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You might know about it but DeviantArt is holding an event right now which I wanted to be a part of >u< It is for children that have to be in a hospital during summer.. And I wanted to make a little cheer up card with foxes (of course! xD) QuQ

I am not sure about my spelling, is "those foxes" correct or should it be "these foxes"? or anything else? And did I made any other mistake? xD

The cards can be send in to a group on dA who will print and give it out. Since I don't think that I can sent it per mail in time lol >u<

Most of the entries I have seen yet are all doing it wrong :/ dA even said "don't use phrases like "get well soon" and such, which is a pretty lame and common anyway.. Or I have seen cards with "have a great summer".... yeah I am in a hospital for weeks maybe, I do have a great summer, thanks /sarcasm. Some people just don't think :/"
There you can see, all of them haven't read the actual Journal about it from dA itself |D They all just want the  1 month free premium that you will get when you participate I guess, because most cards also don't look like much effort..

I just wanted to make a nice card that hopefully makes someone smile. I was always thinking of what would I like to hear if I have to be in a hospital. I would be happy to know there is someone from the other side of the world that has taken the time for me to make a nice card. I also have written it with my own handwriting, even though my digital handwriting is.. bleh xDDD, but I thought this would be more personal than just using a font..
Anyway I hope my card gets accepted by dA and makes someone happy and who knows, maybe I will hear from that person some day, that's why I have posted my dA on it as well QuQ >u<




Hmm.. After reading the description, I'm not an expert in grammar buuut.. "I really hope those foxes can brighten up your day and bring your smile back on your face" "I really hope these foxes can brighten up your day and bring a smile back on your face"; Like this sounds better @v@; I actually checked with another friend of mine what would be better and he also said that the 2nd version is better Lovely cheer up card btw! I love the little red fox in the background with his/her big eyes, pretty much like ◕//‿//◕


Aww thanks a lot Burdie, also for even asking a friend for a second opinion, I will edit it right now ;u; I would feel embarrassed if I make some silly errors on something "serious" like hat x//D Even if it's just small ones ;u; I am also very happy you like it ;O; I hope it will be accepted by dA x//D