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"Sagt mir was zu beweinen ist
War mein Leben so grau und trist?
Denk' ich nach, so ist eins gewiss
Ihr sollt nicht trauern
Was sind Tage des Abschieds schon
Gegen Jahre, die wir bekommen
Lasst die Tränen, genug davon
Ihr sollt nicht trauern
Ihr sollt nicht trauern
Um mich

Ihr sollt tanzen, tanzen, in alle Ewigkeit
Ihr sollt tanzen, tanzen, ans Ende eurer Zeit
Ihr sollt tanzen, so als wär' ich unter euch
Als wär' ich unter euch"

- Santiano "Ihr sollt nicht trauern"

Might be a tiny bit unfitting to put this song in my situation but.. I like the meaning of the song, to not be upset (or to upset..) about the loss, but rather happy about the time we had, which is basically what also Acazia told to me ;u; It's been a week yesterday.. It still hurt, but I try to look forward and to remember how much joy she brought to me, even though it hurts at the same.

Maybe you think I kinda overreact a bit about it.. Since if you have pets, you have to be aware that they will go some day..  But imagine bringing your pet to the vet and it drops dead during the examination, then it gets heart massage and oxygen mask.. And you stand next to it seeing it all. That is not how you want to see your pet, and in over 20 years of being a piggie-mum, I never experienced such dramatic scenes. They were successful bringing her back, but all the stress and the infection she had on top of it was too much for her little body.. I still have huge guilt feelings.



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