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“God, what a day...” Franziska sighed to herself as she flicked the light switch to her bedroom and walking inside, dropping her case to the floor and a carrier bag, and then just collapsing on top of her bed. 

“Damn you Phoenix!” she growled. It had been a really long day, as her and her rival Phoenix Wright went back and forth all day at today's trail. No matter how much the case was in her favor and evidence to back her up, that man had an OBJECTION to just about anything she had, and this went on and on till about an hour ago when Wright had won the case, and proved his client's innocence. This angered her so much, not because she lost to “him” again, but it went on till about midnight and yet she lost after all that. Normally, a trail would not go on for so long, but Phoenix was able to convince the Judge otherwise, he was so close to the truth and justice. As Franzika clutched her fists, she sat up and began to undress, ready for bed. She looked at the carrier bag at the other side of the room and remembered how she got it. Just before her client was taken away, she begged Franziska to take care of her “babies” while she was locked away, namely her soft toys. She had first refused, not being one for teddy bears, dolls or plushies, but the client kept begging and begging till she changed her mind, only to shut her up. Franziska had no idea what to do with them since her client was sentenced for a long long time. She thought maybe put them in a cupboard to collect dust, or sell them on ebay perhaps. After all, she was from Germany and was not going to stay in Japan forever. She picked up the bag and placed it inside her closet, throwing it in the corner without a care for the contents, and then taking out her night clothes to wear for the night. After changing, she switched off the lights and collapsed on top of her bed, squirming into the bed covers.

“Oh whatever.” she whispered to herself, falling to sleep. “I'm sure...things...will look better in the mor...ning...”. As she drifted into a deep sleep, something bothered her slightly. When her client gave her that bag, she could of sworn she was giggling as she was being taken away. Still, it did not bother her for long. She felt so soft and snug under her covers, Since when did her bed feel this good she thought to herself, feeling giddy and tingly throughout her body as she fell asleep?

The morning came, and awoken Franziska as the sunlight shone onto her sleepy eyes. She smiled, feeling so good from her sleep. However, she wondered why her alarm had not waken her. Maybe the batteries ran out? She'd investigate after getting dressed and a nice cup of coffee. She jumped out of bed, slowly walking towards her mirror, which seemed further away then usual. She looked in the mirror, while rubbing her dazey eyes. At first, she looked very confused at the reflection looking back at her, but then as soon as her brain woke up, her eyes widened in shock.

“W-W-What the?” she stuttered. 

No wonder her pajama bottoms felt baggy, her body had shrunk in age! No longer the adult prosecutor, she was no older the four years old. She struggled keeping her pajama bottoms up, but gave up as her slid down her tiny legs. Even though her pajama shirt was stilll on her, though a shoulder was peaking out of the neck hole, she felt completely naked without her sexy curves or her large bust, now reduced to as flat as an ironing board. 

“This can't be!” she cried, becoming very teary eyed. “How could this happen?!?” 

Little Franziska turned around and noticed something else wasn't right. The room had changed completely now resembling a little girl's room, all pink and fluffy, and the dolls and plushies from the closet were now out on display all over the room. It was like she was either taken to a different room, or the room had changed during her sleep.

“What is all this?” she wondered. “What happened to my room?”

“Good morning Franny!” said a voice.

The dolls and plushies sprung to like, climbing down from the table and floor, and walked towards her. 

“Y-y-you can talk?” stuttered Franziska, becoming scared at the living toys. “Did you do this?”

“Done what dear?” asked a doll. 

“Turned me into a little girl and redecorated my room!”

“Oh nonsense.” replied a teddy bear. “You've always been a little girl and this has always been your room! You must of forgotten!”

“That's not true! I'm an adult woman, and a P-P-P-Proc-c-c-c....”

Franziska wanted to say Prosecutor but found herself struggling with such a big wrong. In fact, she forgotten the word completely.

“How can you be something if you cannot even say the word?” asked a Hello Kitty plushie. “You must have been dreaming.”

“But I...”

“Come on, you're way too young for those clothes!” said the doll. “Let's get you changed, then we can play!”

The dolls helped Franziska out of her pajama bottoms, then her shirt and Hello Kitty panties, to which she blushed as the toys could see that secret underwear of hers. They then got her to lay on her back as they put on a Hello Kitty diaper onto her. All Franziska could do was suck her thumb, to which she had no idea why she was doing so. Once diapered, she was dressed in new pajamas that now fit her, pinks ones with love heart patterns. She looked at the end result in the mirror, feeling all fuzzy in her head.

“Do you believe you're an adult woman now?” asked a Winnie the Pooh soft toy.

“I...so hard to....think.” struggled Franziska, as her memories began to vanish, leaving only the simple childish thoughts. 

“I mean adults are boring arnt they?” asked the doll.

“Y-yes.” replied Franziska.

“You don't want to grow up do you?” asked the Hello Kitty plushie.


“You want to play all day and read bedtime stories before sleepy time don't you?” asked the teddy bear.

“Yes, yes I do!”

“Then what are we waiting for?” asked the doll. “Let's have a tea party!”

“Yaaaaaaay!” cheered a now happy Franziska. “I'll set up the tea table and chairs!”

So for the rest of the day, Franziska played with her toys, who acted as her watchful babysitters and play mates. After the tea party, they played hide and seek, had a nap, played dress up with the doll, had a bedtime story read to her by the teddy bear, and hen fall asleep. Once waking the next time, the routine repeated itself, every morning she would forget what she did the previous day, doing everything the same way over and over again without even knowing or remembering. 

She was happy, only because she had forgot her old life.

The end


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