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Originally this was going to be the main video update post, but considering there's a fair amount of content pending to do i think it's a good chance to give some updates.

Long post ahead: 

Main video:

There's a last minute little change for the main video, at first i was going to make it just loose Lewd Encounter with no follow up, but an idea came to my mind: there will be another series: i'll be re-taking  Bui bui bend me, but instead of following up only Quinn, it will consist on the stories of a group of stripboys working at a popular night club, the upcoming video idea remains the exact same with Mr.s Bailey teaching some respect to a naughty student, only the name will change.

i know it may be risky or counter productive to have that many main series running at the same time, but as always there will be polls for upcoming videos, where as usual you will decide which video will be the next one, so i'll get an idea of which series to prioritize, just as a reminder this are the current main series: 

It's a pretty high amount of series, so i think next polls will heavily prioritize on them, instead of one-offs, side stories or spin-offs

Extra content: 

  • dGClips: i would like to prioritize this one (at least clip 19: Bailey + Alex), the room is ready, lightning may need some adjustments and i have the starting poses ready too, so i'll be start animating very soon.
  • Wife boy: More of wife boy is coming up, i would like to keep using this series to do some animation experimenting/testing and finally start doing something else aside long loops, so expect to see Wifeboy being extra flirty and sexy
  • dGTale: I haven't forgotten about this one, and i would apologize for the extremely long delay: there's a situation with this one: the scene will be taking place at Melissa's room, the thing is: i would like to update this one: at its current state the lightning is extremely poor and not suitable for a scene shooting) but im unable to open the room in a 3d editor, this means the re texturing must be done manually which means worst results and a pretty bad workflow, i have been also thinking about switching this from a comic into a short bonus video, i'll be working on this one after Wifeboy.
  • Gallery: There's a short gallery coming up too, featuring Jinan and Amani on a aftermath of Princess Pets Ep5 i hate to sound like a broken record but as always the rooms needs some adjustments.

Other updates:

I've been doing a lot of re-texturing for the rooms and there's also some character outfits i would like to update too, before recording next videos.:

  • Quinn's casual outfit for the next main video is still pending, i haven't picked the cloth model jet.
  • I would like to update Wife Boy clothing for the next episode, this one should be quick as it's just gloves and accessories.

The game/engine i use has been behaving very weird lately, which has crashed my computer several times which is very bad news, i did some cleaning for main files so let's see how things work out, if this does not work i may reinstall the whole thing which as you may expect is incredibly annoying, there's always the risk of missing a file behind, but hopefully everything works out fine.




Si que son muchas series. Quizá deberías de pensar en una forma de poder tener alguna regularidad pues aunque me gustan las encuestas no siempre son del todo funcionales. Pero bueno, mola saber que hay series para rato y de todo tipo.


Voy a priorizar las 3 series que tienen mas trama, progresión y giros: Cougar, Tgirlfriend y Arschstopfers, me gusta poner polls con muchas opciones, pero creo que a fin de no estancar estas series mas de lo que ya están las futuras encuestas estarán mas reducidas ,al menos hasta avanzar en las tramas.