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In March last year, I've been doing a Sheet for my both Asura Couples, to make clear they are not in the same "universe". But I kinda wasn't happy with saying "different universe", it felt not so sadisfying.. So I came up with the idea, why not making two timelines of it, such as the Zelda series has 3 timelines as well. Fun fact, in my fanfictions about my Asura, I have done it exact like this. I  once wrote down how they met. Tezzus and Riina met when she won the snaff prize, and she met Raixx when she lost it. When I finally realized it after too many months lol, I wanted to edit this sheet.

For the ones being a little more interested in this: What is the Snaff Prize?
Snaff was an Asura who died 1320 AE in a battle against an elder dragon. Since then, the Asura kind of celebrate the "Snaff Prize" every year where Krewe Members show their knowledge in new inventions etc and to  honour their fallen genius.

And about the Sheet, I hope it is more clear now and easy to understand Q//u//Q
Yes I was lazy and used the images from the old sheet, but I will probably redo Riina, Raixx and Tezzus QuQ I also would like to give Riina a different outfit when she is with Raixx, to  seprate her a little more in a visual way from the other timeline. 



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