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It was the end of another busy day for Tabitha Essex, sometimes nicknamed “Tabby” by her friends, other times prowling the streets with her other Action Cat Team mates under her secret heroine alter ego Kitten. Rehearsals for the next Metrobay University Drama Play had gone on for longer then she had hoped and was only her way home. It was only early evening in Metrobay, but after a tiring day of dancing, she just wanted to get back home at Wellington Tower, sit back and enjoy an evening off from crime fighting. As she approached closer to home, it was then she remembered exactly why she wouldn't be tackling any villains tonight. 

“Oh yeah, that favour Kaitlin asked me to do for her.” Tabitha spoke to herself. 

Before she left for University today, Kaitlin had asked her if she could have the evening to spend with her for something. When Tabby asked what it was for, she said she would explain it when Tabby got home, but it would be something she would need her hands with. Tabitha agreed thinking it would not be a hassle, she would help her fellow crime fighter with whatever she needed assistance with, then maybe they could chill out and watch a DVD or something. It was a shame Calico Kitty was not on tonight since she enjoyed watching that with Kaitlin even if she couldn't explain why she liked it or remember much after watching every episode. 

As for the night off, she and Pink Pussycat had recently foiled another Meanie Mouse scheme a couple of nights ago, even though they were successful in stopping her evil plan, Kaitlin was once again tied up in many bondage positions, exposing and violating her poor “kitty” in numerous ways before rescue would save her from anymore shame. As such, it was normal for a Metrobay Superheroine to take a few nights off if the heroine had be made into the villain's plaything. It was lucky it was only a day Pink Pussycat had been captured this time, there had been times when her, Kitten and other heroine had gone missing for weeks, usually either captured as a villain's bondage slave, mind controlled into an obedient sex crazed servant, even physically transformed on rare occasions into bimbos, robot women, even a WereKitty one time among many other things, but Kitten could tell that Pink Pussycat seemed a little distracted in her thoughts when she asked her if she was okay after being rescued, as if something was bugging her. Still, even if nothing was bothering Kaitlin, Tabitha knew she would never turn down a request with her mentor. After all, Kaitlin did take her in when she had nowhere else to go and even trained her to become the sidekick of Pink Pussycat, even if her mentor was against it at first. That said, she felt like she could never say no to her unless she felt that something was really wrong with Kaitlin out of concern for her dear friend, not the way Tabitha felt so indebted to her. Beside, what was one evening compared to her life being reshaped for the better?

As Tabitha got out of the tower elevator, she arrived home at last, throwing her gym bag with her dance clothes inside onto the living room couch while on her way to the kitchen to grab a soda from the fridge. As she did such, a voice called out to her;

“Tabby, is that you?” Kaitlin called from another room.

“Yeah.” Tabitha replied while taking the ring-pull off off the can.  “Just got in.”

“Ah good, can you come to my bedroom please? I want you to help me out with something like we promised.”

“Bedroom? Yeah, be right up.” Tabitha spoke a bit puzzled, wondering why she needed help in the bedroom of all places. Taking a sip of soda, she made her way upstairs with a tiny bit of caution. For all she knew, Kaitlin may have been brainwashed by a villain-ish fiend to have sex with her then have herself entranced and brainwashed.......again. 

Arriving in Kaitlin's bedroom, Tabitha was greeted with no such thing, only Kaitlin acting like herself as normal, and wearing some kinky pink robe no surprise. What was different however was a bunch of boxes in the corner of the room. 

“Welcome home Tabby.” Kaitlin welcomed her friend. “How was your day?”

“Urg, tiring.” Tabitha sighed. “We had to stay for about an extra hour because one of the other dancers couldn't get her routine right. Grr, I hate when we all get punished because one of us can't get it together.”

“Yeah, that's a shame. Do you want me to bring it up at the next parent's evening?”

“Naah, that's alright. It's no real biggie. So, you wanted me to help you out then? Also, what's with the boxes? Are those...”

Tabitha could see the logo on the boxes, a store she had heard about called “Kink-E-Us”. 

“Yeah, they're part of what I need help with.” Kaitlin explained.     

“And what would that be exactly?” Tabitha asked. 

“You know how I was tied up and made as Meanie Mouse's plaything a few nights ago?”

“How can forget? She had in some rubber gimp suit while I had that vibrating mouse bead she shoved up my tail hole to tease me with.”

“Yes that was quite...embarrassing.” Kaitlin stroked the back of her head. “Well, while Meanie was spending time with you, I was thinking to myself. Aside from how painful those mouse nipple clamps were, I was thinking that by now, I really should be used to being tied up with rope so much that I can slip out of my bindings. I mean for years, magicians have been able to escape from being tied up even in chains and yet one knot and I'm done for.”

“I'm not sure that's exactly the same Kaitlin, I mean magicians usually have some sorta tactic or trick to getting out of being tied up.”

“Regardless, that brings me up to today. I've been studying a little from books and the Internet on ways of escaping from being tied up today, to which I had the idea of practising to get out of being tied up so I ordered a few things to practise with.”

“So what you want me to do for you exactly is...”

“Yes, I want you to tie me to the bed so I can try and escape.”  

“Well I guess that doesn't sound too bad.” Tabitha scratched her head a little, at first unsure that this training would work but it would not hurt. Besides if Kaitlin become a master escape artist as it were, she could easily train her to do likewise and get out of being tied up herself. “Sure, let's do this.”

“Thank you Tabby!” Kaitlin smiled. “I'm sure with enough work, I can figure this out in no time.”

“I'm sure you will. How do you want to start this?”

“Well.” Kaitlin began to disrobe herself. “If I lay down on the bed and you start by tying my wrists and ankles to the bed posts...”

“Woah WOAH!” Tabitha interrupted her mentor. “What's with the nakedness?” 

“Well...I figured if I recreated the usual tied up scenario as much as possible, things like the shame of being captive and naked in front of crooks and being groped and being played around with, it would make the real thing a walk in the park under any situation.”

“I guess that makes a little sense...” Tabitha was starting to feel even more unsure. “But I'm not sure I'm comfortable...”  

“Oh it'll be fine!” Kaitlin reassured her sidekick in crime fighting as she crawled onto her large pink bed. “We're both mature women who's seen each other naked...”

“Not by choice though.”

“Right, but what I mean is I trust you with this more then anyone hence why I asked you.”

“Well okay.” Tabitha sighed, feeling Kaitlin was not going to take no for an answer on this one. “But I can't say this'll be a regular thing ya know.”

“We'll try it out now and see how it goes, okay?”

“Sure. Are the ropes in the first box?”

“Yeah, the top one.”

Somewhat agreeing to go along with this training, Tabitha opened the first box revealing bondage ropes, the kind not too different from the kind her and Kaitlin often find themselves wrapped up in. She brought the ropes over to the bed and began by tying her mentor's wrists to the bed posts, forcing her arms to be stretched out wide and unable to cover her exposed body. Little did Tabitha know, but within her subconscious she was better at tying up fellow heroines then she thought, having been mind controlled and brainwashed a number of times to do a villain's bidding for them like tying up fellow heroines. As far as she was aware, our Tabby girl was just tying the naked Pussycat to the best of her knowledge but deep down in the corners of her mind was the proper know how as to how to keep a heroine from escaping. 

“Not too tight is it?” Tabitha checked with her pretend captive. 

“No no, that's just about right.” Kaitlin assured her pretend captor. “Now just the legs.”

Next Tabitha crawled down the bed to tie Kaitlin's ankles likewise against the bottom posts of the bed, forcing her legs wide open. As Tabitha got off the bed to check out her work, Kaitlin struggled against her bindings to check she was fully secure. 

“That good enough?” Tabitha checked again.

“Yes, I won't be getting out of this without what I studied today.” Kaitlin replied. At this point she was a little used to if still ashamed of being in these bondage predicaments but as much as she would try and deny it, her arousal was always her Kryptonite. She would not help getting so hot from the fiendish things her captors would do to her body, making her kitty drip with sweet juiced before a raging orgasm overcomes her turning her pussy into one soaked pussy cat. Its little wonder she has such arousing wet dreams every night and adding her sweet Adonis to the dreamy mix she cannot help but play with herself even during the middle of the day. 

“Hey you're not getting turn on by this are ya?” Tabitha looked and noticed Kaitlin's already erect nipples. 

“What?” Kaitlin looked down at her chest. “No it...might just be a little chilly...that's all!”

“Right.” Tabitha turned away and walked back to the boxes. If she had a dollar for every time she was kept up at night by the noises from Kaitlin's room, she would probably be richer then her mentor by now. “What now?”

“The next box is for you.” Kaitlin explained. “I hope you don't mind...”

“For me?” Tabitha spoke curious as she opened the box. To her surprise, she took out what looked like a black latex suit, but one that looked very familiar and one they both knew very well. “You've gotta be kidding me Kaitlin!”

“Well like I explained, if I can simulate the peril as best I can, I can make the need to get out of the ropes all that more urgent.”  

“I get that, but THIS?!?” 

“Well...if I'm looking at my best friend all the time it won't feel as life threatening but with that outfit, you'll almost look like her with the mask and the hood!”

“How did you even get this? And in my size for that matter?!?”

“Oh those sex stores tend to make cosplay outfits all the time of us heroines and villains of Metrobay. And I checked your outfit measurements on the Cat Computer so I had no trouble ordering it in your size.”

“Kaitlin...” Tabitha moaned in shame. What she was holding up was a replica Meanie Mouse costume. Heel boots that would add a good few inches to her height, mask to hide her identity, hood with the iconic mouse ears, mouse tail that could almost double as a bondage whip and of course, the many, many straps that looked like they would take forever to strap up. “Well...if you think it will help...”

“Trust me, I'm sure it will...” Kaitlin reassured her sidekick more. 

“Well, suppose we've gotten this far...” our Tabby cat began to undress herself. She would have gone in her own room to get dressed but seeing as Kaitlin was already naked in front of her, it could not get more awkward then this and again, they have both seem their naked bodies enough times that it was almost no shock to either woman anymore. Once her clothes had been discarded and placed in a small pile by the bed, Tabitha began the task of putting her Meanie Mouse outfit on. Not being an outfit she was used took, it took our Tabby Cat awhile to slip into the cool rubber latex over her skin, causing goosebumps all over, ensure her hands and feet slid into the gloves and boots correctly, putting the hood over her head while ensuring her hair was tucked inside and not a hair was hanging out, and the most annoying part for her, making sure every strap and button was done up.

“Gee, how does the real Meanie Mouse have time to commit crime putting this thing on? Ooof.” Tabitha moaned a little as the suit was a tad bit tighter then she had thought it would be. Not that she was gasping for air, but still something she'd have to get used to. Once she was done, the heroine cat turned villainous mouse looked at herself in Kaitlin's tall mirror. She indeed look the part of a fake Meanie Mouse. Looking at her reflection felt like she was face to face with the real villainess, only  this mouse had her face. Once she put on the included eye mask and applied the black lipstick, Tabitha had completed the look. If she were to walk out of the building like this, she would be arrested on the spot most likely and made to take the blame for all of Meanie's crimes. Such a thought made Tabitha's heart pound, blushing as she left a little more ashamed to be wearing this get up. Not to mention her hard nipples were  poking and getting rubbed against the fabric inside. Hoping to get this over with as soon as she could, she turned around back to the bound Kaitlin. 

“Oh Fluffles!” Kaitlin looked in awe. “You certainly look the part of Meanie Mouse!”

“This feels really...you better not tell a soul about this Kaitlin!” Tabitha looked down in shame. 

“Not a soul, I promise. Just a few last things in the box Tabby.”

Tabitha looked in the second box one more time and took out a few accessories. A red Ball Gag with black straps, a nipple chain, and what make her wide eyed the most, a large white Vibrating Wand.

“Is THIS really necessary?” Tabitha asked.  

“You know what those fiends do to us once we're tied up.” Kaitlin explained.  “That's why I need to be able to do this while they play with my body so I can launch a surprise attack when they least expect it.”

“Perhaps, but it's still me doing....that.” Tabitha signed once more. “...where do you want me to start?” 

“Put the ball gag in my mouth then strap in it. Once that's done, pretend you're Meanie Mouse and just...well you know, use your imagination till I get free.”

“Okay then...” Tabitha walked back to Kaitlin's head a little awkward because the heeled boots. She slipped the ball gag into her mentor's mouth and strapped it in tightly as instructed. Now that was done, the training fantasy could begin.

“Mrrpph Mrrpphh.” Kaitlin moaned through her gag, ensuring she could not  say a word to her pretend captor. She also tugged at her bindings once more to ensure zero escape. She figured she would let Tabitha work on her body for a little bit before she got started on trying to get free. 

“Erm...HAHA!” the Tabby Mouse tried our her best impression of the villainess she was dressed as, pointing at her prisoner. “I finally got you, you.....silly cat!”

Kaitlin could only look unimpressed at her friend's attempt at playing Meanie Mouse. 

“Blast, that's not what she'd say.” Tabitha told herself. She quickly rewound her mind to the past instances that she had been captured by Meanie Mouse, trying to remember the way she would behave and act. “Okay, let's start again.

The Meanie Tabitha sat next to Kaitlin on the bed, placing a wicked grin on her face. 

“My my, what do we have here?” Tabitha tried again. “A Mengy Pink Pussycat all tied up to play with...or should I say, Kaitlin Sinclair!”

The “exposure” of her true identity sent a chill down Kaitlin's spine. Even though this was just pretend, she had sometimes run though her mind (As well as her naughty dreams) of what it would be like if she was revealed to be Pink Pussycat, and it have even happened once or twice before, and everything she would feel the butterflies inside of her flutter throughout her body. She moaned and pulled against her binds in reaction.

“No point struggling.” Tabitha stroked her latex gloved down Kaitlin's chin to her neck, before stopping at her cleavage. “I have tied you up real tight and without that precious Kitty collar of yourself, you're just as helpless as any damsel in distress I've pick up and moulded into a Mouse Slave!”   

Starting her playfulness, Tabitha stroked a finger upwards to Kaitlin's exposed left nipple, stood for attention as she circled her finger around it. 

“Mmmm...” Kaitlin could not help but moan through her again. She hated it when villains would expose just how horny she would get from their sexual play, but her body could never help but get aroused. 

“Wow, I'm pretty decent at this!” Tabitha thought to herself. “Almost...too decent. Better just crack onto the toys before I get carried away.”

“I see you're already getting excited by all this you slutty cat!” Tabitha flicked the nipple she stroked with her finger. She then held up the silver nipple chain in front of her captive's eyes. “Bet those tits of yours are just begging to be pinched!”

“MMMRRRRPPPPHHH!!!” Kaitlin bit down on her gag as the Tabby Mouse applied the nipple chain to one of her sensitive nipples, then on the next one painfully pressing hard like they were being bitten. She moaned through her gag once more then Tabitha teased her by pulling a simple tug in-between the chain, which pulled hard at her nipples upward. 

“Oh good grei....I mean oh my!” Tabitha looked down and saw that her mentor was already wet in a certain area, at first annoyed but then she remembered to stay in character. “Looks like that the kitty's in heat! Too bad I don't have some to pinch at that clit of yours as well!”

At this point, Tabitha wanted to just get to the next part so this whole role-play could reach it's end, so she grabbed the vibrating wand and switched it on, amazed herself at just how hard and powerful the vibration was.

“Sluty cats have to be tamed!” Tabby teased as she licked the end of the wand, readying to put it into place.

“Alright, this is it.” Kaitlin thought to herself. “Once she's puts the wand against my pussy, I'll attempt my escape!”

“Oh please, make your escape quick!” Tabitha spoke in her thoughts as well.  With a deep breath, she lowered the wand onto the exposed kitty that was on display. 

“FLUFFLES!!!” Kaitlin wanted to say but only came out as more muffles through her gag. The wand indeed had a powerful vibration to it, sending shock waves from her womanhood to the rest of her naked body. It was then she regretted ordering the Turbo Edition of the Wand but then it was not like she could ever up and ask her captors what brand their buy to tease her kitty holes with. As much as she would of like to spend the evening with the wand and her Adonis filled fantasies, this was meant to be training. 

“Rrrrrr...RIGHT THEN!” Kaitlin thought to herself. “TH-THINK...AHHH, BOUT...RESEARCH!!!! YES!!!”

The bound pussycat tugged and wiggled at her wrist binds as hard as she could. From the research she had done earlier, it was hard to look up the words “Eagle Spread” without eight million results being just bondage porn, but from what  few How To videos she watched, she thought she had the hang of it. However what she had no accounted for was that most heroines like Tabitha were expectedly trained in bondage tying within the very back of their subconscious and that the videos she watched were only meant for light bondage play in the bedroom, not every day heavy bondage meant to keep heroines from escaping. As much as she tried, it was no use. All the different methods she had studied were not working, and the more time was passing, the more her arousal and naughty thoughts were starting to take over as she left the first orgasm was about to erupt. 

“NOOOO, NOOOO!!!” Kaitlin began to drool from her gag. “I....SO SURE....OH THIS WAND....I'M...I'M.....CUMMMMMMING!!!!! AHHH AHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH!”

As the wand was still quivering at her kitty, a kitty-gasm exploded from out her pussy, squirting hard her sweet nectar not just on the wand and on Meanie Tabby's arm, over on the Meanie outfit as well, drops of her love juices hitting Tabitha's latex coated breasts, even a drop on her open lips as well!

“Aww gross!” Tabitha thought as she could taste her motor on her lip. “Now what do I do? Do I just carry on till she escapes or just stop now? She did say stay in characters but I don't think she's even trying anymore!”

“Mmmmmmm.” Kaitlin moaned in shameful delight. She had failed miserably but that had to be one of the best orgasms she had ever experienced, top ten at least. As her mind started to re-function from a dazed and numb post-kittygasm state, she then realized she had not given Tabitha some sort of safety word or action to tell her to stop. Without one, her pretend captor could go on and on for hours, sticking to the scenario. 

“Errrm, say I wonder how many orgasms it'll take to break such a slutty kitty?” Tabitha carried on as she placed the wand back against the soaked pussy, making   the bound feline scream in forced delight even louder through her gag, to which Tabitha mutter to herself; “God, can this get any worse?”

As if to answer her question,  Kaitlin's maid Janine opened the door to the bedroom and walked into what was supposed to be a training session, but to her it looked like an entirely different thing happening.

“Sacre Bleu!” the Maid looked directly at Tabitha in her black outfit in horror, dropping her feather duster. “Ze Meanie Mouse!!! Hold on Mademoiselle, I shall call ze police!”

As the loyal maid ran out of the room, Tabitha dropped the sex toy and awkwardly chased after Janine. 

“NO JANINE WAIT!!!” The fake villainess cried, blushed in embarrassment. “I'M NOT MEANIE MOUSE!!! ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!!”

As Tabitha left the room, Kaitlin was left all alone, naked, bound, and even redder in humiliation then her sidekick was. It was one thing for her maid to walk in on the occasional “alone time” she would have, but on this? She wondered how much more of a pervert of own maid would think of her now. Even worse, Tabitha left the wand in-between her wide open legs, leaving her at the vibrating mercy. 

“OOOOOOH MEOWSSSSSSSSEERRRRRRRRRRRS!!!” She muffled through her gag as yet another orgasm raged out her kitty like a tsunami. 

Sometime later after an explanation to the maid and finally untying Kaitlin, Tabitha finally emerged from her own bedroom after disrobing the Meanie Mouse get up and dis-guarding it back in one of the boxes and walked over to Kaitlin who was dressed in her robe again sat in the kitchen drinking a glass of her bubbly pink Katnip, a unique drink she had made just for her and her alone, thanks to her fortune. Truly she could make a small further fortune putting her drink in stores but then where was the fun in that she figured. If everyone could have it, it would no longer be her own personal drink, losing its specialness. A glass of her sweet Katnip after a night of Pussycat duties and forced sexy shenanigans always was able to cheer her up from any villainous ordeal she would eventually escape from or indeed after her Adonis fantasies she would sip a glass of her sweet drink. 

“Oh Tabby!” Kaitlin turned round her chair. “Did you explain to Janine  the whole story?”

“Yes I did.” Tabitha crossed her arms. “Ya know that was real humiliating , not just her waiting in on what looked like us role-playing but having to try and explain in her we were just training without her thinking all sorts about what we were doing! “

“I am so sorry!” Kaitlin apologized. “I swear I thought I had the escape all figured out but you tied me so tightly that could not untie myself!”

“Sure, I'm no expect in rope tying you know! I can't of tied you THAT secure!”

“I swear it's the true Tabby! No matter how hard I tugged, your binds wouldn't come loose!”     

“Look, just don't involve me in you little Adonis fantasies in future okay? I swear if it were me, I would have gotten outta that without a moment of daydreaming!” 

“Tabby, I...” Kaitlin blushed slightly from Tabitha both accusing her of being “naughty” in that way, and the sheer mention of her Adonis' name. 

“Whatever, I'll be going to my room to study then I'll be having an early night. Just what this day to just end!”

Tabitha stormed off to her room, annoyed by her mentor. Kaitlin felt as ashamed as whenever a villain exposes her hidden desires. She only wanted to prevent that from happening less often but in the end it backfired and even made her feel that way towards her best friend. As she took another slip of her tasty drink, Kaitlin began to really think to herself. What if this whole set up was secretly down to her hidden arousal? Does she really get so horny sometimes that could be classed as a slutty pervert? And the worst part of it, would her best friend ever look at her in the same light again, the person Tabitha was meant to look up to as both friend and heroine mentor. 

A couple of hours passed and it was getting late. After a few glasses of her Katnip  and thinking about herself, Kaitlin decided to hit the kitty basket, feeling a tad bit tipsy but nowhere near drunk. As she headed to her bedroom, she walked past Tabitha's room when she noticed something. The door to her sidekick's room was slightly open enough to see a little inside. Pushing to the door slightly open some more in a hope to apologize to Tabitha again, Kaitlin noticed the Tabby sat at her desk with her head resting asleep on-top of her study book. What took Kaitlin's eye was that Tabitha's shirt was pulled up, leaving her breasts squished against the desk while her fingers were most certainly “busy”. Two of her fingers left wet and sticky in her mouth and another two stroked her other wet mouth. 

“Mmmmm, Gus...” she whispered softly in her sleep. “Don't...don't stop ...teasing my kitty....”

Seeing that sight, Kaitlin giggled to herself, feeling a sigh of relief that she was not to only one that tends to have a sexy imagination. 

“That little minx!” Kaitlin thought to herself. “There she goes saying how naughty I can be sometimes when she has arousing fantasies about her man!”

At that point, Kaitlin could have left it be, feeling better about herself, but she had an wicket idea, one that would at least show Tabitha that she was telling the truth. It may have been the drink that egged her to go through with it, but she could feel herself fill with excitement with what she had planned. Deciding she was going to do it, she made her way back to her own bedroom. 

Some moments later, Tabitha felt a small tap her on herself like someone had just gently spanked her. She slowly started to waken from her slumber with for some reason a familiar taste of rubber in her mouth. 

“Mrrrrrrgh.” she yawned, but was muffled by something round in her mouth. Her teeth and tongue confirmed to her she had a ballgag in her mouth, a taste she was all too familiar with. As her mind started to boot up, she found she could not  move her arms as her wrists were each tied to an ankle together, keeping her faced on her bed and her behind in full view. A chill in her body also confirmed to Tabitha she was stark naked as well, confusing her as she remembered she was mostly clothed  when she rested her eyes. 

“Mrrpphh Mrrpph?” Tabitha struggled at her binds but all it resulted was her shaking her booty in her attempt of escape.

         “Rise and shine!” spoke a sinister voice. “My, you're so anxious to get started ain't you slutty Kitten?”  

Walking into the bound Kitten's point of vision was someone that sent more shivers down her body.

“M-Meanie Mouse?!?” Tabitha thought as she felt a drop of sweat drip down her back. “H-how did she find where we live and who we were?!? Oh god, what has she done to Kaitlin?!?”

“Struggle all you want, you won't know what wicked things I have done to your beloved Pink Pussycat Kitten...or should I say, Kaitlin Sinclair and Tabitha Essex?” 

“Crap, she knows our identities!” Tabitha pulled as hard as she could at the ropes but to no avail. “I gotta save Kaitlin!”

“I wouldn't worry about her right now.” Meanie Mouse held up a Vibrator Wand. “Pretty soon, all you're going to worry about is how far along your next orgasm is!”

“Mrrph Mrrrphhhh!” Tabitha moaned, trying to escape while the black shiny mouse walked towards her exposed behind with the sex toy. 

“Now a well train heroine like yourself could probably get out of this bind quite easily, but I bet such a pussy in heat like you would take this opportunity to be played with while you daydream about some boy you like fucking you right?” 

“MRRRPPPHHH!” Tabitha tried to deny it through her gag, not helping but blushing at the image of her boyfriend in her head. 

“Well lets just see shall we?” Meanie Mouse licked her lips as she placed the vibrating wand in-between Tabitha's peachy butt cheeks and against the aroused pussy. 

“MMMMMMRRRRRRRPPPPPHHHHHHH!!!!!” The Ginger Tabby screamed through her gag once the wand made contact with her most sensitive part.  Feelings the most absolute pleasure shake her body only egged her to try harder at getting out of her binds but that resistance slowly started to fade as the pleasure started to corrupt her mind. As much as she wanted to get out of this situation, all she could think about it how good the vibrator felt against her kitty and throughout her body. Worse still, Gus was still one her mind. His cute face, his hunky body, his hard cock, at her fantasies run through her head at the worst possible time, she left out a most powerful orgasm. “MMMMMMMMMMMRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”

“Gonna have to try harder then that to get outta this!” Meanie teased. “Or are you deep down really a slutty cat like that Pink Pussytwat was?”

Tabitha could not even answer as the part of the mattress her face was on started to dampen with her drool. Just soft orgasmic moans as the next kittygasm started to build up fast. 

“Wow, I guess I do a great Meanie Mouse myself too! I even get the voice spot!” the supposed Meanie Mouse spoke in her thoughts. Little did Tabitha knew but it was actually Kaitlin who had put on the Meanie Mouse costume from before and pretended to be her foe. “Granted it was a squeeze but I just about got this get up on!”

Kaitlin meant no harm to Tabitha in this particular “training” session, just a test to see if her sidekick could put up or shut up and get out of a scenario like this like she said she could of, or let her arousal get the better of her. As far as our Black Meanie Mouse know, she had not tied Tabitha too tightly but just like her Tabby friend, within her subconscious was the real know-how to tying up a fellow superheroine and keeping her that way thanks to many hypnotic misadventures she had before. She was unaware that she had made escape for her best friend near impossible with her ties. 

“Tuttut, how disappointing.” Kaitlin giggled in her head as Tabitha already reached her second orgasm. “Guess this could happen to any heroine. Oh well, I'll give you five more orgasms before you past out from the sexual excitement, then  I'll tell you tomorrow morning it was actually me not Meanie Mouse that trained you...”

Just then, Kaitlin thought of something naughty like a villainess would think like as she placed a finger against her soft lips while she looked up in thought.

“...or maybe I'll let you believe this was all just a naughty dream? Teehee.....”

The End

The End          


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