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Just a post to share what i have planned at the moment for the next episode:

2 new dDames: Helena and Margaret, for a long time i had planned Margaret whole background story, some of their family members are meant to be featured on their own episode and in a future they would even appear in an Arschtopfer's episode, considering there's lots of story and potential for her dialogs she'll be are recurrent dDame at the club.

Helena is a character of a very recent creation, her model was made during Cougars Ep.9, originally she was meant to appear along other dDames on the very last closing scene with a brief dialog, i ended up really liking her mean-looking face, due how recent she i haven't fully worked on her personality and story, but i would like her to be on the extreme dominant side and have her as "mean" as her looks.

For these two i would like to have some additional accessories (jewelry), I've been working on some fancy collars, but man expensive and elegant accessories are much more complex to work than i originally expected, specially considering the final results must be performance-friendly, so i'll be doing some further tests, i've also found some free and sold assets, but they would still require several modifications to not affect the performance.

I guess I'll be figuring out Helena on the go, since for this episode both Helena and Margret will be the ones leading the dialogs for the mid section of the video.

As for the pet (mimi) there's not much to figure out, he's one sweaty drooling pet and just like Bunny he's on the passive side, he doesn't really cause much trouble for the maids, but as any pet if you lower your guard he won't hesitate to jump on, for this episode, although being more on a support role, he'll be getting lots of action.

This episode is crucial for the progression of the club side of the series as trough Heike several episodes an interactions will unveil as the series progress.




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