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Have a Riina in the snow - sadly no snow for me in RL lol
I do not draw much lately Dx I am glad I could somehow create this and it is pretty boring xD I think I need to work on something completely different to get inspiration back. Maybe I pick up crafting sculptures again >_< 




I never seen snow IRL. But as always when saying that family always say "Go in the freezer and/ or shave some ice...snow" lmao xD Does Riina wanna build a snowasura or have a snowball fight x//3


Ich war überrascht, wie schnell es in den letzten Tagen doch nochmal zumindest kurz geschneit hatte, es gab sogar Hoffnung, dass es am 24. weiß blieb, allerdings... kam genau dann Regen und der ganze Boden war einfach nur matschige Pampe |DD" Aber vielleicht kommt ja nochmal Schnee Q//u//Q