with the humongous breasts and butt, for she was like a queen to them, a queen of the Psyducks. 

At least now, Misty was close to her old friend, now and forever....

The End
