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First of all, sorry for the lack of posts this month, the current main video took much more time and effort than i would have ever expected, right now im starting with the audio editing, this one will be a longer episode than usual (20 -22 minutes) which may slow the rest of the editing process, usually for an 10 -15 min episode the audio, corrections, render and upload take 3-4 days, but i'll try to have it ready before the month ends, best scenario would be no issues encountered, minimal level of corrections needed and a rendering process without any surprises in that case the video would be up this Wednesday.

The episode will be very similar to Pretty thick for a white guy, but with thicker and sweatier girls, as i mentioned in earlier posts this one has more poses than usual (8 poses + 2 climax scenes), i wasn't sure about how the dialog and intro sequence were going to work out, but at the end the intro ended up being around 5 minutes and possibly 2 - 3 minutes of outro, so hopefully next post will be the episode release.




If it’s half as good as PTWG the wait will be worth it!