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Ok, here is about Boosty. It's recommended to use PC and have some free time for next manipulations)

(UPD: Here is shorter version for quick start)

(UPD2: Eng language should turn on automaticaly depending on your system language setup)

(UPD3: You can also use your smartphone, it works fine)

Here is my homepage, which is still not completely done, but mostly it can be used for donations and subscribtions already. Please open it in a new window)

First thing, you need to know: russian language! As I said, Boosty supports the english inteface, but you need to switch it from russian, It's not so simple to find, so  here is some steps:

1. If it's your first visit here, you probably will see an adult content warning. I can't get it right now, so just saying as I remember: it's a small window with funny GIF, where you should press the orange button with (18). Maybe you will not get this warning, in this case, (you can see it later) just move to next step. 

2. You defenetely can see a black stripe at the bottom, with orange button from the right. It's a cookie accept. Click on this orange button to remove the stripe, it's needed for next step!

3. Now you can finally switch the language) Scroll down the page until you see a bright panel down there. From the right corner of it you will see a switch button [RU], Use it to change the languge to EN. (Btw, if you are using a mobile version, this switch is from the left)

That's it, now it's understandable))) You don't need to repeat steps 1 and 2 everytime, it will be saved to your cookie folder. But I'm not sure about language. I tried it few times, and it stays EN as I choose, but things can happens))

4. All prices are in rubles only, so please check the actual exchange rate to be sure that the price is acceptable for you! (I just use google for it))

5. I tried to keep the prices similar to my Patreon tiers, so it's about 4$ for Base level and 8$ for Extra. Right now (14/03/22) it will cost you even less, because of crazy exchange rate on these days (today 1$=121₽ (o.O). But you can donate me additional if you want (we will talk about it below) If something will happen with exchange rate in the future and it will cost too much for you, we can just make a new levels with new prices, and you can just switch to it. But I don't think it happens in near future, really)))) Anyway, I will try to avoid any overpricing for you! 

6. Subscribtions works here not like on Patreon. On boosty your subscription will be active within 30 days after your payment. It doesn't matter when you start, at the end of the month or at the beginning. For example If you buy subscribtion at 14.03.22 it will expire 13.04.22 (because there are 31 days in March) and it will be automaticaly proceed 14.04.22 with new payment, if you not unsubscribed until this moment.

Nevertheless, set of the month is still actual, I will upload it there as usual at the beginning of the each month. At least until the moment, when I get any other ideas of reward))

7. Payment process.  You need to register first, before you can subscribe or donate. It's simple and you can use your facebook or google account for it. I didn't any payments there yet, but here is a screenshot from one of our artists tutorial

it's about donations, but it also actual for subscriptions. As you can see, you can use your PayPal or credit card. We still don't have a tutorial about unsubscribing, but you always can contact me if you have any problems with that. Also I hope, that someone can test it and give us a screenshots to help other people)

8. Donations. Boosty provides an additional donate system with goals, so you can support me additional, if you want! Maybe I will made a special sets for these goals. Not right now, but I will think about how to make it more interesting for me and you both)

9. Paid posts. In theory, if you don't want to subscribe and came there just for specific set, you can buy the separate post with it!  It's also may be very iseful if you subscribe, but missed a set of previous month which was exclusive for those month only. You can just buy it additional! I don't plan to use this option right now. All my posts will be available for subscribers. Only sets of the month can be paided separately, after some time. Here on Patreon I have to delete some renders from those sets, to keep interest for buying tiers in time. But now I can set an additional price for this sets, which can be activated next month. 

10. Chat. As experiment I add discord link to Extra level. You know that I'm not very talkative person, partly because english is not my native language and sometimes it's too hard for me to chat in real time.. I need a lot of time ti think about what I'm writting))) But I thought that discord (til it works in my country))) is good instrument to stay in touch. Many different things happens these days, who know what will be next.. I don't know how it used by other artists and don't promise to organize some kind of community, but for now I will use it just as additional communication instrument with other artists from Russia. You can ask question there, maybe I will share some ideas with you. Or maybe I will exclude it from any specific level, and just give an access to all my subscribers. Well, discord function is under question right now. Just to be clear)

10. Problems, and solves. For now the most important problem is an errors of payments. It happens because it's too many new artists move on boosty, and it will not prepared for this))) If you have an error, just try again after 10-15min. Boosty working on it, and I hope, that it became to normal soon. If you have any problems, contact me via twitter, and I try to help with boosty support (which is really talkactive with users)

What else... oh, yes!!!! Very important note: Dispite the fact, that Boosty is allow to upload NSFW content, it's not allow to upload a porn itself with two (or more) real people  fucking each other or something else. Real people said in their user agreement, our boys are not real in fact, but don't forget, that it's russian platform, so who knows.... ^_^

First I wanted to send such of content via e-mails, but for now I decided to attach a zip, which calls "Set name_HQ.zip" So let's see how it works. In post itself, all renders will be censored! Just keep in mind, that all interesting is zipped))

Well, looks like that's all for now.. If you get to this part of post, that you really patient person and I thank you for this! I really feel sorry about all of this things that you forced to do just to continue supporting me, and I very appritiate it! Hope you will give this paltform a chance and we continue our naughty jorney)) But, month is still not ends, and I will upload here my stuff, so you don't need to move to boosty right now. Lets enjoy the last days here together)) Such an irony, I had to celebrate a year on Patreon at April, and now I forced to move and start all over. Well, it's ok, we can't do anything with this, but we have some new opportunities instead, and it's interesting too)



Hi Max, Sorry i've not messaged you sooner. I've been checking Boosty out, I was worried at first as you said it was recommended for PC and I only have a smartphone but I can confirm it all works fine on my phone! Most of the site is in English automatically-apart from blog even on English settings but then my browser seemed to translate it. I've set up an account, email and text for mobile number for activating account are all in Russian but it's all been done quite easily. I'm following you now and I'll subscribe soon but I have to sort out my money out first (Credit card bill due soon☹️) as I'm used to Patreon being taken at the start of the month. Once I've got things organized I'll be back subscribing to you hopefully by the end of the month. I've got Discord on my phone as well, I'm not a big talker either but I use it for messages so as you say it's another way to stay in touch. Sorry you have had to start all over again, missing out on a year on Patreon, but I'm looking forward to continuing to follow you and your incredible art. Take care ❤️


Thank you so much for so detailed information!🥰 We all just learn this platform and it's very useful to see any feedbacks about how it works from the other countries! Glad you can handle it! Boosty support answered that interface language depends on user system language setups, that's why we can't get ENG version with VPN))) But looks like they forgot to translate some things, so wierd.. Anyway it's good to know, that everything went well) Don't worry about payments, as I said to PuppyPiers, it's even better to join next month, to let boosty support make payment system works stable) You don't miss any sets anyway, it's all be wait you there! Besides you still have an active subscription here, it would be unfair to make my patrons additionally subscribe on boosty right now) Most people are used to making such of payments at the first days of month. I started page earlier just to give people some time to learn new platform and be ready for such of changes(or not)))) for next months Well, start it again is really sad, but at least this time I have lots of old stuff to upload and I don't starting with empty page)) Most difficul part is a getting new subscribers on such of specific platform. I know, that most of my regular patrons will support me wherever I am)) But to attract new people attention now, I should come up with something very special to make them register on unknown network)))) Hope it will be fine over time) Thank you so much!❤️


Forgot to say before I really like the idea of Zip files. When I download a load of pictures I always have to double check to make sure I've got all the goodies, so having it all in one file will be much better for my OCD brain! 😃


Good point!)) Sometimes there are so much files for upload, that I even forgot about few myself))) Now it should be easier and more safe)