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  It was closing time for the Cerulean Gym, and Gym Leader Misty was ready to call it a day. She returned her Water Pokemon to their Pokeballs, while thanking them for a great day. She care for all her Pokemon, treating them with respect and kindness, like her friends.  

  Well, expect one.  

  Struggling to get out of the pool, Psyduck was flapping his arms in panic trying to pull itself towards the end of the pool.  

“You dumb duck.” signed Misty. “I ve told you not to go in the pool didn't I?”  

Misty reached out to pull Psyduck out the pool, only to be pulled in herself by Psyduck. Not that she minded the pool, far from it, but to be pulled in like that really angered her.  

  Once out the pool, Misty and Psyduck dried themselves with some towels.    

“You can make yourself useful and carry those boxes over.”  Psyduck made its way towards the boxes containing Gym supplies, which had arrived earlier in the day. Trying to impress Misty for a change, Psyduck tried to carry 5 boxes at once. However, by doing so he could not see where he was going and the boxes were slowly tipping. Soon enough, Psyduck tripped and fell back into the pool with the boxes. Misty reentered the pool area to find the gym supplies and Psyduck in the pool. In anger, Misty pulled the clumsy duck out the pool and slapped him hard.   “YOU STUPID DUCK! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE, YOU'VE RUINED THE SUPPLIES! NOW WE'VE GOT TO ORDER MORE. GOD, WHY THE HELL DO I PUT UP WITH?!?  Psyduck looked teary eyed as Misty exploded at him.     “YOU KNOW WHAT, EITHER EVOLVE OR JUST DIE, WHATEVER'S THE QUICKEST, I'VE JUST HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!”  Misty left the room and headed to her bedroom. Psyduck remained at the pools, still crying as he stirred at his reflection.    
  Night soon followed, and Psyduck was still at the same point, just looking at his reflection.   “Its not my fault I'm so clumsy and useless.” Psyduck thought to himself depressed. “If it wasn't for this headache of mine, I could think clearly, but instead I can't do the simplest thing in this state. Maybe Misty's right, maybe I'm better off dead...”  As the tears continued flowing, they suddenly started to glow white. Soon enough, Psyduck's whole body began to glow.     “Could it be? Can this really be happening?”  It was finally happening, Psyduck was evolving!  As Psyduck was glowing, his whole body was changing shape, changing his colour, and changing Psyduck completely. Psyduck stopped glowing. He looked at his reflection. At last, he was no longer the useless Psyduck, he was now a strong and powerful Golduck!   “YES!” Golduck thought to himself. “I feel so alive! No more do I have to put of with that curse of a headache! I can use all sorts of attacks and impress Misty and...”  It was then, Golduck remembered all the horrible things she said to him.     “Hey, am I really going to left her get away with that?!? She made me feel so bad earlier and I nearly wanted to die! She HAS to pay!”  Golduck looked at his feet and saw what looked like his old Psyduck skin, only different, it looked like it was made of latex.     “...this gives me an idea.”  
  The next morning, Misty woke up feeling bad. She felt that way after saying those mean things to Psyduck. She would never explode like that to anyone (Well, except maybe Ash) or any of her Pokemon. She had put up with Psyduck's clumsiness for so long that it built up and up, until she finally blew it. She knew she'd have to apologize to him.      
  Misty walked to the swimming pool in her nightgown, as she heard someone swimming. She looked to see a blue figure doing laps up and down the pool.   “Psyduck?” she said slightly dazed in her sleep. The figure the swam to Misty and swiftly jumped out the pool. It was then Misty realized it was not Psyduck.   “Golduck? Then that means....oh my god! You evolved!”  Misty walked up to her Golduck and hug him.   “Oh wow, you look so much better! You're gonna be great at battles and such.”  Misty go so caught up in her new Pokemon, she forgot to apologize. Perhaps if she said sorry at the get go, Golduck would of accepted it and go easy on her.    
  Golduck's eyes began to glow and a psychic glow appeared around Misty, forcing her to stand up.   “Hey Golduck, what are you doing?” asked a concerned Misty.  Misty tried to move but could not. Golduck look pretty mad, and was going to take it all out on Misty by ultimately humiliating her. Misty's arms rose and her hands placed on her shoulders. She pulled down the straps to her nightgown, causing it to drop to the floor, revealing Misty's naked body.   “HEY, DON'T DO THAT-”  Misty wanted to cover herself, but no matter how hard she tried, her arms would not budge. Instead, her arms lowered to her breasts where her hands cupped onto them and started playing with them.   “No...AH. Don't!”  Misty's hands moved her breasts about, while squeezing them and using her fingers by force to tease her nipples. Not long last, her left arm moved down and her hand began stroking her already wet pussy. Soon enough, she was fingering herself.   “Oh god, AHHH, AHH.”   “Its not use.” Golduck thought to himself. “With my psychic abilities, I can read your mind like a book! Because of our bound, I knew exactly what turns you on, where you love to be “touched”, and how often you masturbate, thinking of your “Ashy boy”!”   “This can't be happening, AHH, AHHH, AHHH!!!” Misty's mouth was as wet as her pussy as drool escaped her mouth, unable to close it properly. With Golduck being the expert on her body, she was sweating like crazy and burning with passion and embarrassment from playing with herself in front of one of her Pokemon. Thank god her sisters weren't around, though the pool CCTV was capturing all the “action”. With that, Misty soon came to the pleasure.   “AHHH, AHHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”  She wanted to collapse on the floor, but her legs would not left her. Instead, her left hand lifted up to her mouth as her fingers inserted into her mouth, forcing her pussy juices into her mouth.     “Please.” peddled Misty once her fingers left her mouth. “Left me go, and I'll forget this ever happened Golduck, please!”  Forgot? Blah, Golduck would certainly not forget all the pain. Instead, this was only the beginning. Golduck forced Misty to walk towards his old Psyduck skin.   “W-What the hell is that?”  Misty blend down to grab the latex skin. She then stepped into the open break and pulled it up. To her horror, Misty witness the latex fit her long smooth legs as she stretched it up like putting on some tights. Once her legs were in, she stretched it more so that her waist and ass were enclosed into the tight latex. Just above her ass was a Psyduck tail, which frighten Misty more.   “PLEASE NO!”  She then stretched the skin just below her boobs, where she inserted her arms into the skin, and fitted them into the arms, pulling them in, stretching them so that her arms would fit in perfectly. Wiggling about, she got the skin to cover her breasts and move up to her neck. The beck covered her head, and her head looked up towards the ceiling lights. It looked like Misty was being eaten by the skin.     “Help me!”  Darkness soon following as the beck closed. Misty could feeling the head part moving about so that her eyes were level with the suit's once empty eyes and her mouth was in the right place for the beck. Shortly, Misty could see again, and move her body. She looked a Golduck, who had a big evil smile on its face, and feared the worst. She looked at her reflection in the water, only so see that familiar, mindless expression look back at her. Her head now reassembled a Psyduck's, only it looked like latex. Her once sky blue eyes and long red hair had been replaced by white oval eyes and 3 black hairs on top of her head. Looking down at her body, she looked like a Psyduck with a human female body but made of latex.   “NO!” Said a horrified Misty. She was more horrified to see her beck move when she spoke, as the beck had now attached to her lips and jaw. Looking at her body more, she noticed her nipples sticking out and her “tail” moving on her accord, while her ass stood out as always! She also had near invisible holes for toilet and other duties. Misty struggled to get the skin off, but could not. Her fingers and toes had become webbed, just like a Psyduck's.     “Golduck! Get this off of me!!!”   “Hmm, not bad.” thought Golduck. “But there's room for improvement.”  Golduck's eyes began to glow again. Misty hoped he was getting the skin off, but she felt pain in her chest as her breasts expanded to the size of small water melons! Her ass grew slightly bigger too, she was one sexy looking human shaped Psyduck alright!   “Much better.” thought Golduck. “In future, I can make your boobs and ass any size I want. Hell, if I feel like it, I can give you a cock for laughs!”   “Golduck, please release me! I'm so sorry!”   “Too late for that now bitch.” thought Golduck. “Time to rob you of your last human quality.”   “Please, I'm so, Psyduck. Psy Psy Psyduck!”  Misty parsed. All that was coming out of her mouth was “Psyduck”! Her once angelic voice had now degraded to the horrid Psyduck screeches that once annoyed her!   “Psyduck?!? PSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYDUCK!!!!!!!”  Now Misty had lost the last thing that made her Misty, her voice. Looking at her now, you could not tell it was her. Golduck's eyes glew again, force Misty down on all fours.   “Psy Psyduck? (What are you doing?)” asked Misty.  Misty looked in horror as Golduck unleashed his 13 inch member from between his legs. Misty feared where it would be going as Golduck made his way towards Misty's ass. Golduck proceeded to insert his cock into her pussy, sliding it slowly, before jamming the whole thing in swiftly. He then began to move back and forth, stroking Misty's pussy walls with his cock. The sensation made Misty's face glow bright red as she was going turned out by Golduck's huge cock fucking her brains out.   “PSY, PSY, PSY, PSY!!!”  As Golduck continued, Misty got wetter and hotter downstairs as Golduck increased in speed. Soon enough, Misty had the biggest orgasm she had ever experienced.   “PSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYDUCK....”  Once Golduck had moved back, taking his cock out, Misty wanted to collapse in exhaustion, but Golduck did not let her. Instead, he walked towards her face and looked into her eyes.   “Now that your mind is weakened, I can began the final stage of your downfall.” thought Golduck.  Golduck unleashed a powerful hypnosis attack onto Misty, one that would keep her into a permanent trance. Misty's eyes gave an empty stare at Golduck, as her mind was being emptied, ready for new memories and commands to be programed.     “You are no longer the trainer or master!” said Golduck via telephony. “You are now the pet, obeying my commands, no matter how perverted. You were never a human, you were always a Pokemon, even though your body is shaped like a human's, you never question that. Yes, you are the Pokemon Psyduck, you've never heard of the trainer Misty. You are quite dumb and clumsy. It doesnt  bother you, you are quite the bimbo. You don't even know how to swim, you sink like a rock. In fact, it turns you on when you make mistakes, you get quite aroused by this. You love sex, you love to have sex with Golduck, but you offer yourself to other wild Pokemon to see to fuck you. You don't like fucking humans, you only get off from fucking Pokemon.  Yes, this is all your life revolves around, your only purpose in life. Obeying is good, Pokemon fucking is good.”  With that, Misty's mind was set. Gone was the Cerulean Gym Leader and born was Psyduck, the sex freak Pokemon. Drool dripped from her mouth, as she starred at Golduck's still erect cock.     “Now, suck my cock!” demanded Golduck via telephony.    Psyduck proceeded as she inserted the cock into her beck. For the next hour, she gave Golduck a number of blowjobs and used her breasts to get titty fucked with her now bigger boobs.   “Yes, this is going to work out just right.  
  Many days later, Misty's sisters returned to the gym to find their little sister missing, and the gym CCTV busted beyond repair. They tried her cell, only to find it ringing in her room. They tried to call her friends, but none knew where she was. Soon enough, the Officer Jennys got involved. Nobody could find her, she had just vanished.    
  In a lake, at an unknown destination, lay a huge duck nest made of twigs and sticks. Golduck was relaxing, smiling at the new better life he was living. Splashing towards the nest, Psyduck returned, with something in her beck. She wore inflatable arm things to help her, though the lake was quite shallow.     “Psy Psy Psyduck (I've returned with food!” said Misty, dropping something down.   “Golduck Gol (Thats a rock silly).” replied Golduck.   “Duck, Psy Psyduck (Doh, I'm sucha idiot!”)   “Golduck, Duck Golduck? (Indeed you are, wanna have sex?)”   “Psyduck! (Yes Master!)”.    Golduck smiled as Psyduck placed herself ontop of Golduck, with his cock all the way into her pussy, getting so aroused by the heat.   “Who's the stupid duck now, bitch?”  
 The End 



* "Hey, am I really going to left her get away with that?!?" You mean"let her get away with..." (Patreon won't let me do boldface)

Masao (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-26 01:39:31 & it's BEAK, not beck.
2017-05-25 00:43:55 & it's BEAK, not beck.

& it's BEAK, not beck.


Yeah, being a Classic upoload it does need some fixing. ^^; I'll get on it soon.