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A concept for Beatrix petboys:

Beatrix twisted training lead to conception of complete pleasure frenzied petboys for her own delight, they are feared between all Arschstopfer maidboys and even common petboys think it twice before messing with them, as they are unstoppable mating deviants, if they ever let loose only their mistress Beatrix would be able to stop them (in most cases), the alphaboys role is to watch for Beatrix and they are used with newcomers during the petboy training, Beatrix personal catboy: Fen purpose is to annoy the Alphaboys and to "hunt" careless boys just to amuse his mistress.



michael allen

hope Beatrix unleashers the alphaboys on heike that would be a great sight to see


I have some Arschstopfers episodes in mind with Beatrix getting the Alphaboys to pound a maidboy (still not sure who) for her entertainment and other with Fen wandering the club or the mansion releasing some lewd havoc between the maidboys.