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This is the sketch for a artistic freedom commission for Panda ;u; I decided to use his idea  to draw Hikari as Asura for it. Since I always draw Hikari with way to big ears for a redfox, I made her Asura-ears longer too. I think in the Guild Wars universe she would be an elementalist because of her electric powers x//D  She has no amour gear, I just tried to come up with an outfit for her.  Maybe I design a similar one for Riina too lol

I am still not that happy with fox hikari in the sketch, but I like how asura Hikari came out so far. That's becaue today I've been modeling my own 3D model of an Asura to use for reference in clip studio. It's a very simple model (still took me 3 hours lol and I needed to get into 3D modeling again a bit), but it turned out to be very helpful already.




Aww loving the sketch so far of Hikari as a Asura, looking adorable and very fashionable with the clothes of your choice Q//w//Q Oh and I see the diamond with wings (tiara or Elementalist characteristic ) you put on her. Cuteness Overload is coming... *To be continued*