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Yeah there's just a week and some change left in the month, but I figured I would talk about it now.

Apologies first for no update yesterday. I guess having a live WWE PPV on was more distracting then I though it would be so I'll remember that next time. XD (Still, great PPV by the way.). I'll try make it up in the Classic Update this week.

Speaking of which, I'm going to introduce a new themed update day this week called Comical Saturdays. As you might remember, I promised I would bring both the Cleanser and The Anabel+Greta Show to Patreon. Just like Classic Wednesday, this will be when I will upload 1 page of the Cleanser and 1 A+G Show installment every Saturday.
There is more reasoning to this as well. As you may of noticed I have been keeping to an update a day for the gallery lately and it is something I want to continue. However, I decided I do need a day that I can have for myself so I can have the opportunity to go out and do other things like days out (Funny enough, I'm going to London Comic Con this Saturday. XD) and other things like exercise and  so on, just so I don't overdo things creative wise and have no life outside of creating art and fics if you get what I'm saying. I will continue the daily schedule, but like how I have the Classic Upload Wednesdays to make sure I do Fic writing, I need the Saturday Comic Update for myself.

But wait Lapras, what about that Big Announcement you were teasing? Well the first part of it is not ready, but I'll just go and tell you what it is first to you the Donators.

Basically, I've gotten commission work from  Jarrah White. For those who don't know who he is, he's the main person responsible towards the giant Fan Project, Ranma's Declaration of Motherhood which you can find out more about here.


What I'll be doing is drawing Inked Lineart that Jarrah will commission me to do, then other artists will come in to correct any imperfections, colour, then animate those linearts, or frames if you will.

And the good news is you the Donators will get to see these linearts I'll be making (Not the finished coloured animated ones but what I'll send to Jarrah) that won't be posted anywhere else other then of course the fan project's Patreon., though note that each one I make will have to be approved by Jarrah in-case of story spoilers (And no, I am NOT revealing who the father is. That's what the Donation Tier on the Project's Patreon is for. XD).

I have the first lineart in the works which should be uploaded here after both completion and approval very shortly. I am looking forward to working with Jarrah and his dream of making this project an eventual reality. Should also be great news for my gallery too having my username attached to the project as well for promotion. ;) This won't interfere with my normal works as I'll be working on both at the same time.

Exciting times ahead Donators! Be sure to look forward to them! :)