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It was a late Friday evening in the Eterna Forest. A young Pokemon Trainer walked through the seemingly empty forest to meet with a dear friend of hers, one who she has feelings for. She deeply regrets not confessing how she felt towards him the last time they met, maybe now she would finally have the chance to do so as he phoned her to arrange a time and place to meet up. He was currently traveling the Sinnoh region with friends to compete in the Sinnoh League, so Anabel had to travel to Eterna City and cut through the forest to get to the meeting point, the Valley Windworks.

Locals from Eterna City had warned Anabel to be careful as Ghost Pokemon tend to roam the forest at night. Anabel did not know this in advance and had only brought her Espeon with her. Psychic Attacks do not effect Ghost types, so this proved quite troublesome for Anabel. Nothing was going to stop her from seeing “him”, so she figured as long as she was quick and did not bother the Ghost Pokemon, she would be alright. Afterall, she was a Frontier Brain, and one of the top trainers in the world. 2 3rds of the way there, Anabel did not encounter any Ghost Pokemon so far, although she had a feeling she was being watched or followed. Perhaps it was too early for the Ghost Types to come out? 

Just then, a Pokemon came out of a bush. She had never seen the Pokemon in question before, but it looked innocent enough. Too cute to be a Ghost type surly? 

“Aren't you a cutie?” said Anabel as she reached for a Pokeball in her pocket. “Maybe I'll make a quick catch.”

Anabel threw the Pokeball towards the Pokeball.

“Go, my friend!”

Out of the Pokeball can Espeon.

“Espeon, use Psybeam!” Anabel told Espeon using her thoughts.

Espeon fired a bean of Psychic energy towards the Pokemon. When it hit, it went right through the Pokemon.

“What the- Try Swift Attack “

Espeon did as instructed, but the Swift attack went right through the Pokemon.

“Nothing works, it can't be a...”

Anabel remembered overhear a conversation in the Pokemon Centre between 2 trainers about a Pokemon that only appears on a Friday Evening called Drifloon. She also remembered one of them mentioning not to use Psychic or Normal type attacks on it. Could this be the Pokemon she thought.

The Drifloon started to look angry about being attacked and started to move towards Anabel.

“Quick Espeon, return!”

Espeon returned to it's Pokeball and Anabel began to run. As fast as she was, the Drifloon was catching up to her. With no proper Pokemon to defend herself, she was helpless, unless maybe...

Anabel reached for an empty Pokeball in her Pocket. Normally you have to weaken a Pokemon before catching it, but sometimes if you're lucky, you might catch one without having to do so. Besides, if trainers could upload videos onto Youtube of them catching large Pokemon like Rhydon, Onix and Steelix with a single Pokeball and no damage, then she could catch a small Pokemon likewise. She threw the Pokeball towards the angry Drifloon, hoping it would stay it as it went into the Ball. She did not stop to check as she hoped even if it did not stay it, she could at least lose it.

Anabel was so close to the exit, but she tripped and fell. Before she could get up and continue running, she sensed something floating over her head. She feared the worst when a balloon shaped shadow appeared over her head. The Drifloon that had chased her before trapped Anabel's head using its body, like placing a pag over one's head. Anabel struggled as her air was cut off, unable to breath. She tried to left the Pokemon off, but it remained scaled tight. Anabel was scared, believing her life was about to end. She grabbed her Pokeball and left out her friend Espreon. 

“Es-preon....RUN!” she gasped. 

Espeon looked in horror as her mistress was dying. She did not want to leave her to die.


Espeon began to cry as she made her escape. She never thought this was be her last memory of her mistress, but there was nothing she could physically do to save her. Anabel watched her friend escape possible doom that she was experiencing. Was this the end?

Espeon had laid at the bottom of the tree, crying over the loss of her mistress. She wished she was stronger and able to do something. All those memories she shared with Anabel for all of their lives, all the training, all the battles that overcame, they all came to an end. Just then, a shadowy figure had appeared, Espeon looked, it was Anabel! She still had the Drifloon on her head, about she was alive, if looking like she was in a trace.

“Espeon! Thank Arceus I found you!”

She kneel down to hug her Pokemon. 

“It's okay my friend. This Pokemon merges with those with Psychic abilities, big or small, to enhance them. This feels amazing!”

“Really?” Espeon said in her mind.

“Yes, even know I can understand what you say! Previously, I could only tell you things my thought and sensing feelings of Pokemon, now I can understand Pokemon like they're speaking full English!”

“Thank goodness! I thought you died back there mistress. I don't know what I could of done without you!”

Espeon licked her mistress.

“Thank you, my friend.”

Anabel stood up and stood back a few spaces.


“I now share my mind with this Pokemon Espeon, just like our Psychic connection. All the thoughts and feelings this Pokemon had are now inside my mind, and I now know there's one more thing to complete the transformation.”

“What is it?”

Anabel stretched her arms out.

    “Use your Psychic attack on me!”

“But why?”

“You'll see.”

Espeon did as her mistress instructed. Afterall, she would not doubt a thing she said or told her to do. A purple glow of Psychic energy appeared around Anabel. It made her clothes vanish as her body was changing. No longer a thirteen old year, she began to age to the age of twenty. Her flat chest had now blossomed with 2 long overdue breasts, her body was as perfect an hourglass shape a woman can be. And finally, she grew to about 5 foot 11, no longer the height of a child, but now an adult. Her vanished clothes now began to reshape into a sexy almost completely see through purple dress, revealing most of her new body, and tights complete with purple heeled shoes. The little string arms on Drifloon extended and wraping around Anabel's body. Being a late bloomer, Anabel wasn't too proud of her body, now she was happy in showing it off in such a revealing dress and for the first time, showing off her sexy legs.

“Espeon! I feel amazing! Oh my Arceus, this feels so good!”

Anabel stroked her body with her hands as she felt new pleasures she never felt before. No longer a youngster, the girl was now a woman!

“Let's go meet “him”.”

“As you wish my mistress.”

7:30pm at the Valley Windworks, a male trainer waits for a friend. He worries as the friend is 30 mins late. Not only that, but the Drifloon that normally appear in the Valley on a Friday were missing. The reason he decided to meet up with her is he had to confess his feelings towards the girl. He was emotionally confused the last time they met, he did not know what he was feeling. Was it friendship? No, it met much more then that. Telling this to his friend Dawn, she told him it could mean he was in love with the girl. Love, something he had never truly thought about. He was so busy with his Poke pals, that the thought never crossed his mind. However, she was too young for him, and she was sometimes mistaken for a boy, being a late bloomer and a bit toyboy-ish in the looks department. What would she say? Would she accept his love, or reject it? Even if she said she love him too, could he cope with the age difference and the way she looked? Deep down inside, she was a beautiful person...

A gust of wind blew by the trainer. He could of sworn he heard his name being echoed with the wind.

“Ash, Ash.”

He turned around and saw a shadowy figure lurking from the nearby woods. It couldn't be her right? She wasnt this tall when they last met. But when she emerged, Ash was stunned by the beauty that stood before him. He did not even noticed the Drifloon on her head.

“Anabel?” he questioned. 

Ash walked towards Anabel, who was standing with her Espeon sat next to her. Once they were in eye contact with each other, Ash was breathless.

“Is it really you?”

“Yes, its me. I grew up for you Ash! Don't I look amazing?”

“You look...wow.”

Ash's heart was beating at a thousand beats a minute, as was Anabel's. The moment was prefect, he had to tell her.

“Anabel, I...love you.”

Anabel blushed before she gave him her response. 

“Ash, I love you too, I have always loved you.”

Anabel kissed Ash on the lips. At last, the two were together and their destinies were finally one. Once they finally stopped kissing, two Drifloon appeared.

“Come with me Ash, let's go deep into the forest and never look back. Let's be together forever.”

“Okay babe.”

It was almost like Ash had been mesmerized by Anabel's beauty. The 2 walked into the dark forest alone with Espeon holding hands. No one knew what exactly happened to them, did Anabel get brainwashed by the Drifloon, did she truly become one with the Pokemon, or did she become a ghost, just like the Drifloon? Whatever the reason, the two trainers were never seen again. Despite countless searches by police and fello trainers, they were never found. No bodies, no clues, nothing. As the years passed, trainers have sometimes told of aery goings on in the Eterna Forest. The feeling that they were being watched, the sounds of two lovers giggling to each other, the whisper in the wind that said “I love you Anabel” and “I love you Ash”, even the one sighting of two lovers with Drifloon on their heads, fitting the description of Ash and Anabel, embraced in each other's arms kissing each other. 

Thus began the tale of the two ghostly lovers of the Eterna Forest. 


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