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Some of you may be aware about what happened with some Princess pets episodes in PH, in case you don't, long story short: they got deleted, so i thought about some video ideas i have been keeping for some time, i was hesitant about them is because i consider they will have the same fate as the princess pets eps, so instead of thoroughly cutting and editing or completely forgetting about it, i decided to make them with complete creative freedom and keep them as patreon only content.

Current candidates for exclusive episodes are:

  • Arschstopfers: Petboy (will be ep 4 or 5)
  • Hits from the Dong ( this is a new series most likely episode 1 will be the exclusive one)



Why or who was the jackass that got them deleted?


seeing that PH is in the 'touches testicles' plan, it would be best to find a place where you can upload the videos without having to remove freedom, for example drombox


Some men just want to see the world burn.. jokes aside both videos where user reported, i dont know how the site manage reports, i know some(if not most) people rather than reporting for one of the reasons listed they just didn't liked something specific in the video, a character looks, the uploader itself, genders, etc.. and then, since you have to pick a specific option for the report they pick the most "convenient" one, im just speculating, but the fact that one of the videos was Ep2 which in my opinion is extremely mild and silly makes everything even weirder, it's sounds kinda odd if you think about it: an oversensitive user browsing PH in the futa / femdom category, it doesn't even makes sense unless they deliberately wanted to get offended and annoyed , these are indeed odd times for the internet freedom


you mean dropbox ?, in the mean time for certain videos i think i'll be doing like many users do: upload a short clip (a taser of some sort if you will) and then just invite people here for the whole thing, i think many animators do that in conjunction with sharing in tweeter and reedit

geoffrey dowell

I don’t see anything you’re doing that others don’t. You have great graphics, characters with a sense of humor as well as being hot.. fuckem


thanks !, its very a underwhelming situation, specially considering most of the audience comes from PH, i'll figure out something so the series don't "die", at least the public releases, although my intention was to share my videos with the most people possible. one thing is for sure, no matter what happens at PH: i'll keep going with the series here at patreon.