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I am very, very sorry to bother you with my vent art on a day like this, the last day of the year, which should be happy and cheerful. Well, new years eve without firework (thanks covid and dumbass people again, thanks) isn't the same anyway. Feels like every other day..

I think, most of you know the reason for this Artwork. I can't believe I have lost so many pets in only one year. I feel paralyzed. I was still upset the past months about what happened in the first half of the year, and now this. Feels to me this is too much for my heart, which is why I had to draw this Dx

For the background writing: These are song lyrics from a song that I like to hear when I am.. In a situation like this. They make me cry, but they also make me believe that these feelings won't be permanent, and therefore is, a "new morning". Here's the song and it's video if you want to listen to it yourself. ... The video itself makes me terrible upset already even without giving it my own meaning.


Again, I am sorry for such art, my actual plan was an artwork with firework and some of my OCs since I already knew I can't expect colorful lights on the sky tonight. Maybe I draw it when I feel better as a very late new years-artwork.

I want to thank all of you for being my loyal Patron over the past months, the year, and for being there for me. I really, REALLY appreciate your support, even if you think it is not much what you do, but for me it is. I really wish you a "Guten Rutsch" like we say before Midnight today, and I deeply hope that you all will face a wonderful 2022 with a lot of luck, healthiness and more happy moments than sad ones Q//u//Q



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