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Finished this today ;u;Sometimes I fall into a dark mood, when I am asking myself if the decisions I made were right or wrong, and if I am really good enough to make a living from drawing one day, or if my "skill" is only good enough to handle it as a "side job"..and stuff like that... I know it is a long and hard way. But I often feel that I would do somethng wrong, that I don't do enough or don't do well enough... Or that my art is just boring and not worth and interesting enough to be supported... xD" I dunno what I am doing wrong, maybe I am simply not liked in  the public idk lol.. xD"I know I do not enough advertising, and I suck at it.. |D Because I always feel I would annoy people with that.. Just as I am always worried to annoy my watcher on dA with too many uploads a day/week lol.. x_xI don't sleep well recently beause I always have to be worried for jobcenter as well., whom I have trouble with right now also. (That's why I am doing the special offer on dA..)




Such a sad fox :c Your art really deserves more attention, I’m honestly shocked that few people actually commission you. I’ve seen a lot of comments on your art where people say they will commission you but they end up not doing it, or well I think at least that’s what’s happening, which is indeed a depressing thing. Sadly it’s hard for an artist to make a living with only art, usually it’s just a side job for most because not enough people pay attention/commission them. There’s nothing wrong with advertising your art, you do want to make your art known to more people yes? Then go ahead and adverse it more! What dA does, when you upload more than one art piece at a time is pretty neat, they put it all in one pile, so it doesn’t really spam or anything. Not really sure how that would annoy people o.o; I really do hope you get that situation solved soon with that job-center, stress is never a fun thing to deal with.


Ahww thanks so much for your comment Burdielein! QuQ I know it might be impossible to make a living from it one day, and it is also a little depressing if you browse Patreon and see all the accounts with over 2.000 Dollars per month and I even saw one getting 2.000 a week... Sure we don't know how long it took them to achieve this but still, if I "compare" what I do with people like them, some of them offer even less than me and they have hundreds of Patrons lol I guess it is mostly because I am more or less "unseen" here and I have no idea how not to sink between all the people who do Patreon now... I should have started it two years ago when someone first told me to simply try it but I thought my art is not worth it so uhhh But more and more people I watched on dA started Patreon and now there is actually everyone, so I feel like I missed the chance to join it when it wasn't "flooded" qq" When offers like "See my WIPs!" wasn't offered by everyone xD QQ As for my dA Journal, honestly I hoped they would be more but I doubt there would be many at the same time lol |D So I'm glad that at least a few showed some interest so far. I have no idea, maybe dA is full with people who just talk and not really do anything or 20 Euro of 55 is still "too high" for them but well sorry I think that is pretty low already QQ But I have the dumb feeling that even if I would lower my regular commission price, it would not change anything.. xD Well this offer will be up for a while now anyway and I will refresh it now and then so hopefully people will wake up soon.. xD Ahww thank you so much again Burdielein! Q//u//Q