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...darkness descends everywhere and Piers feels someone's hands holding him by the shoulders. Hands are so cold that he can't move, and it pulls him down. Piers trying to understand what is down there, but it's too dark to see anything. He heard Chris's voice somewhere above him, but hands still pulls him down and voice is fading away. He trying to scream, but once he opened his mouth, the water fills his lungs. He can not resist anymore and going down, but hardly open his eyes in last time...

He see Chris cooking and humming something at the kitchen, little puppy sleeping on Piers's side just wiggling his ears side to side. It was just a dream, like those he saw every night years ago. It doesn't scares him anymore, but so weird to see it again, maybe it means something bad?

Now Piers just looked at Chris and listening his humming. It was so sweet and cute, so he just closed his eyes to not let Chris to notice him awake. He felt so cozy and calm, so he fell asleep again and when he woke up he saw Chris nearby with two cups of coffee and Finny... Looks like he is chewing something already🧐

- Did you sleep well? You woke up later then usual...

-Yes, I just tired. We worked too much last night.

Piers won't tell Chris about his dream, because it always make him nervous! He think that nightmares ended and it's better for him. After all nothing unusual was happened.

Boys talked a little about their plans and played with Finny.  Actually Piers gave him another name, but Chris called him Finny anyway, as he used to. First time it made Piers angry and he correct him, but it's not worked. So after all they both started to call him Finny.😄

Boys found him on the streets one rainy evening. They going to go home after work and Piers noticed something lurks in the dark near their car. He came closer and saw a little puppy! It was a big surprise because pets are very rare these days. Sometimes it's possible to notice a cats somewhere on the streets, but dogs left this city long time ago. But this puppy was very young! He was hurt and scared. Piers carefully picked him up and took home. Boys took care of this puppy and tried to find his owners few weeks, but they can't. After all Piers decided to keep him. Chris was against it, he didn't want relive the loss of pet again, but Piers was so happy everytime they back home to puppy... So Chris gave up - he didn't saw Piers so happy since Finny's death. They inject him few implants to compensate his missing eye and now he looked like Piers! Now Nivans-Redfield family is complete again)

After breakfast they went to the shower😏

- Am I getting old? Something is not right with my skin, yeah?🤔

- Of course!😏 Just look at those wrinkles - you will look like a pug very soon!😆 But I will love you anyway! So come here, hot shower should help you!

- I'm not sure, maybe cold shower would be better?🤔

- No bear, I have a better idea, so just get your ass over here!

Chris stood behind Piers under the shower and hug him. Meanwhile Piers started to move his hips until Captain's meaty gun was ready to enter. They fell in love under hot shower and Chris bitten Piers's ear while Piers moving his hips faster and faster, made him moan softly. Looks like it was some kind of thanks for great breakfast)

Yeah, Piers is always very greatful for Chris's care and does not miss the opportunity to show how much😏 So his Captain is always pleased and full of powers to start his day...Well, if he didn't waist too much in process 😆

By the way this working day was too boring. Boys are mostly was busy with papper work. Agreements, checks, bills, it always left for later because they just hated it! The only papers Piers taking care in time, is a taxes for owning Finny and bills for his food. Other pappers are always waiting and sometimes boys just lose them🤭

Anyway, even if day goes well, they should stay focused on their way home! It passes through the old district which is full of crazy people.

So it's always ends up with guns! Good that they bought this hoverbike! They have a car too and usually Piers is driving, but it's slower.

Actually it was broken when Chris tried some naughty stuff while Piers driving))

So hoverbike is their choice and it can even fly! And thats why Chris is a driver now - he is best in such a vehicles!

Meanwhile Piers trying to shoot their enemies and he never misses, so they back home safely!

Now it's time to relax and take care of each other! Just need to feed Finny first🥰

Chris is always forget about it, so Piers write him a reminder on the fridge! Sometimes it doesn't help anyway😆

And Piers keeps taking the initiative! 😏

They fell in love again and have some fun...

THis time it not take too much time, maybe because they was pleased enough after morning things, or maybe our boys tired? Anyway they finished fast and just in time, because Finny was alone all the day and already started to whine from boredom))))

Late evening they are always trying to find some time for their hobby before they go to bed.This time Chris took his guitar and play some old things he learned in his youth.

This guitar is a birthday gift from Piers. It mixing in a perfect combination with those jacket on the wall, which is also a gift from Piers on their wedding anniversary last year! Many years ago Piers already gave him such a jacket, but it's gone. Sure, this new jacket looks not like his old, but Chris love it so much! And he wearing it sometimes, but not too often, he loves just to see it on the wall near this guitar!😇🥰

Piers loves to listen Chris's playing, it makes him feel so calm and relaxed! Looks like Finny love it too! Just look how he spread his paws in pleasure and moving his ears listening guitar sounds! After some time Piers will fall asleep, but don't worry - he wake up in bed under the cover, because "someone" will take care of him! It's always like that🥰

Hey guys! 🥰

Finally this part is done! Wow, it took almost month and it's only Nivanfield)) Hope it worth the waiting🤔

Action scene was almost skipped again because it's taking tooooo muuuuch time for rendering and always gives me errors!😬 I rendered it somehow anyway, but w\o Maded in Heaven jacket! It was a reason of errors but not rendering time!😩 Looks like the full detalised 3D city street is not for my PC🤔

Honestely I'm scared because I planned to render a whole Nate part there... now I'm not sure)) Maybe Arrow will be on the streets while Nate himself will be placed somewhere else. Need to think🤔

So, it's a base pack, but  this time a few extra things was included in post as "cinematic" previews to complete this story. 

Cyberfield series got more details about our boys and thier life. I hope you like it!

Also I want to thank PuppyPiers69 for his headcannons which gives me unlimited source of sweet and cute details for my story!❤️

And thank all of you for your support and patience!❤️




This is not the first time I say it but it once again rings true, you have outdone yourself, BIG TIME. This set is so rich, not only in beauty but world building and story-telling. I admit I wasn't too sure of the cyberpunk AU at first, I liked it visually but this time you really sold me story-wise, I love all the details and how you developing the boys and their relationship and applying it in a different setting than we're used to and making it work wonderfully, I'm super happy that my headcanons inspire you, you have no idea how lovely it is to see them realized 🥰 specially by you. It's no wonder this set took so long, you put so much in it, you gave us a whole day for the boys from start to finish with sweetness, action and passion, and you built them a home with so many personal touches, it's so pretty and sweet, and aw Finny v2 (that's what I'll call him 😆) I'm so happy to see him, such a cute little cyber boi matching one of his dads. I could comment something about every single scene, but for the sake of not leaving like 10 comments I will keep it shorter... somewhat 😆 My top 3 have to be: - Chris cooking while both pups sleep, it's just so homey and precious, I love the detail, Piers and Finny look so cute and Chris is looking sexy while being the best husband. - Shower sex, so hot, the ear bite, Piers' expression, the see through glass, extremely sexy scene even the close-up where we don't see the explicit part looks amazing. - The final scene with the guitar, Chris playing for Piers while he relaxes, and Finny sleeps, just so sweet, and Piers looks so pretty in his one. Will be switching these 3 as wallpapers 🥰 I ADORE the whole set so much, the bike scene is pretty cool looking Nivanfield teamwork at its best, and the sitting on the face is extremely hot 🤤 and naughty Piers in the shower asking for captain to come in.. and and.. and, all is so good, amazing work was again 100% worth the wait 💖💖💖


OMG! Such a huge comment!😱I'm so happy you like all these scenes! 💕 Sure, 1st part was mostly focused on the world and global things which affects their life and was too far from usual Nivanfield we used to see. But after global things are done I can focus on boys and I should say, that it would not be so detalised and completed without your headcanons, because I just didn't had ideas for most things about their relationship. My thoughts was too superficial. But after this I got more completed view on them and their relationships and thats why it's all looks completed even in this setting)) I think now with your headcanons we can send them in space and it will be the same Nivanfield that we love anyway😆 Glad you like guitar playing scene as well!🥰 It should be a final blast in case the other scenes will not make it😆 But fortunately other scenes worked too)) The only weak one is Chris trying to kiss Piers in the kitchen)) But it was maded just to show jacket and notes on the fridge readable😆😆😆 And give a trigger switch between regular and naughty scenes)) Was doubt about shower scenes too, but I'm happy you saw all the feelings and touching even if we almost don't see the details))) New lighting helped me to show all romantic of this moment)) So)) SO huge encyclopedia, I even don't know what to say😱I just happy you enjoy it so much! Thank you for detailed comment and headcanons and support and all your help!🥰🥰🥰