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What is this?

Since I have so many OCs that I barely draw, I have made this. Some of my characters never even been shown to the public xD So, to change that, every Character of mine got a number. I feel more motivated to draw them if the suggestion comes from someone else. I have tried it myself to pick random numbers and such, it is not the same for me lol

Also I thought this might be a good thing for you to be a part of the content I post here x//3
This entry is linked on my patreon frontpage, so you can get to it easily.

What to do?

- Suggest me any Number from 1 - 129 ɷ◡ɷ In comments below
- No worries if your number was picked before, I don't mind drawing the Character again! x//3
- You can see drawings related to this here.



111 !! 1 is my lucky number hehehe


Ohhh thank you for throwing in this pretty number >///< I've checked my list and this is definitely a character that needs to be drawn again x//D I also need to pick my hidden character theme up more frequently again too wahhh x///DD


Öhhh 49? ^^


Hmm... dreistellig hätte es sein müssen x///DD Ansonsten, hmm... die 16 x//DD


69 <u></u>


Es gab eins den Berliner Straßnebahnwagen 5151, den ich damals fotografiert hatte und nimmer existiert. Also nehme ich die 51 x///DD


*glotzt aufs Charasheet* Oh eine interessante Wahl x//DD


Eine U-Bahnlinie, die ich hoffentlich bald befahre: die 8 x///33


Pasend zu meinem Eignungstest am Mittwoch, hätte ich sogar gleich zwei Nummern, die 17 und die 10, Zwecks des Datums x///DD


Das passt auch allein deswegen gut, weil Roruxx da Geburtstag hat lol x//DDDD Und wenn ich so auf das Sheet sehe, sind das auch zwei sehr interessante Charas x///33


So dann nehme ich jetzt mal die Nummer 61 ^^


Ich hätte da vielleicht die 78 im Kopf x///DD


Hmm... I'll pick 81. O.O


Ohh thankies, behind this number is an interesting character that will be great to draw again x//3


Hm, ich bin mal so frei und bediene mich mal der Nummer 90 x///DD


Bei dem Namen der sich dahinter verbirgt musste ich erst mal selber gucken rofl xDD Wird also Zeit diesen OC zu zeichnen x//D


So, Lulu kommt uach und sagt 12!!!!!


i am not sure if you are still doing this, but i would like to give this a shot! how about number 77? C:

Riina (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-03 01:53:01 Yees I still do them (need to get into them again though hnghh) Thank you very much for your suggestion &gt;u&lt; I already checked what character is behind this number hehe x//D
2021-06-24 20:18:45 Yees I still do them (need to get into them again though hnghh) Thank you very much for your suggestion >u< I already checked what character is behind this number hehe x//D

Yees I still do them (need to get into them again though hnghh) Thank you very much for your suggestion >u< I already checked what character is behind this number hehe x//D