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I was sorting out some old CDs from back then (and with back then I mean 2006-2008). It wasn't common at all to save files on USB or external harddrives or even Clouds to that time, so I was saving what meant something to me to blank CDs now and  then. I've checked 26 (!) of those backup things yesterday, and I found many Artworks and Music again. I saved everything that I wanted to keep to my external now so I can get rid off those old CDs that just eat space in my room lol

I want to show you a few things from that time. This animation from 2006 was drawn 100% traditionally. I had to scan every single frame to the computer lol It's my Character "Silence" x//D




Da glotz ich jetzt schon ziemlich lange drauf weil ich die Animation total niedlich finde x///DD ich kann mir im übrigen den Aufwand nur erahnen den du damals hattest jeden Frame einzeln zu zeichnen und zu scannen, aber das was dabei heraus kam kann sich wirklich wunderbsr sehen lassen aus meiner Sicht Q//u//Q und dass das schon so lange her ist... meine Güte, da kann man mal wieder echt gut sehen wie die Zeit vergeht rofl aber ich selbst würde gerne mehr von deinen alten Sachen sehen wollen x///333


This animation reminded me of something. Remember a long time ago you posted another animation with your character and it was sort of an icon? I also asked if you'd ever be taking commissions like that, have you thought about it? I know if you do ever open that as an option for commissions I would hella sure be interested in it! Really adorable animations by the way, it's pretty interesting to see an artists' old work to see how their style and drawings changed over time and how they also improved