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There was an issue with the site, i seem to have triggered a security measure that temporary suspended the profile, but everything should be back to normal now and you should be able to see the profile and publications as normally, i apologize for any inconvenience.

If you missed any June content let me know, there was also a dGClip released, it was sent to June active patreons, I'll be making it's post with the info later on.

With that issue fixed , things should be back to normal now, so it's time to list this months planned content; after this post I'll be posting the main video poll which will be between the previously discussed Arschtopfers episodes.

For the galleries, i would like to release the "Angelina wants chocolate" variations, i would to have an additional gallery with a different theme, so I'll be thinking about it during this week, as usual feel free to leave your suggestions.

For the Beatrix slaves bonus scene, i would really like to have a mini episode following the previously released TGirlfriend alternative ending, since I'll be giving priority to the main video i think I'll first work on a dGClip as a backup monthly content just in case i run out of time this month.

Again; i apologize if the temporal suspension caused you any issue and as usual feel free to leave your thoughts and feedback, also if you're missing any content let me know.