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I would like to share with you the plans i have for the content, beware this may be a long lecture 

Orc toy:

An important note about the upcoming video: the original idea was to make an alternative version (same scene, different characters), but after starting working on it, i realized that the animation looked bad... very bad, and since i have the habit of over-complicating things there will be a brand new scene for the dGirl orc with elf boy, i already worked on a new room for this scene during the weekend and i think it looks much better than the original orc toy video, so far im absolutely liking how the orc girl and the elf-boy looks, im liking it so much that there will be a gallery, in case some one's wondering: making this videos doesn't mean i will be switching to fantasy themes, but from time to time i would like to make some fantasy themed videos, just as a break and refresher from the common content.

Main videos:

After the last main video i started to get some kind of burnout feeling , so things may slow down,  i would like to still work on animations , so before jumping on the next long scene i will be making a couple of short scenes, which will consist on action only (i may include some short dialog if i see it fit), this will be just like the orc toy and welcome to detention videos, this will not only allow me to have a small brake from complex scenes, but also give me the chance to experiment with rooms, animations, lightning, etc... , the first of this shorts as you may have guessed already will be the Orc toy pt 2, after that there will be another poll including another short with orcs vs a scene like welcome to detention.

Extra content: 

Beatrix slave tier content slowed down due the time needed for the main videos, i'll be working on the next dGClip featuring Beatrix and Pink stallion (due some updates i made on the program i'll need to rework the room i wanted to use), i also haven't forgotten about the next dGTale this one may take a while because the room need some reworking too and i would like to finish with orc Toy and the dGClip before starting to work on this dGTale.

Additionally i've been thinking about some extras for this tier, that can be delivered with more frequency, I'll post updates and further details about this after finishing with the orc video.



El contenido que haces mola mucho, tiene una frescura y calidad dificiles de igualar, pero veo que tiene un desgaste bastante grave, igual deberias de pensar en automatizar un poco el proyecto o bajar un poco las espectativas generales. Basicamente porque si no es posible que acabes hasta la p*lla de dickgirls, escenas, mallas, habitaciones. ETC.


Take your time don’t let your good work become a pain for you to do, I’m also a big fan of short videos


Le daré un descanso a las escenas grandes, sin duda me hace falta bajar un poco el ritmo, el problema es mi habito de sobre-complicar las cosas xD, pero con algunas escenas cortas espero despabilarme, sera como recordar esos viejos tiempos con escenas de menos de 20 minutos