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Time for the weekly update: As you may expect the animation process is the longest part of the video and im not sure if it's just me but i feel like this one its taking longer than usual, i've not forgotten about the main wip post, but there hasn't been mayor changes just yet, the good news is that i got all the action poses almost done (just need some minor polish and the facial animations to be done), i also have the "transition poses" almost done (insertion/climax sequences) they need some mid polish to be finished, so far i would like to believe that there's some improvement in the animation quality in comparison with previous videos, you'll be the judge of that and im eager to read your opinions when the video comes out.

I estimate that by this weekend/early days of next week i should be starting with the clip capture it'll depend on the time i'll spend working with the textures, by no means this step takes as much as the animation one, i'll also like to edit the classroom lightning and some furniture textures, in the meantime i also started working with the dialog/script, this time i would really like to make the intro the shortest possible without loosing much context.

Thanks for your patience !  



michael allen

looking good can't wait for finished videos getting better everyday .