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The current Covid Situation in Germany (and the whole world still actually)  is pretty alarming. I recently start worrying a lot again for our health. Even though we are vaccinated, but I know that doesn't mean we were immune.

The numbers Germany is doing right now just make me shake my head 24/7. We did not even had these numbers last winter and we did lockdowns, now it is even more critical than last year and we still allow events and no contact limitations <3 I mean, who is at least a tiny bit responsible should avoid events and contacts or limit them by themself without being told right now, but still. I hope we will get a lockdown soon. But in the other hand, we have enough vaccine refusenik who are also not able to follow simple rules, (seen someone without mask in the grocey store today who had to be told to put one on)  so I think lockdown or not, this shit will keep spreading happily.

At least, all this inspired me enough to draw Assistance Fox Hikari again lol
I just hope all of you and your family members are safe and take care.




Hi from Czechia, which is on the best way to be best in covid (ironically) once again. Yes, the situation is horrible, I would expect the vaccination to slow it down and maybe it did, but the exactly oposite efect of almost nonexistent restriction is stronger and also there are lots of people making up more and more stupid reasons why they don't need vaccines, even people who are in a hospital with covid, like what the hell? :D We are also still in the process of handover of the government, so nobody is responsible for anything, I couldn't wish a better place and time to live. So good luck and remember you at least are not the worst xD


Cute drawing and glad hikari is staying safe. Wish everyone learned to follow the rules. To decrease/slow down this wild spread but always have to have some dumb things happen :/ Stay safe and take care of all your loved ones OuO


Die Situation hier in Deutschland gerät wirklich außer Kontrolle, das geht auf kaum eine Kuhhaut, und jetzt wo auch noch 3G am Arbeitsplatz und im Nahverkehr herrscht, drehen die Leute sowieso alle am Rad, da hab ich jetzt noch weniger Bock darauf, die Bude zu verlassen... eigentlich müsste ich mich bewusst krankmelden, aber dann gehen mir gute Gelder flöten, die ich brauche |DD" Alles Scheiße hier. Aber das Bild gefällt mir trotzdem, Hikari zeigt allen vor wie es richtig gemacht werden und der Standard eigentlich sein sollte ;//u//;