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For Madame Katherine Hodenvoll fBoys are good take care of dDame dong but not smart nor trustworthy enough to be given the role of her personal assistant.

Lizbeth is not your ordinary dGirl, she has a great admiration for dDames, for Lizbethd Dames are almost a superior race, the fact that they are above ordinary and mundane dGirls and how they humiliate men has always fascinated her.

After huge challenges she managed to become Madame Hodenvoll assistant, allowing her to get closer to the high class dames circle she admires so much.

Opposite to other dGirls for some odd reason she seems to despise fBoys, perhaps something in her past ?, perhaps she hasn't decided her role yet ? or maybe she has become just too obsessed with dDames themselves and not so much on their activities 


  • She will be appearing in as a secondary role in the upcoming main video (Pink Season)
  • For this character i have in mind some complex/long background story that may be worth a couple of videos/tales, but it may be even more heavily dialog based than usual, this is not decided yet but is some potential content idea that came to my mind and i wanted to share, so much stories to tell and so little time...
  • Based on your feedback her name has been updated from Margot to Lizbeth 



Peter Velky

hm, maybe Lizbeth. Margot is better suited for queen


Lizbeth wants be like one Katherine boys but can’t bring herself to admit yet...😉

Peter Velky

thanks, one suggestion more, she can be in some relationship with Jocelyn, they look for me in some way similar


Im still working out her story and personality traits, at some point i would like to have her visiting the Arschstopfer club and have something with dDames and maidboys


When do you plan to reléase a vid with her, seems hot?


Her episode was in a poll some months ago as Assistants wet dream, which would be the start of her story, after that there will be a series of episodes (perhaps even her own series) where she will interact in different existing series, after a certain point she would be the main character in some Arschstopfer episodes, she would be featured in various episodes within the club and also with some of the TGirlfriend characters, her episode may re appear in the next episode